
  • 网络IMS;Stock management system;Inventory;Inventory Control
  1. 某食品厂库存管理系统基于MRP模式的改进探讨

    Improvement to the IMS of Packinghouse Stocks Based on MPR

  2. 基于VMI的零售业库存管理系统设计

    Design of Retail Stock Management System Based on VMI

  3. 基于Web的加工中心刀具库存管理系统

    The management system of NC cutter stock base on Web

  4. ERP系统中物料库存管理系统的实现与研究

    The Research & Realization of Materiel Storage Subsystem in ERP

  5. 基于ASP模式的配套型企业网络化供应与库存管理系统

    Networked Supply and Storage Management System for Part Manufacturer Based on ASP

  6. 基于IDS的备件库存管理系统研究

    Research on Spare Parts Inventory Management System Based on IDS

  7. D公司动态ABC库存管理系统开发与应用

    The Development & Implement of D Company 's Dynamic ABC Inventory Management

  8. 面向SCM的离散型制造企业库存管理系统的研究与开发

    Research and Development on a SCM-based Management System of Inventory of Scattered Manufacturing Enterprise

  9. 基于ASP的新型库存管理系统

    A new ASP-based inventory management system

  10. 研究了在企业物流MIS中企业物流库存管理系统开发的一般方法。

    The general method of developing enterprise logistics MIS system is also studied in the paper .

  11. 手机OEM库存管理系统的需求分析与设计

    Mobile Telephone OEM Inventory Management System Design and Function Analysis

  12. 面向ERP的库存管理系统作为现代化的管理软件,将有助于解决这些问题。

    AS the modern enterprise management software , the Inventory Management System based on Enterprise Resource Planning can solve these problems .

  13. 基于MRPⅡ思想的库存管理系统及算法研究

    Stock Management System Based on Principle of MRP ⅱ and It ′ s Algorithm Research

  14. 第五章提出了基于CORBA技术集成供应链环境下的智能体库存管理系统的设计。

    The fifth chapter poses the design of Agent Stock Management System under the environment of supply chain based on CORBA technology .

  15. LQG方法在生产&库存管理系统中的应用研究

    Application of LQG in production - reserve system

  16. “为客户提供全方位的服务”是我们的承诺,“有效的ERP库存管理系统”是我们取信于用户的信心和保证。

    " For the customer provides the omni-directional service " is our promise ," effective ERP inventory management system " is our confidence and trusted by users guarantee .

  17. NET开发平台设计了装备管理系统中的器材库存管理系统,证明了Web服务技术的可行性和有效性。

    Based on the study of Web Services , this paper uses . NET platform to design the equipment storage management information system . Furthermore , the efficiency and implement of Web Services technology are proved .

  18. 本系统采用J2EE平台与MVC模式,利用JAVA和JSP等技术实现基于B/S架构的ERP模式下的采购管理系统和库存管理系统。

    This system using J2EE and MVC mode , with JAVA and JSP , realizes inventory management system and purchasing management system of B / S structure based on ERP mode .

  19. 文中对物料库存管理系统在ERP中与其他子系统的关联、系统体系结构、系统实施的关键技术进行了阐述。

    It describes the details of the relations between Materiel Storage Management Subsystem and the other Subsystem in ERP , the System Architecture , and the key Solving Technique & Realization .

  20. 通过对一般连锁企业库存管理系统进行分析,结合供应商管理库存(VMI)的先进思想,创造性地将虚拟配送中心的概念运用到了配送中心库存管理模型设计中。

    Then the paper put forward a method of designing the inventory management system based on the ideology of VMI and virtual distribution center .

  21. 组织应使用库存管理系统,以优化库存周转,确保货物周转,如先进先出(FIFO)。

    The organization shall use an inventory management system to optimize inventory turns over time and assure stock rotation , such as " first-in-first-out "( FIFO ) .

  22. 结合软件工程的思想,运用传统结构化设计方法和UML语言对库存管理系统进行了需求分析和系统设计,并给出了软件的部分实现。

    According to software engineering rules , we accomplish the requirement analysis and system design of inventory management system by using traditional structure design method and UML language , and develop the software system of inventory management .

  23. 介绍了J2EE技术在企业计算系统中的应用,并将着重讨论CERP库存管理系统的设计及实现。

    In this paper , we discuss J2EE application in enterprise compute system , and emphasized the design and implementation of CERP inventory management system .

  24. 在对UML建模语言及其建模工具RationalROSE介绍和分析的基础上,建立了库存管理系统的用例图和入库业务活动图,并建立了入库业务对象模型;

    Based on the introduction and analysis of the UML and its modeling tool & Rational Rose , it also creates Case Diagrams and Active Diagrams of material-in activity in inventory management system , as well as material-in activity object models .

  25. 通过建模,分析了VMI库存管理系统的动态特性,研究了系统的协作问题求解能力、协调性、连贯性等系统的整体性质。

    From the procedure of modeling and simulating , analyze the dynamic character of the VMI system and research the properties such as capabilities of cooperation , coordination and consistency .

  26. 提出了UG加工数据库应用的一种实用方案,通过UG内置加工数据库与刀具库存管理系统数据库的集成,实现数控编程系统与刀具库存管理系统的信息共享。

    It puts forward a practical solution based on UG machining library , which integrates UG inner machining library and tool inventory management system database , shares the information between NC programming system and tools management system .

  27. 利用操作简单、容易实现的Excel的函数功能,开发了库存管理系统的计算机仿真系统,并以简单开发实例证明计算机仿真的实现过程。

    Making use of an Excel function that can be simply operated and easily realized , a computer simulation system for stock control has been developed . The implement of the computer simulation system has been proved through a simple example .

  28. 对智能体库存管理系统的研究是企业信息化管理、数字化管理的重要内之一,是每个企业实施ERP的重点,也是供应链管理环境下成员企业非常关注的问题。

    The research of Agent Stock Management System is one of the important contents of information and digit management of enterprises and the emphasis of carrying out ERP for every enterprise and also the problem concerned by every member enterprise under the environment of supply chain management .

  29. 这里主要介绍了基于SqlServer2000数据库的库存管理系统的开发过程及使用效果,该系统以Visualc++6.0作为前台开发工具,以SqlServer2000作为后台数据库。

    This text has mainly introduced the making process of storehouse warning manage system based on SQL Server 2000 database and the effect of the system . The system take Visual C + + 6.0 as its outside making tool and take SQL Server 2000 as its background database .

  30. 第四章论述了在多种先进的集成技术中,以COM+和CORBA例,详细介绍了两者的基本结构和主要特点,通过比较,最后选择CORBA技术来集成供应链环境下的智能体库存管理系统。

    The fourth chapter takes COM + and CORBA as examples in many advanced integrated technologies and discusses in detail the basic structure and main characteristics , by . comparing them , the thesis chooses CORBA technology to integrate Agent Stock Management System under the environment of supply chain .