
  1. 除了凯德拉克,JEEP、雪佛兰、菲亚特、奥迪、东风标致都纷纷邀请知名导演和大牌明星拍摄了各自的微电影广告,其中题材、风格、拍摄手法各不相同。

    In addition to Cadillac , JEEP , Chevrolet , Fiat , Audi , Dongfeng Peugeot have invited well-known directors and stars to film their own micro film advertising , but the subject matter , style , shots are different .

  2. 微电影广告正是迎合这样的需求。

    Micro film advertising is accord with sucha demand .

  3. 因此,微电影广告一出现,便在网络群体中迅速传播,具有极强的宣传性。

    Therefore , the micro-film advertising appeared , they spread rapidly in the network group , has a strong publicity .

  4. 本文从品牌传播的视角出发,首先梳理了微电影广告的概念、产生背景、发展现状,属性及特征。

    From the perspective of brand communication , the paper starts with definition , generation background , current development , attribute and features of the microfilms .

  5. 微电影广告的形成,就其产生的根源而言,是传统短片广告与现代数字信息技术融合的结果。

    The formation of the micro-film advertising , their root causes , the result of the fusion of the traditional video advertising with modern digital information technology .

  6. 第二章则是对微电影广告的概述,分别对微电影广告的基本概念、产生背景和基本特征等进行了总结。

    The second chapter is an overview of micro film advertisement . We have concluded basic conception , background of creation and basic character and so forth about the advertisement of micro film .

  7. 第四章微电影广告的应用策略是笔者基于第三章的分析得到的启发,从内容、渠道、受众三方面为微电影广告提出发展策略。

    Chapter four is about the application strategies of Micro Movie Advertisement which is inspired by the analysis I did in Chapter three . The application strategies are proposed from the view of content , channel and audience .

  8. 其次,从广告符号学中的编码解码入手,提炼出符号的陌生化、表象性的符号形式和泛符号化等符号学理论对微电影广告创意的影响。

    Second , from the theory of semiotics , narrative , and the encoding and decoding of advertising , finding out the Micro Film Advertising influenced by the strange , the appearance of symbolic form and universal symbol theory .

  9. 文章分析认为,微电影广告能够众多广告中脱颖而出,是在新媒体平台和广告创意不断创新的大环境共同作用下形成的,这是广告创意人进行的一次有意义的尝试和突破。

    The article believed that micro film advertisement can come to the fore in that it is formed in the interaction platform of the new media and advertising creative innovative environment , and this is a meaningful attempt and breakthrough for admen .

  10. 第一章研究了微电影广告的时代背景,即融合化的媒介环境,认为新媒体的出现与传统媒体的相互融合让微电影应运而生。

    The first chapter , we study the background of micro film advertisement , that is " Integration of the media environment " . We think that the combination between the emergence of new media and traditional media has developed the micro film .