
  • 网络university of chile;Universidad de Chile;Chile University
  1. 智利大学的地震服务科学顾问SergioBarrientos说,这幅图像将成为这场地震的“参考肖像”。

    The image will become the " reference figure " for the earthquake , added Sergio Barrientos , scientific director of seismological services at the University of Chile .

  2. 智利大学土木工程系工程专家RodolfoSaragoni说,工程师将检查受影响区域的大部分建筑是如何保持直立的。

    Engineers will examine how most of the buildings in the affected areas remained upright , said Rodolfo Saragoni , an engineering expert in the department of civil engineering at the University of Chile .

  3. 作为协议的一部分,中国已经向智利大学提供了价值75万美元的设备,用于替换在地震中被毁坏的设备。

    As part of the agreements China has offered Chilean universities new equipment worth around US $ 750,000 to replace instruments destroyed by the earthquake .

  4. Elemental公司还参与建造了许多公共建筑,包括阿拉维纳的母校,智利天主教大学。

    Elemental has also completed its share of public buildings , including several for Mr. Aravena 's alma mater , the Universidad Cat ó lica de Chile .

  5. “令人吃惊的是这些大学中的将近半数不进行科学研究。”智利瓦尔帕莱索天主教大学的Scimago研究组的成员AtilioBustos说。

    " It is a surprise that almost half of the universities do not do science ," said Atilio Bustos , a member of the Scimago Research Group from Pontificia Universidad Cat ó lica de Valparaiso , in Chile .