
  • 网络Mortgage;Real estate mortgage
  1. 可以说善意因素是不动产抵押权之登记表征与实际情况不符时而受到法律保护的根本原因之所在。

    The good faith factor can be called as the fundamental reason why the actual situation is protected by law when it is inconsistent with the immovable mortgage registration .

  2. 论不动产抵押登记与公信力

    On the Real Estate Mortgage 's Register and Public Trust Dint

  3. 不动产抵押是商品经济发展的一种重要担保方式,素有担保之王的美称。

    Real estate mortgage is an important guarantee form in commodity economy .

  4. 不动产抵押贷款的博弈分析与机制设计

    Game Analysis and Mechanism Design in Real Estate Mortgage Loan

  5. 不动产抵押担保中的法律问题研究

    Research on the Legal Issues in Mortgage and Security of Real Estate

  6. 论不动产抵押制度的完善

    Discussion on the Improvement of Mortgage System of Estate

  7. 不动产抵押贷款证券化风险分析

    Risk Analysis on Real Estate Mortgage Loans Securitization

  8. 析不动产抵押担保英语无主限定分句的研究

    Analysis of Real Estate Mortgage Content Brief A Study of the Subjectless Finite Clause in English

  9. 析不动产抵押担保论担保中的抵押制度

    The Mortgage System in Guaranty

  10. 投资公债和不动产抵押债券

    Funding and real mortgage bonds

  11. 商业性不动产抵押贷款证券定价的第二阶段是使用蒙特卡罗方法来模拟状态变量的路径。

    The second stage is to compute the paths of the state variable with Monte Carlo method .

  12. 这就造成了不动产抵押的登记记载于实际情况不符。

    All these defects lead to the registration of immovables mortgage does not conform to the practical situation .

  13. 为不动产抵押权善意取得展开奠定了基础。

    The discussion laies a foundation for the following research on acquisition in good faith system of immovables mortgage .

  14. 而实现抵押权的流通投资功能的最佳途径便是将不动产抵押权证券化。

    The best way to realize the function of circulation and investment of mortgage is the securitization of real estate mortgage .

  15. 证券作为不动产抵押权的载体,通过有价证券流通的原理来实现不动产抵押权的动产化。

    As the carrier of the real estate mortgage , securities make it movable through the circulation theory of negotiable securities .

  16. 传统抵押权追及效力理论仅以不动产抵押为假设对象,动产抵押的兴起对其产生了强烈的冲击。

    The traditional hypothecation recourse theory targets the real estate hypothecation which is heavily influence by the flourish of the chattel mortgage .

  17. 典当行经营不动产抵押业务,已成为典当业发展的一个新的经济增长点。

    Pawnbroker operates in the mortgage of real estate , which becomes a new point of economic growth in the development of pawnbroking .

  18. 抵押权素有担保之王的称号。而在实际生活中,抵押权多半是不动产抵押。

    Mortgage has long been known as the " King of Guarantee ", yet in real life mostly mortgage refers to immovables mortgage .

  19. 通过对几种学说的分析和比较,本文认为商品房按揭的法律属性是一种不动产抵押方式。

    Analysing and comparing several theories , the passages regards the legal character of house mortgage as a kind of hypothecation of real property .

  20. 在不动产抵押贷款债权证券化的评价过程中,提前清偿率是影响评价的重要因素之一。

    In the valuation of mortgage backed securities , the prepayment is one of the important factors affecting the price of mortgage backed securities .

  21. 并以此为基础排除了不动产抵押权善意取得的立法障碍;

    And then on the ground of it legislative obstacles that are concerned with acquisition in good faith of mortgage of real estate are removed .

  22. 本文从经济、立法技术和物权性质等三个角度,论证了不动产抵押权与其他优先权冲突规则的不合理性,并提出了相关立法建议。

    This article proved that , the real estate mortgage and other priority conflict rules have some irrationality , and take off some suggestions for legislation .

  23. 第二部分对不动产抵押证券的投资市场与需求状况进行了较为详细的探讨。

    In the second part , investment market and the demand condition of the real estate mortgage negotiable securities have carried on a more detailed discussion .

  24. 实践中,当抵押权人或执行债权人为了实现抵押权而拍卖不动产抵押物时,抵押权人与承租人之间产生的纠纷屡见不鲜。

    In fact , disputes between the mortgagee and the lessee often happen when the mortgagee or the creditor auctions the pledge of immovable for lien realization .

  25. 动产抵押制度的诞生改变了不动产抵押、动产质押一统物之交换价值利用的方式的格局。

    The birth of chattel mortgage system has changed the situation that real estate mortgage and pledge of movables rank first in the system of security interest .

  26. 在大陆按揭存在两种形式:楼花按揭和现楼按揭。楼花按揭是一种债权质押,而现楼按揭是一种不动产抵押。

    There are two kinds of mortgage , the presale mortgage ( a pledge of obligation ) and the spots mortgage ( a pledge of immovable ) .

  27. 股权质押作为一种权利质押担保方式,相对于不动产抵押和动产质押等担保方式来说,有其独特的优越性。

    As a way of pledge of obligation , the pledge of shares has unique advantages which the real estate mortgage and the chattel mortgage is short of .

  28. 通过对这两国相关制度的比较分析,以期对不动产抵押权证券化制度有更深刻的理解,能给我国这项制度的建设予以借鉴。

    Through the comparative analysis to these two countries ' correlation systems , a more profound understanding of the real estate mortgage securitization system is to be expected .

  29. 随着担保法及相关司法解释的出台,不动产抵押担保制度日趋完善;

    Accompanying the issuing and execution of Guarantee Law and its judicial interpretations , the Real Estate Mortgage Guarantee system of China has been improved day by day .

  30. 动产抵押是传统不动产抵押扩展的结果,动产抵押权也应采用登记生效原则。

    Chattel mortgage is the result of the expansion of the traditional immovables , and chattel mortgage rights should comply with the principle of going into effect after registration .