
  • 网络Cost Feedback
  1. 基于动态控制的船舶制造成本反馈系统

    Shipbuilding cost feedback system based on the dynamic control

  2. 为适应船舶制造成本反馈的特殊需求,对作业成本法进行了三点改进:统一了直接成本和间接成本处理方式、以广义工作中心进行成本归集和分配、合并了成本动因。

    The activity based costing method is improved in three aspects to meet the special requirements of shipbuilding cost feedback , including unifying the processing mode of the direct and indirect cost , put together and assigning costs in the generalized work center , and combining the cost motive .

  3. 目的:研发低成本肌电生物反馈治疗系统,并进行临床试验验证系统的适用范围。

    Objective : To develop a low cost seng biofeedback system and investigate it ′ s clinical applications .

  4. 在钢帘线生产实践中,运用准时生产方式可降低生产成本,及时反馈质量信息,保证生产过程的均衡、有序。

    Production in time of steel cord can drop down the productive cost , feedback the quality imformation on time and guarantee the balance and good order of the processes .

  5. 避免型目标定向的个体对反馈寻求行为有较高的成本认知,反馈寻求行为较少。

    A avoid goal orientation has a positive relationship with cognitions about the perceived cost , has a negative relationship with cognitions about the perceived value of feedback seeking and frequency of feedback-seeking behaviors .

  6. 基于实验的需要和网络传输的需要,实现了最低成本的视觉反馈系统,使得网络实验教学有身临其境的感受;

    Based on experimental need with the network transmission need , has realized the most low cost vision feedback system , makes Remote experimental operator feel that they are carries on the experiment personally in the laboratory ;

  7. 目前,在矿井通风作业中普遍存在着测量工作繁重、实际运作成本高、反馈信息滞后、通风系统效率及精确度低、实现系统局部或整体的可控性和可视化困难等一些急待解决的问题。

    At present , ventilation of mine has some urgent problems to be settled , such as the heavy measure , high cost of actual operation , late of feedback info , lowness of ventilation efficiency and precision , difficulty to realize local and whole controllability visibility .

  8. 尤其值得关注的问题是,由于网络民意表平台的成本低、反馈快、容量大、自由度高等特点所决定,使得我国当前的社会管理问题更加复杂,任务更加紧迫、环境也更加难以控制。

    Of particular concern is that : with the characteristics of low cost , fast feedback , large capacity , higher degree of freedom , network platform has made social management issues more complex , social management tasks more urgent , social management environment more difficult to control .

  9. 基于Lyapunov稳定性理论和线性矩阵不等式(LMI)方法,得到了保成本H∞状态反馈控制器存在的一个充分条件。

    Based on Lyapunov stability theory and the linear matrix inequalities ( LMI ) approach , a sufficient condition is presented for the existence of guaranteed cost H ~ ∞ state feedback controllers .

  10. 上游原材料的上涨以及光纤预制棒的进口依赖,下游购买者的议价能力的提高都对中天科技的竞争造成了障碍,中天科技只对内部成本进行核算、反馈和控制。

    Prices of upstream raw materials and imported fiber preform dependence , competition downstream buyers bargaining ability of Zhongtian technology create barriers , Zhongtian Technology only to internal cost accounting , feedback and control .

  11. 阐述了复合微生物制剂与单菌株相比较有共生、共荣、共养,从而有节约成本,解决发酵反馈抑制作用,提高生产效率等的优越性。

    This article summarized that compound microorganisms had many advantages compared with single strain such as symbiosis , co prosperity co culture , so it can cut down the cost , unchain the feedback repression in fermentation and improve the efficiency of production .

  12. 为实现成本的动态控制,要求成本反馈系统能够及时、经济地提供准确的产品成本信息。

    In order to control the cost dynamically , the cost feedback system should supply information about the product cost timely and economically .

  13. 求解这个优化问题能够得到较小的保成本函数上界和状态跳变及一个次优的保成本状态反馈控制器。对一类脉冲切换广义系统,提出了脉冲控制器和反馈控制器设计的一个新算法。

    A lower guaranteed cost function upper bound and jumps and a suboptimal guaranteed cost state feedback controller are obtained by solving the optimization problem . A new algorithm is presented to design an impulsive controller and a feedback controller for a class of impulsive switched singular systems .

  14. 围绕施工项目成本控制建立成本控制标准体系、成本控制责任体系和成本核算及信息反馈体系。

    This essay put forward concrete measures about construction project cost control for launching cost control standard system , cost control responsibility system , cost accounting and data feedback system .

  15. 通过对在职培训成本分摊机制内涵、必要性的研究,从三个方面构建了在职培训成本分摊机制,即在职培训成本分摊决策机制、成本管理机制、成本分摊监督反馈机制。

    Through research of the connotation and the necessary , this chapter has constructed the on-the-job training cost share mechanism from three aspects , namely on-the-job training cost share decision-making mechanism , cost management mechanism , cost share surveillance feedback mechanism .