
  • 网络micro decision
  1. 我询问投资顾问公司CoburnVentures颇有见地的专家之一皮普•科伯恩,在他看来投资者在作出微观决策时是否会意识到宏观的大趋势。

    I asked PIP Coburn of Coburn ventures , one of the more insightful thinkers out there , whether he thought investors would ever wake up to the larger patterns around their own micro decisions .

  2. 根据全拥有代价概念(TOCO),全球供应商选择的决策可以分为两个层面,即宏观决策层面和微观决策层面。

    According to the concept of Total Cost of Ownership ( TOCO ), the supplier selection criterion of international procurement can be classified into two levels , namely macro decision-making level and micro decision-making level .

  3. 基于微观决策理论的创新扩散模型

    An Innovation Diffusion Model Based on Individual Decision-Making

  4. 微观决策的相互作用产生了集体行为,而集体行为在微观层面是不可见的。

    The interactions of these decisions create collective movements that are not visible at the micro level .

  5. 微观决策与经济体制:房地产泡沫下的居民-金融部门破产

    Individual Decision and Institutional Evolution : the Bankruptcy of Households and Financial Institutions in the Real Estate Bubble

  6. 统计部门公布的统计数据,对于国民经济的宏观管理和微观决策具有十分重要的指导意义。

    The statistical data published by the statistical department is playing an important role in the macro-control and micro-policy-decision of the national economy .

  7. 现代宏观经济学的根本失误,是认为经济只是理性行为者微观决策的总和。

    The basic error of modern macro - economics is the belief that the economy is simply the sum of microeconomic decisions of rational agents .

  8. 同时对基础设施投资的宏观决策及微观决策模型与方法进行研究,构造基础设施投资宏观决策的系统动力学模型,及微观决策在模糊环境下的多属性群体决策模型。

    Meanwhile , models and methods of the micro and macro decision in infrastructural investment are studied , and a system dynamic model of infrastructure investment macro decision is designed .

  9. 其次,在理论体系构建的基础上,构建基础设施投资宏观决策的系统动力学模型,针对基础设施投资微观决策行为,建立其在模糊环境下的多属性群决策模型。

    Secondly , based on the theoretical system construction , a system dynamic model of infrastructure investment decision is constructed , and a multi-property decision model under fuzzy environments is designed for infrastructure micro decision behaviours .

  10. 为了解决全球采购过程中供应商选择的科学决策问题,本文在微观决策层面上提出了一个量化决策的新方法&TOCO全面评估工具。

    In this paper , in order to solve the problem of supplier selection in international procurement , a new quantitative method & TOCO total assessment tool is put forward to accomplish the task of total assessment on the micro decision-making level .

  11. 服务业统计应该界定清楚统计范围、采用灵活的统计方法、设计科学可行的指标体系,才能为政府宏观决策与服务微观决策提供有价值的统计信息。

    Statistics of the service industry should prescribe its statistic scope ; make use of flexible statistic ways and design scientific and feasible indicator system . Only in this way can it offer valuable statistic information for government 's macro decision-making and service micro decision-making .

  12. 微观决策的可持续性是宏观可持续发展的重要条件,但从现实情况看,微观决策的不可持续性经常出现,如何认识并调整这种微观不可持续性是我们当前应重视的问题。

    The sustainability of micro-decision-making is an important condition of macro-sustainable development , but in sustainable development practice , the occurrence of the unsustainability of micro-decision-making is ever-present . How to recognize and adjust the unsustainability of micro-decision-making is an important issue in sustainable development research .

  13. 此方法在宏观和微观经济决策中将有应用价值。

    The method could be used in the economic decision .

  14. 该文以旅游地域系统的自组织性为依据,基于游客的微观需求决策机制,反演旅游目的地系统的宏观组织秩序,探求旅游目的地空间网络结构。

    This paper bases on the self-organizing feature of tourism area , and searches for the network structure or the macro organizing order of tourism area from the micro decision-making of tourists .

  15. 受国家利率市场化的启示,从宏观经济政策联想到微观经济决策,在企业中也同样具有经济杠杆,即财务杠杆的作用问题。

    Enlightened by marketization of interest rate , from macroeconomic policy association of microeconomic decision , also equally have the economic lever in the enterprise , namely the problem of the financial leverage .

