
  • 网络Bremen;university of bremen
  1. 不来梅大学中央大厅,德国

    Central foyer of Bremen university , germany , 2000

  2. 来自德国不来梅大学和美国乔治亚理工学院的研究人员说:“如果想要生活更幸福,那就要分多一点时间和朋友在一起,并花更多时间和亲戚在一起。与老板和同事在一起的时间则要大大缩短。”

    The researchers , from the University of Bremen in Germany and the Georgia Institute of Technology in the US , said : ' Greater wellbeing includes spending a little more time with friends , a lot more time with relatives , and a lot less time with the boss and co-workers .

  3. 然而,与悲观主义者的主张相反,不来梅雅各布大学(JacobsUniversityBremen)和密歇根大学(UniversityofMichigan)最近发表的一篇论文中的新数据显示,当今的世界幸福程度更高。

    Yet contrary to the assertions of pessimists , newly released data , recently published in an article with colleagues from Jacobs University Bremen and the University of Michigan , shows that today 's world is a happier one .