
  • 网络inventory cost;stock cost;Holding Cost;Inventory holding cost
  1. 运用Matlab软件研究了提前期与库存成本的关系,说明了提前期的变化对药品库存系统有着重要的影响。

    The relationship between lead-time and inventory cost is studied by Matlab software . It shows that the variety of lead-time has an important effect on medicine inventory systems .

  2. 本文所研究的库存成本管理策略和措施在LX公司得到应用和实施,取得了明显的效果。

    The strategies and measures of Inventory cost management have been applied and put into practice , and obtain obvious effects .

  3. 一般情况下,VMI会引起供应商库存成本的增加和购买价格的上升,因此,供应商利润的提高是有条件的。

    Therefore , the increase of supplier 's profit is with some conditions .

  4. 在前人工作基础上,本论文完善了两级VMI供应链库存成本模型,文中VMI系统发生的成本涉及商品的运输成本,与现实情况更加贴合。

    This paper perfects the cost model of two-stage supply chain and involves the transportation cost , which accord with reality .

  5. 富士康国际(FoxconnInternational)事实上已经为数十万装配线工人加了一倍工资,但该公司的员工成本(包括养老金)仍只有库存成本的7%左右。

    At Foxconn International , which has in effect doubled wages for hundreds of thousands of assembly-line workers , staff costs ( including pensions ) are about 7 per cent of the cost of inventories .

  6. 首先从库存成本入手,引入了最佳批量规模(EOQ)方程式后分析循环库存和安全库存;接着考虑影响运输决策的多种因素;

    Introducing EOQ equation , the paper analyzes cycle inventory and security inventory and gives out the best choice of cost .

  7. 传统库存成本控制方法是订货点法,它是以高库存量为基础,不能实现对库存成本的进一步控制,而JIT方法可以弥补它的不足。

    OP ( Order Point ) is a traditional measure to control the inventory . However , it is based on high stock quantity which makes it difficult to implement further control .

  8. 建立了求解Stackelberg主从对策问题的成本优化模型,并考虑了累积价格折扣激励和买方库存成本合理化。

    The cost optimization model is established to solve this Stackelberg game , in which the incremental price discount and the stock cost rationalization of buyer are considered .

  9. 零售商享受了大部分VMI带来的收益,而供应商只得到了一小部分,并且承担了库存成本和库存风险。

    In this case , the retailers enjoy the most benefits of VMI , while the suppliers , bearing the cost of stock and stock risk , have received only a small part .

  10. 通过建立数学模型来分析公司库存成本结构,从数学的角度论证了实施联合库存管理能有效降低DL公司的库存成本。

    By analyzing the inventory cost structure by establishing a mathematical model , it proves from the view of mathematics that the implementation of JMI can effectively reduce the inventory cost of DL Company .

  11. 在VMI模式下对库存成本控制与物料配送进行了深入研究,建立了基于时间发货策略的库存成本控制与物料配送模型。

    This paper did profound research of cost control and material deliver under the mode of VMI and established the optimum model of stock cost control and material deliver based on the time strategy for delivery .

  12. 采用JIT供货管理模式能够大大降低存货水平,最大限度地减少库存成本,但是,由于库存与运输存在着二律背反关系,减少库存的同时会导致运输成本的增加。

    The implementation of JIT management modern can reduce inventory level and cost furthest . Because the relationship of inventory cost and transport cost are antinomy , it will result in more transport cost while reduce inventory amount .

  13. 模型中的目标成本包括:RDC的设立成本、RDC成本、RDC安全库存成本以及从RDC到分销商的配送成本四部分。

    The model incorporates fixed costs of locating RDCs , working inventory and safety stock inventory costs at RDCs and transport costs from the suppliers to the RDCs .

  14. 如今客户订单就是企业的生命,很多企业为了降低库存成本同时快速响应客户多样化、个性化的需求,采用面向订单装配(ATO)的生产方式。

    A lot of enterprises use the production mode of ATO , which is short for assemble-to-order , in order to reduce stock-holding cost and respond to and fulfill customers ' diversified and personalized needs rapidly .

  15. 本文介绍了供应链需求放大现象牛鞭效应产生的原因及其对供应链的影响,并提出了基于信息一体化VMI是减弱牛鞭效应的有效的途径和方法,可以有效的降低供应链库存成本。

    This paper summarized the sources of the bullwhip effect and the effect to supply chain . This article argues that VMI basing on Information-Integrated is the effective approach to decrease the bullwhip effect and reduce the inventory cost in the supply chain effectively .

  16. 随着全球制造业竞争日益加剧导致企业利润空间日益萎缩,越来越多的企业关注缩减原材料库存成本以提高公司竞争力。由此,供应商管理库存(VMI)这一原材料库存管理理论应运而生。

    As the competition becoming more seriously , the profit of manufacturing companies keep on shrinking , more companies focus on how to reduce the cost of raw materials to improve the competitiveness of companies , while Vendor Managed Inventory ( VMI ) came into being .

  17. 如果配送资源不受限制,总配送成本不受顾客的库存成本的影响,问题转化为带有时间窗的车辆路径问题(VRPTW)。

    If the resource is infinite in the distribution center , the distribution cost is not affected by the custom inventory , the problem is a vehicle routing problem with time window ( VRPTW ) .

  18. 供应链核心企业库存成本控制

    The Inventory Cost Control in the Kernel Enterprise of Supply Chains

  19. 综述:供应链库存成本研究的现状及其发展趋势

    Summary : Study of Supply Chain Inventory Costs and its Development Trend

  20. 物流成本探析&运输成本与库存成本的关系研究

    Research on Logistics Cost & Relationship between Transportation Cost and Inventory Cost

  21. 需求的相关性对供应链库存成本的影响

    The effect of correlated demand on the inventory cost in supply chain

  22. 在企业的总资产中,库存成本往往占到30%左右。

    Inventory cost has occupied 30 percent of enterprise 's overall capital .

  23. 供应链管理中含风险因素的库存成本控制

    Inventory Cost Control in Supply Chain Management Involves Risk Factor

  24. 从而降低了库存成本,节约了管理投入。

    Therefore , the inventory and management costs are saved .

  25. 大规模定制中延迟策略对库存成本的影响

    Research on Impact of Postponement Strategies on Inventory Cost in Mass Customization

  26. 以库存成本为中心的航空备件决策分析

    Analysis of Cost Centered on the Inventory of the Aviation Spare Parts Decision-making

  27. 基于最小库存成本的协作供应问题研究

    Study on Collaboration Supply Based on Minimal Inventory Cost

  28. 库存成本控制是成本控制中一个相当重要的环节。

    Inventory cost control is an very important part of enterprise cost control system .

  29. 家电行业在我国国民经济发展中占有重要的地位,而家电行业的库存成本成为影响企业发展的一个重要因素。

    The home appliance industry is playing an important role in national economy development .

  30. 基于供应链的建筑业企业库存成本控制模型

    Constructing control models of enterprise 's stock cost based on supplies with the chain