
  • Finished goods;merchandise inventory;commodity stocks
  1. 关于库存商品发生损失,你第一种处理方法是正确的。

    Excess Inventory on took place loss , you first is a proper way .

  2. 存货的盘点是指对所有库存商品进行系统的盘点。

    Taking a physical inventory means making a systematic count of all merchandise on hand .

  3. 买方应本着敬业的原则妥善管理寄售库存商品。

    BUYER shall manage the consignment stock with the care proper to a respectable businessman .

  4. 其二,损失的库存商品以帐面价值转出;

    Second , the loss of the book value of inventory in order to turn out ;

  5. 列出库存商品及其数量的库存管理窗口的屏幕截图

    Screen capture of the Inventory management window with list of inventory items and quantity of each item

  6. 介绍了润滑油库存商品风险产生的原因,提出了规避润滑油库存商品风险的措施。

    The causes of lube oil inventory risk are analyzed , and measures of risk avoidance are proposed accordingly .

  7. 计算机跟踪库存商品,现有原材料甚至生产过程本身。

    Computers keep track of goods in stock , of raw materials on hand , and even of the production process itself .

  8. 为了激活市场购买力,两家公司决定降价联销部分库存商品。

    In order to activate market purchasing power , the two companies decided to lower the price to jointly sell some of the stock goods .

  9. 我们知道库存商品速递,所以需要把库存商品速递和传统的商业模式区分出来。

    We know the stock express " so there is need to split up the stock express biz and the normal biz " in ICP .

  10. 这些数据对于商家明确库存商品种类,减少商品积压也非常有帮助。

    The data also proves helpful for merchandisers to figure out which items to stock so they 're less likely to have excess , unsold inventory .

  11. 本程序适应于运用订单形式采购的库存商品,办公用家具,办公设备,劳保用品等物资的付款方式。

    The procedure adopts the payment of purchasing in form of purchase order of material , office furniture , office equipment , labor issuance things , etc.

  12. 为了扩大市场份额,缩减库存商品,书业企业开始对图书商品采取大规模的信用销售。

    The enterprises in book industry begin to trade in credit on a large scale , in order to enlarge the market share and shrink the stock .

  13. 例如,不能测试发票上商品的价格是否和数据库中库存商品的价格一致。

    For example , you can 't test whether the price of an item in an invoice is the same as the price for that item in your inventory database .

  14. 小型化阅读器具有体积小、重量轻、功耗小、能够移动使用等优点,适用于清点和查找库存商品,动物跟踪,物品定位等方面。

    Miniaturization RFID reader with characteristics of small size , light weight , small power consumption and mobility is suitable for inventory and searching goods , animal tracking , location , etc. .

  15. 就在这里,550万件现有库存商品逐一被拆包、检查、拍照、打上标签、存放好、然后在发给最终顾客前重新包装好。

    It is here that every one of the 5.5m items currently stocked are unpacked , checked for damage , photographed , tagged , stored and repackaged on their passage to a final destination .

  16. 零售企业要提高竞争力,应从进货环节、销售环节和库存商品量化管理上入手,加大管理力度,制定严格的标准和评价考核体系,全面提升企业效益。

    In order to improve the competition ability , retail commerce enterprises should start with the management of purchase , sell and stock quantity , increase management power , set down the strict standard and evaluation system , increase enterprise benefit entirely .

  17. 任何企业都可以采用先进先出法计算存货的成本,不论该企业的商品实际流转是否与最先出售库存早期商品的假设相一致。

    The FIFO method of determining inventory cost may be adopted by any business regardless of whether or not the physical flow of merchandise actually corresponds to this assumption of selling the oldest units in stocks first .

  18. 为此,为库存不足的商品提交一个订单。

    To test the solution , submit an order for an item for which there is insufficient inventory .

  19. 这也确立了可能产生双向查询报告,其中载有不断更新的数字,库存股票,商品运动或销售点的数据。

    This also establishes the possibility to generate BI query reports containing up-to-date figures about inventory stocks , goods movements or point of sales data .

  20. 有的商品如手表,市场很稳定,我们在伦敦有库存,经销商品兼作代理。

    A : In some cases , such as the wristwatches , which always have a steady market , we keep a stock in London and act as distributors as well as agents .

  21. inventory服务,根据库存系统查询这些商品的现货数量。

    The inventory service finds the number of those items in stock according to the inventory system .

  22. LookupItem通常将用于需要在销售前在库存系统中查询商品的零售方案中。

    Lookup Item would typically be used in a retail scenario where an item would need to be looked up in an inventory system before it could be sold .

  23. 基于常数死力有限商品寿命的库存模型研究试论商品生产力

    A Study of Inventory Model Based on Limited Product Life with Constant Mortality Force

  24. 实现商品库存统计、短线商品和超储商品报警等功能。

    Statistics for commodity stocks , short-term storage of goods and commodities super-alarm function .

  25. 库存重建、大宗商品需求旺盛以及新兴市场间贸易的活跃促使船运需求回暖,尤其是干散货船需求,使得闲置运力被投入使用以及船舶待港时间增长。

    Inventory restocking , strong commodity demand , and intra-EM trade have revived shipping demand , especially for bulk ships , putting idle ships into use and raising waiting times at ports .

  26. 不过就目前来说,许多货主的首要担忧可能是避免像2008年10月那样持有过多库存,当时许多商品的全球需求突然崩溃。

    For the moment , however , the overriding concern for many shippers may be the desire not to find themselves holding the excessive stock levels they had in October 2008 when worldwide demand for many goods collapsed .

  27. 报告称,中国国家物资储备局重新补充库存,对大宗商品进口升至历史高位起到了重要作用。国有银行扩大放贷,推动一些企业购买大宗商品进行投机,也起到了很大作用。

    Restocking by China 's state commodity reserve bureau played a large part in the record import volumes , as did easy credit from state banks , which encouraged some firms to buy commodities speculatively , according to the report .

  28. 在库存管理中,利用ABC分类法对库存商品进行分类管理,制定合理的库存结构;

    In inventory management , the inventory of goods will be managed according to it 's sort by applying the ABC method and reasonable inventory structure will be decided ;

  29. 其中,在库存管理方面,主要从库存管理的效率、细化、量化、辅助化四个方面来设计,并着重设计库存批次管理、商品预警和自动补货处理模块,降低库存成本。

    As to the stock management , the writer designs it from four sides : efficiency , elaboration , quantity , assistance , and emphasizes to design stock batch management , commodity alarm and automatically replenishing inventory handling modular to reduce the stock cost .