
  • 网络CO-PC;Product Cost Controlling;product costing
  1. HY公司产品成本控制研究

    The Study on Product Cost Control in HY Company

  2. 设计阶段产品成本控制应对措施

    Responses to product cost control during the designing stage

  3. 汽车座椅产品成本控制方法研究

    The Study of Cost Controlling of Automotive Seat

  4. 三是结合具体经营活动完善产品成本控制责任制;

    Product cost control responsibility is to be perfect in combination with detailed operation activities .

  5. 生产企业产品成本控制方法

    Discussing Business Control of Production Cost

  6. 从产品成本控制的角度提出在柴油机设计过程中应注意的成本控制问题。

    Some problems , which should be paid more attention when designing diesel engines , are presented mainly from the view of the cost control .

  7. 本文立足于企业利润表科目建立成本控制模型,将成本控制工作分解为产品成本控制和期间费用控制。

    And based on income statement establish the model of cost control and management . Break down the cost work into product cost control , fees control and expenses control .

  8. 为了保证产品成本控制方案的有效实施,本文最后提出了三项建议:一是树立现代市场经济的成本控制新理念;

    Finally three proposals are put forward to ensure the product cost control resolutions can be effectively implemented : 1 . To establish a new concept of cost control in modern market economy .

  9. 产品质量成本控制模型的建立及其控制程序

    Establishing the Control Pattern and the Control Programme of the Products Quality Cost

  10. 本章主要论述农产品成本动因控制。农产品成本动因是指导致成本发生的因素。

    The chapter mainly discusses macro-cost-driver control and its influence on agricultural product cost .

  11. 因此,本文形成了海工产品成本动态控制的双重控制。

    Therefore , the paper has formed the dynamic control of Marine engineering production cost of dual control .

  12. 毫无疑问,现代企业成本管理创新方法将在企业生产经营的决策分析、产品成本的控制改善方面发挥传统成本会计无法取代的作用。

    It is out of questions , modern enterprises cost management innovation can take an unable substitutional function both in promoting production and improving costing .

  13. 第六章农产品成本抉择控制成本是多种成本动因共同作用的结果。

    Chapter 6 . Cost Trade-off Control of Agricultural Product Cost results from many cost-drivers that influence not only on cost but also on each other themselves .

  14. 复杂产品制造业成本控制模型初探

    Preliminary Exploration for Cost Control Model of Complex Product Industries

  15. 产品成本分级递阶控制系统研究

    Study of Product Cost Control System of Hierarchal Multilevel

  16. 绿色农产品供应链成本控制研究&以订单农业模式为背景

    Cost Control Method on the Green Agricultural Product Supply Chain Under Order-Form Agriculture Model

  17. 对生产效率、产品质量、成本控制进行持续改进。

    Continuous improvement on production efficiency , quality and cost control during Fab operation .

  18. 高效压铸企业的主要经验在于客户结构、产品结构、成本控制、提高产品附加值和创新。

    The experience of enterprises with cost-efficiency involve in customer structure , product structure , cost-control and improvement of product-addition value as well as innovation .

  19. 离散企业产品全生命周期成本控制问题研究

    Study on cost control of product lifecycle in manufacturing enterprise

  20. 基于产品寿命周期的成本控制方法研究

    Cost control Methods Studies Based on the Product Life Cycle

  21. 农产品成本核算体系及控制机理研究

    Calculation System and Control Mechanism of Agricultural Production Cost

  22. 电子产品可靠性设计与成本控制

    Electronic Products ' Reliability Design and Cost Control

  23. 跟进产品的开发及成本控制-跟进订单及生产执行情况。

    Follow up the purchase orders with supplies , track the order execution status .

  24. 汽车涂装产品生命周期环境成本控制研究

    A Study on the Environmental Costs Control for the Life Cycle of Car Coating Product

  25. 这有利于增强企业对产品质量、成本的控制能力,因此具有很大的研究价值和现实意义。

    This method will undoubtedly enable the enterprises to control both product quality and cost more effectively .

  26. 但是这个过程中,产品结构调整、成本控制、并购重组,每个环节都离不开信息化的支撑。

    During this process , corporate restructuring and adjustment of product can not do without information technology .

  27. 其中对于制造费用,采用作业成本法,准确的核算出产品的成本并进行控制。

    Among them for manufacturing cost , we adopt activity-based costing to accurately calculate and control manufacturing cost .

  28. 通过对此公司进行产品设计阶段的成本控制分析,笔者对公司现行的成本控制问题提出了整改措施。

    By analyzing cost control in the product design stage carrying on HKT , the author proposes reform measures on HKT present question of cost control .

  29. 本文的目的就是试图从微观的、物流服务提供者的角度来研究作业成本法在第三方物流企业成本管理中的应用,核心是物流企业产品成本计算与成本控制。

    The main purpose of this paper is to study the application of ABC in cost management and control for TPLs enterprises , from a microscopic view and the angle of the logistics service provider .

  30. 该方法为设计人员提供了成本方面的决策依据,达到了产品最终成本的有效控制,在产品装配成本的估算中是正确和有效的。

    The result shows that the ANN model is far better than the regression model in assembly cost estimation . This method can provide information about the product cost for the designer to control the cost effectively .