
  • 网络inventory holding cost;inventory carrying cost
  1. 根据期望销售价格、库存维持成本、资金利率等,计算了积压产品的现值。

    Considering expectant sale price , inventory holding cost and interest rates , the present value of the backlog products was calculated .

  2. 这样一来,不仅可以降低库存水平,减少资金占用和库存维持成本,而且还可以提高顾客满意度。

    Which can reduce inventory level , that means lower capital tie-up and inventory holding cost , it also can boost customer service .

  3. 在供应链范围进行库存控制不仅可以降低库存水平,从而减少资金占用和库存维持成本,而且还可以提高顾客的满足度。

    Under the supply chain management , it can not only cut the inventory level , thus reducing the holding cost , but also improve the customer satisfaction .