
  • 网络Product recall
  1. 丰田(Toyota)是一家自1937年开始制造汽车的行业领军者,然而管理上的失误,使一起严重的产品召回事件扩大成为一场危机。

    Toyota is an industry leader that has made cars since 1937 , yet managerial failings allowed a serious product recall to snowball into a crisis .

  2. 建立我国缺陷产品召回制度之立法探讨

    Discussion on the Legislation on Defect Product Recall System in China

  3. 有时是FDA关注时,公司就将产品召回。

    Other times a company recalls a product after FDA raises concerns .

  4. 据报道,美泰产品召回涉及的制造企业利达实业(leederindustrial)所有者已经自杀。

    The owner of the manufacturer involved in the Mattel recall , Lee Der industrial , was reported to have committed suicide .

  5. 参议院通过条食物安全法案,这将给FDA更多的权力来命令产品召回。

    The Senate pass the food-safty bill , it will give the FDA more power to order product recalls .

  6. 丰田(Toyota)和默克(Merck)都曾因大规模产品召回而遭遇财务上的损失。

    Both Toyota and Merck have suffered financial losses as a result of massive product recalls .

  7. 而上周五,韩国电子制造商三星(Samsung)给自己的主要竞争对手送上一份意外大礼——高科技产业有史以来最昂贵的产品召回之一。

    Then on Friday Samsung handed its arch-rival an unexpected gift : one of the most costly product recalls the tech industry has ever seen .

  8. 美国食品和药品管理局(FDA)发布新闻声明以及产品召回和公司从市场退出的通告,以服务于消费者、媒体和其他合作者。

    FDA posts press releases and other notices of recalls and market withdrawals from the firms involved as a service to consumers , the media , and other interested parties .

  9. 论缺陷产品召回制度在中国的施行

    An analysis of system of recalling defected products applied in China

  10. 究其原因,是我国缺少完善的产品召回制度。

    The reason is our country lacks perfect product recall system .

  11. 工厂是否建立了顾客投诉体系及产品召回程序。

    Factory has documented customer complaint system and documented recall program .

  12. 第二章对缺陷产品召回制度中的基本理论问题加以论述。

    Chapter two analyses the basic issues in the recall system .

  13. 日产在北美和其他地区都面临吞噬利润的产品召回事件。

    Nissan faces profit-eroding product recalls in North America and elsewhere .

  14. 产品召回制度最早出现在美国。

    The recalling system of products appears the earliest in America .

  15. 第三章对我国缺陷产品召回制度的法律渊源加以阐述,对我国当前在构建该制度时出现的问题加以反思,指出问题之所在。

    Chapter three analyses the legal source of the recall system .

  16. 二是确认承担产品召回义务的主体;

    The second is to ascertain the obligors of product recall .

  17. 实施产品召回制度的法律思考

    Legal Thought on Implementation of the Law on Product Recall System

  18. 缺陷产品召回制度若干问题研究&以法律的经济分析为视角

    Study on Several Issue of the Recall system of Defective Products

  19. 因此,在我国建立缺陷产品召回制度实属必要。

    Therefore , China to establish defective products recall system is necessary .

  20. 缺陷产品召回制度法律问题研究

    Research on Legal Issues Concerning Recall System of Defective Products

  21. 文章的第一部分阐述了产品召回制度的基本问题。

    The first part expounds the basic problems'of defective products recall system .

  22. 近几年,新闻里不断出现全球各大公司的产品召回事件。

    Recent years , recall events constantly appear in the economic news .

  23. 随后,其他特殊产品召回管理条例也相继颁布。

    Subsequently , on other special product recall management regulations are promulgated .

  24. 试析我国缺陷产品召回制度

    The Analysis of the Recall System on Chinese Defective Products

  25. 第三部分主要是介绍了国内外的缺陷产品召回制度。

    The third chapter including home and foreign defective product recall system .

  26. 议我国缺陷产品召回的行政管理法律制度

    Law of Administrative Regulation System for Defect Product Call Back

  27. 第三部分:对国外缺陷产品召回制度进行考察借鉴。

    Part III : Foreign defective product recall system to inspect reference .

  28. 论缺陷产品召回制度与和谐消费关系的完善

    Defective Product Recall System and the Improvement of the Relations in Consumption

  29. 产品召回制度最初建立于美国的汽车行业。

    The recall system was established in automotive industry in the United States .

  30. 缺陷汽车产品召回的批次性质量追溯方法

    Quality Tracing for the Recall of Defective Automotive Products Based on Lot Management