
  1. 在EVA与营运管理的融合上,论文分别从EVA与营运资本投资管理、营运资本筹资管理和成本费用管理三方面论述了融合过程,重点介绍了作业成本法与EVA的融合。

    On the integration of EVA into operation management , the paper introduces the integration from three aspects : EVA and the working capital investment management , working capital financing management and cost & expense management , and focuses on the integration of EVA into Activities Based Cost .

  2. 关于外贸企业成本费用管理的几点思考

    Thinking on the Cost Control in Foreign Trade Businesses

  3. 成本费用管理与创新

    Management and Innovation of Cost

  4. 高校产业成本费用管理问题之我见

    My Views on the Cost and Expense Management of the Enterprises Run by Institutions of Higher Learning

  5. 本文针对旅游饭店的成本费用管理问题,介绍了成本意识与成本控制,提出了树立现代成本费用管理、成本控制的新理念。

    This article introduces Cost awareness and Cost control according to Cost expense management of travel restaurant , and give the new thoughts for the cost and expense management , cost control in modern life .

  6. 企业管理以财务管理为中心,施工企业要从强化资金管理、成本费用管理、提高财会人员素质着手,搞好财务管理工作,实现财务管理目标,提高企业经济效益。

    Enterprise management regards the financial management as the kernel . Construction enterprises should make good job of financial management , realize financial management target and increase economic benefit of enterprises starting from strengthening the fund management and cost and expense management and increasing the quality of accounting personnel .

  7. 同时设立了成本费用预算管理的考核机制,通过实证研究,验证了这种模式的可行性。

    In addition , the check mechanism of the cost budget management is set up and the feasibility of this model is tested and verified by the case study .

  8. 在价值链的演进中企业应该注重完善资产结构,提高资产利用水平,加强成本费用的管理,为企业向其全球价值链的高附加值环节转移提供内在动力。

    In the process of the value-chain evolution enterprises should focus on improving asset structure and asset management , strengthening cost management , which provide internal power for enterprises transfer to high value-added part in global value chain .

  9. 2005年,大港油田为改变CNG站在销售、记账和收费等过程中存在操作人员劳动强度大、成本费用高、管理漏洞大等缺陷,率先在全国引进了卡机联动及网络管理系统。

    In 2005 , in order to change the situations of high labor intensity , high cost and management loopholes in the course of marketing , keeping accounts and charging , Dagang Oil Field Company initiatively introduced card-machine interlocking and network management system .

  10. 从资金管理、成本管理、费用管理3个方面就加强企业财务管理对提高企业经济效益的重要作用进行了阐述。

    This paper expounds the important functions of the financial management in increasing enterprise 's economic benefit from three aspects of the funds management , cost management and expense management .

  11. 介绍了建立成本费用指标归口分级管理责任制度的基础、步骤及应注意的问题。

    The foundation , steps and notes for establishing classification management responsibility system of cost expense index are introduced .

  12. 在审计调查过程中,我们以物流费用为标尺,引入作业成本法研究物流费用管理,通过界定物流费用的内涵与外延,确定各环节实际物流耗费。

    When auditing and investigating , Activity-based costing has been introduced to study how to manage logistics costs . With logistics costs as the standard , and it determined the logistics costs in each link by defining the connotation and denotation of logistics cost .

  13. 论旅行社成本领先战略与财务成本费用管理

    On the Cost-Priority Strategy and the Management of Expenses of Financial Cost of Travel Agencies

  14. 结合工程实践,研究了成本预测、成本控制、成本核算、成本费用分析的有效管理方法。

    It also researches effective management methods of cost prediction sand analysis , cost control , cost accounting and cost expenses analysis .

  15. 资源性商品贸易全成本包括生产成本(尤其是劳动力成本)、环境成本、代际成本、矿业税费成本以及交易费用、管理费用等其它成本。

    The total trade cost of resource commodities contains production cost ( especially labor cost ), environmental cost , intergenerational cost , mining tax cost , transaction cost and management cost .

  16. 面对不断缩小的利润空间和日益增大的成本压力,对于我国这样的世界级的制造大国来说,成本可以说是制造企业的命脉,制造业企业的成本费用管理显得尤其重要。

    Facing shrinking profit margins and increasing cost pressure , for such a world-class manufacturer in China , the cost is the lifeblood of manufacturing enterprises and cost management in manufacturing enterprises is especially important .