
  • 网络Smart Services;Service Intelligent
  1. 在这期的月报中,最值得向大家推荐的就是IDC刚刚发布的思科服务白皮书:「智慧服务助力中国企业实现业务转型」。

    In this E-newsletter , I want to introduce IDC whitepaper " Enabling Business Transformation in China with Smart Services " to you .

  2. 智慧服务理念在促进门诊病人输液安全的探讨

    Discussion on intelligence service idea for safe transfusion of outpatients

  3. 协作和分享与思科智慧服务相关的最佳实践。

    Collaborate and share best practices involving Cisco Smart Services .

  4. 在知识经济和网络环境双重作用下,智慧服务理念是最大限度地实现图书馆价值的最佳职业理念。

    With the development of knowledge economy and Internet , the intelligence service idea becomes the best idea for library to achieve its goal and value .

  5. 中国古代的判例研究,侧重于总结司法经验,启迪法官智慧,服务立法改革。判例研究与传统律学保持了相同的风格,带有强烈的经验色彩。

    Ancient China 's case-law research emphasized the summing up of judicial experiences , inspiring judges ' wisdom and serving the judicial reform .

  6. 从“智慧与服务”入手,论述了何为图书馆精神以及图书馆精神的缺失,强调了在网络化信息时代重塑图书馆精神的重要性和必要性,探讨了重塑图书馆精神的途径。

    From the point of view of wisdom and service , library spirit and lack of library spirit are described . It is emphasized that reconstruction of library spirit is necessary at the information age . Several ways to reconstruct library spirit are discussed .

  7. 作为公司投资形式的人力资本必须是特殊的、不可替代的能力、智慧及相关服务,可为公司带来巨额利润。

    Human capital , as a form of company investing , must be unique , irreplaceable , must be competence or wisdom or related services that can bring about big profit for company .

  8. 你最好充分利用你的智慧来为人民服务。

    You had better make the most of your intelligence to serve the people .

  9. 了解他的道德教育思想不仅有利于了解他的哲学理论的基本取向,而且有助于我们汲取他的实践智慧为新时代服务。

    The moral education thought about him is not only helpful for understanding the basic theory of his philosophy , but also help us draw orientation of the practice of his wisdom as the new age .