
  1. 不良资产比率是金融监管部门用来评价银行的一个重要指标,它同时影响到银行的资本金充足率。

    As a very important indicator for the supervisors to evaluate a bank , bad asset ratio has much effect on the capital ratio of a bank .

  2. 资本金不足、资产质量低下、不良资产比率高等问题制约着城市商业银行的进一步发展。

    Problems as inadequate capital funds , the lower quality of assets , the non-performing asset ratio have constrained the city commercial banks for the further development .

  3. 国内外的经验教训表明,银行不良资产比率过高一直是银行破产和银行危机的主导性原因之一。

    The lessons we draw from the international cases show that the high proportion of the unprofitable assets becomes the main reason of the bank crises and bankruptcies .

  4. 根据国际货币基金组织统计,从1980年以来,各成员国由于银行不良资产比率过高引发的金融问题占所有发生金融问题的66%以上,而由于不良资产比率过高引发金融危机的占58%以上。

    Since 1980 , according to the statistics of the IMF , above 66 % of the financial problems and above 58 % of the financial crises in the member countries are brought up by the reason mentioned above .

  5. 这不仅有利于降低我国金融机构的不良资产比率,提高它们自身的竞争能力,而且有利于我国投融资体制改革和经济结构的调整,夯实我国的金融基础,完善金融体系。

    It not only helps to reduce the slow assets rate of the financial institution in china , and improves their own competition , but also is favorable to the reform of the investment and financing system and the adjustment of economic structure in china .

  6. 其次,详细分析了我国银行业进行重组中的各种障碍,如资本充足率达不到要求、不良资产比率高、效率低下、赢利能力较差、法律法规不配套等问题。

    Secondly , the dissertation analyzes such obstacles of recombination of China 's banking as the abundance rate of capital can 't meet the need , high ratio of ill assets , low efficiency , low ability to gain benefits , law and regulations which can 't match .

  7. 但是农村信用社的风险表现形式依然非常突出,如不良资产的比率较高,资本金充足率不高,资信体系不完善。

    However , the operational risks of rural credit cooperatives are still very prominent , such as high non-performing assets , low Capital adequacy rate , and profit margin .

  8. 黑田东彦表示,亚洲银行依然“资本充足”,不良贷款占资产比率不到5%。

    Mr Kuroda said Asian banks remained " well capitalised " , with a ratio of non-performing loans to assets of less than 5 per cent .

  9. 本文从我国商业银行不良资产状况的历史考察为起点,通过比较研究发现商业银行不良资产具有比率高和持续时间长的特征。

    Through comparison study , we found that the non-performing assets of commercial banks have the characteristics of high rates and long duration .