  16. 领导者意志仍然不可忽视。从银行的微观行为决策对人力资源选择的影响看,外在的表象性因素是我国商业银行人力资源需求的强约束条件;

    Viewing from the influence of microcosmic decision on choice of human resource , the author concludes that the superficial and external factor is the strong restriction condition of demand of human in commercial banks .

  17. 以期为正确评估我国企业的品牌提供手段支持,利于品牌价值的横向比较,全面评价我国企业品牌的价值,探索品牌成长的规律,并为宏观经济、微观经济决策提供参考。

    The aim of this paper is to afford a method to evaluate company brands which is convenient for transverse compare , probe into the rules of brands development and offer the reference for the macro-micro economic decisions of China .

  18. 对农村居民消费结构的特征和变动趋势进行研究,既能把握农村居民消费变化的规律和发展趋势,又能为宏观经济管理提供依据,为微观经济决策提供指导。

    The consumption structure of rural residents of characteristics and trend of change , can grasp the rural consumer and change rules and development trend , and provide the basis for macroeconomic management , provide guidance for micro economic decisions .

  19. 本文在引言部分对宏观农业决策支持系统和微观农业决策支持系统的国内外研究现状作了系统的论述,从中发现国内外对农业生产宏观决策支持系统的基本理论还没有系统的研究。

    In the introduction of the paper , I demonstrate systematically the current internal and external situation of agricultural decision support system , and we find that there is not systematically research for the theory of agricultural production macro decision support system .

  20. 微观经济主体决策模型变化与宏观经济学的发展&一个分析宏观经济学发展的新视角

    The Variation of Macro-economic Subject Decision-making Model and the Development of Macro economics & A New Perspective for Analyzing the Development of Macro-economic s

  21. 可持续发展战略仅仅停留在政府宏观层面将很难可持续地发展下去,只有渗透到企业、消费者这些微观主体的决策思维中才能得以贯彻实施。

    It is difficult to develop for the sustainable development strategy to remain in the level of government macroeconomics , only to infiltrate into the enterprises and into the decisive thinkings of the consumers , these microeconomic bodies , to make the strategy implement .

  22. 土地资源微观控制计算机辅助决策系统的总体设计

    The Overall Design on Computer-aided Decision System of Land Resource with Micro-control

  23. 而另一方面,从管控角度来看,宏观的可持续性的确无法直接应用于微观企业层面的决策与行动评估。

    On the other hand , from a control perspective , macro sustainability really can not be directly applied to micro-enterprise level decision-making and action evaluation .

  24. 汇率和股价作为两个主要金融子市场的价格,既是衡量一国经济实力的指标,又同为微观主体进行经济决策时的重要参考依据。

    Exchange rate and stock price , as two major financial-market prices , are not only indicators of national economic strength , but also references of microcosmic decision-making .

  25. 对外交决策过程的分析主要有以下几种微观模式:对决策者认知和个性研究的模式、小集团思维模式、组织过程模式和官僚政治模式等。

    Micro-models that can be used to analyze the foreign policy decision-making process include cognition and personality studies of the decision makers , groupthink studies , and studies of organizational processes and bureaucratic politics .

  26. 政府作为农业龙头企业的支持者、宏观调控者和公共服务者,还必须为其发展创造良好的宏观环境本文对房地产市场宏观调控者和微观主体的正确决策具有一定的理论价值和应用价值。

    As the supporter , macro-regulator and public servant of leading enterprises , the government must provide a sound environment for the development of leading enterprises . It will be useful for government and enterprises to make their decisions in market .

  27. 会计信息作为会计系统的最终产品,影响着投资者的投资决策,债权人的信贷决策,政府对微观企业的监管决策、对企业经济价值与社会价值的评价、对企业经营管理者的绩效评价等。

    Accounting information is the ultimate product of accounting system , affecting the investment of the investor , the credit of the loaner , the supervision of the government , the corporations ' economy value and society value , the corporation manager performance evaluation .

  28. 现代区域经济学和空间经济学缺乏相应的微观基础,无法从微观主体的区位决策演绎到空间集聚。

    The modern regional economics and spatial economics lack micro-economic foundation , and can not deduce location choice to agglomeration .

  29. 依据双向经济建模方法,将宏观货币政策的作用通过信贷渠道影响微观行业,同时又从微观智能体的决策与协作结果涌现出宏观现象。

    According to a top-down and bottom-up economic modeling approach , macro-monetary policies affect the micro-industry through the credit channel and macroscopic phenomena emerge from the micro-agent decision-making and collaboration results .