
  • 网络Cost control;Cost And Expense Control
  1. 成本费用控制常用的方法为PDCA管理循环法、价值工程法。

    The commonly used methods of cost control are the PDCA management cycling method and the value engineering method .

  2. 铜冶炼总成本费用控制初探

    A Discussion on Control the Total Cost Expense in Copper Metallurgy

  3. 浅谈企业成本费用控制系统

    A brief talk on control system of enterprise production cost

  4. 钻孔灌注桩工程质量与成本费用控制

    Engineering Quality and The Control Cost and Expense in Artificial Bore Piles

  5. 谈沥青路面压实施工成本费用控制的措施

    Measure for cost fare control of asphalt pavement compaction

  6. 参与制定成本费用控制办法和完善成本管理制度;

    Participate in developing cost controlling methods and improving of the cost management regulation ;

  7. 加强衰老矿井的成本费用控制

    Strengthen cost control of senile well

  8. 通过对企业成本费用控制系统的分析,了解成本费用控制的重点环节,从而达到预期的控制目标。

    The key links of control system of enterprise production cost were raised by analyzing the system , and the desired results were achieved .

  9. 针对公路工程项目成本费用控制,分阶段进行了管理与控制方法阐述,以求实现项目的目标成本,取得最大的经济效益。

    The paper expounds the management and control method of highway item cost at different stages in order to achieve the target cost of item and maximal economic benefit .

  10. 但是,随着行业竞争加剧,企业也面临着成本费用控制不力,销售收入增长缓慢等一些问题。

    But , intensifies along with the profession competition , the enterprise also faces the cost expense control strength , the sales revenue is not growing and so on slowly some questions .

  11. 成本费用控制良好2010年国泰航空的着陆停泊及航线开支、员工薪酬、飞机维修开支等几项费用控制良好,增幅略低于我们预期。

    Strict cost controlling benefits earning . In2010 , Cathay Pacific 's landing parking and route expenses , staff cost and aircraft maintenance cost grew mildly , slightly lower than our estimates .

  12. 导致这些问题的原因有很多,如经理制的限制性,顾客价值的定位不适当性,员工对成本费用控制意识不强等。

    There are many reasons causing these problems , such as the restrictive of manager system , inappropriate positioning of customer value , not strong staff awareness of cost control and so on .

  13. 表面经营非常红火、实际经济效益差强人意是众多酒店的通病,因而加强成本费用控制和实施奖惩制度就成为治病的良方。

    It is very common that a hotel runs very well in appearance but far from satisfaction in fact , for which the author argues that cost control and incentive system may be applied .

  14. 该方案以项目管理为中心重新设计了经营管理流程和生产管理流程,加强了项目的进度控制、成本费用控制和质量控制,强化了项目管理。

    The scheme , centering on project management , has redesigned the flow processes of operation and production management , strengthened the control over the progress , cost and quality of projects , greatly bettering the project management .

  15. 分别从商业银行的创新能力、流动性风险、资本管理、资产质量、资产管理、公司治理及成本费用控制等层面选取了9个具有代表性的驱动变量。

    Again , there are 9 typical factors chosen as independent variables from commercial banks ' 7 levels , including creative ability , liquidity ratio , capital management , assets quality , assets management , corporate governance and cost control .

  16. 该章论述了四川省烟草公司全面预算管理的模式,即以企业战略规划为指导,目标利润为导向,成本费用控制为基础,现金流量为核心的全面预算管理模式。

    This chapter brings forward a feasible mode of implement CBM upon Sichuan Tobacco , which is directed by enterprise strategic layout , guided by target profit , based on control of cost & charge and focus on cash flow optimization .

  17. 基于公司治理的成本费用内部控制环境分析

    Cost and Expense Analysis of the Internal Control Environment Based on Corporate Governance

  18. 金融企业成本费用的控制

    On Controlling the Expense Cost of Financial Circle

  19. 民营企业成本费用内部控制要素重要性及变迁

    On the Significance and Transition of Internal Control Elements of Cost in Private Enterprises

  20. 成本费用内部控制的难点及解决途径

    Cost Fare Inner-controlling Difficulties and Their Solutions

  21. 此文通过工程实例,采用价值工程法,论述成本费用的控制。

    The cost control is then described through living examples and by using the value engineering method .

  22. 经营成本及费用控制的好坏往往是决定企业利润大小的主要因素,有效地控制经营成本及费用是企业经营成功的必然要求。

    Usually , the profit of the enterprise depends mainly on the managing cost and the expenses control .

  23. 浅谈成本费用的控制

    Control Of Cost Charge

  24. 其中,市场经济下的油价对生产经营决策起主导作用,直接影响成本费用的控制水平和产量的规模要求;

    Oil price in the market economy plays a leading role on production and management decision-making , and influences the cost controlling level and the scale of the production directly .

  25. 烟草企业主要从事烟草生产和经营的企业,因此烟草企业内部控制应主要抓好货币资金的控制、销售与收款控制、库存控制、采购与付款控制、成本与费用控制等五方面的内容。

    Since the tobacco enterprises mainly deal with the production and business of tobacco , the interal control for tobacco enterprises is concerned with the control of cash flow , sales , inventory , purchas and cost .

  26. 因此企业必须重视成本费用内部控制,通过该项控制的建设来降低经营成本、提高经营效率、促进现代企业制度的建立和完善。

    Therefore , the companies must pay attention to the internal control of cost and expenses and through the construction of the internal control to reduce operating costs , improve operational efficiency , and promote the establishment of modern enterprise system .

  27. 市场经济的发展使得企业的生存环境发生了很大变化,企业要在激烈竞争中求得生存和发展,成本费用的控制及其核算的准确性对于管理者的生产经营决策产生了越来越大的影响。

    With the development of market economy , enterprises ' survival environment has undergone great changes . In order to survive and make development in the fierce competition , cost control and accurate calculate is making greater and greater influence on managers ' decision-making plan .

  28. 本文作者论述了成本费用的具体控制方法,并对财务部门及财务人员发挥的监督作用进行了阐述。

    This paper states the specific control method of cost charge , it also states the supervision function of finance department in control process .

  29. 本文从内部控制、内部会计控制的理论出发,分析成本费用在内部控制中的难点,后针对难点提出了解决问题的现实途径。

    Based on the inner-controlling theory , this paper analyzes the difficulties of cost fare and then puts forward some solutions to the problems .

  30. 并能够通过作业流程分析消除不合理费用,从根本上增强了员工成本节约和费用控制的意识。

    And be able to work through the process analysis to eliminate unreasonable fees , fundamentally enhance the staff cost saving and cost control consciousness .