
  1. 第四部分为作者根据案例项目成本预警系统的特点,思考构建大型施工项目的成本预警体系构架。

    The fourth part is for thinking about building a large construction project cost pre-warning system .

  2. 运用经济监测预警理论对油气操作成本监测与预警系统进行研究。

    Economic monitoring and early-warning theory is utilized to study oil-gas operating cost monitoring and prediction system .

  3. 华北油田油气操作目标成本确定与监测预警系统研究

    Study on Petroleum Operation Goal Cost and Monitor and Prediction System in Huabei Oilfield

  4. 在研究工作中,把理论与方法应用到油田生产实际,建立了油气成本控制与监测预警系统的方法体系。

    Theories and methods are coherently used in the production practice of the oilfield and a system of oil-gas cost control and monitoring and prediction method have been set up .