
  • 网络knowledge service
  1. 基于CNKI的学科知识服务平台构建与学科化服务研究

    On Building Subject Knowledge Services Platform Based on CNKI and Its Subject Services

  2. UDDI不仅在结构上适应松耦合的知识服务系统的要求,而且在技术上也适应知识服务网络的分布性及异构性特点。

    UDDI not only structurally fits the needs of loose coupled knowledge services system , but also technically fits the characteristics of distributed heterogeneous knowledge services network .

  3. 使现代图书馆服务领域得以扩宽,从传统查询服务扩展到基于WEB信息空间或自动化管理系统的知识服务。

    According to this technology , it hopes to improve the service quality of library , add up to its service field , makes the service from conventional query to knowledge service on web information space or automatic management system .

  4. 本文就基于Web的网络知识服务技术:导航库技术、信息推拉技术、搜索引擎、智能(代理)技术等进行了介绍、比较和分析。

    This article has introduced , compare and analyzed that the network knowledge service technology based on Web : Navigate storehouse technology , information pull technology and push technology , search engine , intelligence ( act as agent ) technology , etc.

  5. 高校图书馆知识服务的运行模式探讨

    Discussion on the Operation Mode of Knowledge Service in Academic Library

  6. 基于语义网技术的知识服务策略研究

    The Research of Knowledge Service Strategy Based on Semantic Web Technology

  7. 高校期刊工作中知识服务模式探索

    An Exploration of Knowledge Service Pattern in the University Periodical Work

  8. 此外,还对知识服务和知识网格进行了较为深入的研究。

    Additionally , knowledge service and knowledge grid were also studied .

  9. 面向产品设计过程的知识服务关键技术研究

    Research on Key Technologies of Knowledge Service for Product Design Process

  10. 知识服务模型和农业知识服务平台设计研究

    Design and Study on Model and Platform for Agricultural Knowledge Service

  11. 基于学科馆员制度的学科知识服务研究

    The study of subject knowledge services based on subject librarian system

  12. 创新型国家建设中的知识服务转型研究

    The Study of Knowledge Services Transformation in Building an Innovative Country

  13. 中小型科研系统图书馆知识服务模式初探

    Knowledge Service Model of Small and Medium-Size Scientific Research System Library

  14. 可持续发展背景下大学图书馆走向知识服务的思考

    Thinking of university library information service with the background of sustainable development

  15. 关于图书馆知识服务和信息服务的思考

    Considerations about the Knowledge-based Service and the Information Service of the Library

  16. 农业院校图书馆对农村知识服务模式的探讨

    Exploration on Rural Knowledge Service Model of Agricultural University Libraries

  17. 网络环境下医学用户的信息需求与知识服务

    The Information Demands and Knowledge Services of Medical Users under Network Environment

  18. 提出了云计算环境下知识服务质量评价模型。

    Knowledge service quality evaluation based on cloud computing environment .

  19. 信息可视化&知识服务网站的新形象

    Information Visualization & the New Image of Knowledge Service Web

  20. 信息增值服务&从文献服务到知识服务

    Value-added Information Service & From Document Service to Knowledge Service

  21. 学科知识服务团队及其管理模式研究

    Research on Subject Knowledge Services Teams and Its Management Mode

  22. 共现分析在知识服务中的应用研究

    Application Study of Co - occurrence Analysis in Knowledge Service

  23. 服务科学视角下的大学图书馆知识服务创新路径

    Service Innovation on Knowledge in University Library from SSME Perspective

  24. 知识服务:提高社区医务人员信息素养

    Knowledge Service : Improve Information Literacy Of Community Medical Staff

  25. 基层图书馆为农村提供知识服务的思考

    Reflections on the Information Service Provided by Grass-roots Library for Rural Areas

  26. 基于知识服务的高校图书馆学科馆员制度的思考

    On the University Subject Librarian System Based on Knowledge Service

  27. 高校图书馆构建知识服务模式的探索

    Exploration on Construction of Knowledge Service Model in University Library

  28. 高校用户个性化信息需求与知识服务

    The University Users ' Individualized Information Demand and Knowledge Service

  29. 知识服务业的创新特性及影响

    Innovative Characteristics and Impact on Knowledge Intensive Service Industry

  30. 基于知识服务的图书馆机构设置与优化

    The Organization of Library Based on the Knowledge service