
kù cún zhōu zhuǎn lǜ
  • inventory turnover ratio;stock turnover
  1. 这年的库存周转率是多少?这样的周转率意味着什么?

    What is this year 's Inventory Turnover ratio ? What does it mean ?

  2. 基于对我国纺织服装企业的库存成因及现状,对改善美邦服饰的库存情况,提高库存周转率指出了若干参考建议。

    Based on the reason and current situation of our textile & apparel enterprises , provided some suggestions to the case firm to improve the inventory turnover ratio .

  3. 最后,本文列举了一系列降低物流成本的方法,例如,VA分析法、库存周转率法、建立物流分公司或进行物流外委等方法,希望对生产企业提高自身的物流管理水平有所帮助。

    In the end , a series of methods are put forward to decrease the logistics cost effectively , and may it be helpful to improve the level of logistics management for manufacturing enterprises .

  4. 库存周转率?投入到库存品中的资金的使用的一个衡量标准。

    Inventory turns-a measure of the utilization of the investment in inventory .

  5. 宏观经济因素没有对我国家电类企业的库存周转率造成影响。

    The Macro-Economic factors did not affect Inventory Turnover .

  6. 销售变动率小于1时销售变动率对库存周转率的影响更敏感。

    The Sales Ratio is more sensitive to Inventory Turnover when less than 1 .

  7. 库存周转率与销售的变动密切相关。

    Inventory Turnover was related with Sales Ratio .

  8. 库存周转率与毛利率之间没有显著的相关性。

    And the last , we found the Gross Margin was not related to Inventory Turnover .

  9. 原材料和在制品库存周转率在1998年到2006年中有显著的提高,而制成品并不显著。

    Inventory Turnover was increased in material and in-process goods between 1998 and 2006 except finished goods .

  10. 通过新策略的实施,有效地提高了库存周转率,降低了库存水平。

    Through the implementation of new strategies , inventory turns are increased and inventory stock value is decreased .

  11. 较高的库存周转率对净营运资本的良好运作很重要。

    For good net working capital management , it is desirable to have relatively lower A / R DSO .

  12. 国美管理层表示,运营现金流减少90%、库存周转率提高主要和技术成本有关。

    Management said a 90 per cent fall in operating cash flow and a rise in inventory turnover were largely to do with technology costs .

  13. 通过介绍东洋机电汽车零件制造公司过去采用传统的采购模式,存在着采购成本高、库存周转率低的现象。

    By introducing Dongyang Automotive Parts Company are still using the traditional procurement model and it had a high purchasing cost and low inventory turnover rate .

  14. 项目改善的结果是库存周转率由2.5提高到4,备件订购提前期缩短21%,验证了该方法在解决服务备件库存上是可行和有效的。

    The practical result is that inventory turnover increased from 2.5 to 4 , and purchasing order fulfillment lead time reduced by 21 % , showcasing feasibility and effectiveness in solving this kind of problems .

  15. 但现实生活中并不是每个企业都公布此指标且现有的研究中大多也是采用线性回归方式来计算库存周转率,事实上库存周转率与其他指标往往不一定存在线性关系。

    Not every company publishes it in practice . In the previous studies , we usually use the multi-linear regression method to calculate inventory turnover . In fact , inventory turnover is often not necessarily a linear relationship with other variables but is non-linear relationship .

  16. 通过计算得出优化后的库存费用和库存周转率都要大幅度下降。

    Pass a calculation is excellent to turn behind of the stock fee and the stock rate of turnovers all want significant descend .

  17. 二,企业可以统计经销商需求信息进行更为合理的库存采购计划,从而降低库存,提高周转率,降低供应链的波动性。

    Second , the enterprise may demand for more information from dealers to make more reasonable inventory purchase plan , so as to reduce inventory , improve turnover , reduce the waviness of the supply chain .

  18. 其中生产运行分析考虑了辊材的投入产出比,库存运行分析从原料库和成品库两方面考察库存周转率、库存占用情况和库存主要占用品种。

    Production operations analysis considered input-output ratio , and inventory operation analysis has taken the ratio of inventory turnover , the occupancy of inventory , the main occupation of inventory from rough materials and products into consideration .

  19. 在按单生产的基础上,用最大库存水平策略设计了原材料的采购计划,以求最大可能提高库存周转率。

    After implemented build to order strategies , the thesis suggests using order-up-to level inventory policy to design raw materials planning to improve the ratio of inventory turnover .

  20. 为了实现库存周转的动态分析,将物流系统中的流动曲线图引入库存资金周转率分析中,并为其建立了计算模型。

    For realizing stock development that turnover analysis , logistics fluxion curve diagram in the system is into the stock financing rate analysis , and for its established the calculation model .