
  • 网络Cost Control Technology
  1. 钢铁企业生产成本控制技术综述

    Review of production cost control technology in iron and steel enterprise

  2. 铁矿选矿生产过程动态成本控制技术

    On Dynamic Cost Control Technology of Ore-dressing Production Process

  3. 无线光通信中成本控制技术的研究

    Study of Cost Control Technology in Optical Wireless Communication

  4. 研究了软件工程项目计划管理、项目进度管理、成本控制技术在中小软件开发企业中如何应用。

    How to apply plan management , process management , control of cost of software engineering are studied in the middle and small software development enterprises .

  5. 本文以国家863课题生产过程动态成本控制技术及软件研发为背景,对选矿生产过程成本控制技术展开了研究。

    Taking the project dynamic cost control technique in production process and its software development which is supported by China 863 Planning as background , the cost control techniques during ore-dressing production process is studied in the paper .

  6. 燃煤发电机组低成本NOx控制技术研究

    Research on Economical NOx Control Technique of Coal-fired Utility Boilers

  7. 另外本论文中通过湿法球磨及超声振荡相结合方法制备高分散、高稳定的ITO浆料,从成本控制、技术指标及经济效益等方面对纳米ITO粉体的应用起到推广作用。

    In addition the paper through the wet milling and combined ultrasonic oscillation prepared high dispersion and high stability of ITO slurry , from cost control , technical indicators , and economic benefits in terms of the application of nano-ITO powder play a promotional role .

  8. 通过控制转子绕组励磁电流的频率来调节转速,可使变流器的容量减小,降低调速成本和控制技术的复杂性。

    The adjustable speed control technique can make the capacity of converter and system cost and the complexity of control technique decrease .

  9. 风险评价包括对发生频率、后果、控制难易程度、控制成本、控制技术等的评价。

    The contents of risk evaluation include frequency , sequence , cost of control , techniques of control and the difficulty of control , etc.

  10. 新型电动车电子差速控制策略研究同时,基于实效、低成本的控制技术的设计思想,本文还构建了低速行驶时的简化电子差速算法。

    Novel electric differential control scheme for electric vehicles Based on an efficient and low cost design methodology , a simplified electric differential strategy for low speed EVs is also developed .

  11. 该新型转子电流混合控制结构能显著降低转子变流器的硬件成本和控制技术的复杂性,在全速范围内实现输出有功和无功功率的独立调节。

    The structure of the novel rotor current hybrid control system can evidently reduce the hardware cost and the complexity of control technique , and can respectively regulate the active and reactive output of the generator system .

  12. 围绕价值链,通过加强成本控制、技术创新和上下游渠道联系等,可培育企业核心竞争力,实现企业可持续发展。

    Surrounding the value chain , the core competence of the enterprise can be cultivated by enhancing cost control , technical innovation and upper and lower reached channel 's relation , realizing the sustainable development of the enterprise .

  13. 此外,本文还重点介绍了此项目小组的组织管理、过程计划与进度控制方法,成本控制、技术和质量控制文件制订,开发项目的风险评估和理想制造原价等方面。

    This article also introduce the organization of this project team , process planning , scheduling control , cost control , development of technology , quality control documentation , risk assessment , development projects and the price of manufacturing .

  14. 在实现页岩气区块开采权合理转移的基础之上,探索出有效的融资模式,激活资本市场的热情、充分利用私营企业在成本控制和技术突破方面的优势。

    Based on a reasonable transfer of shale gas blocks mining rights condition , explores an effective financing mode , effectively activate the capital market enthusiasm , make full use of small and medium-sized enterprises ' advantage in technological breakthrough .

  15. 成本控制的一般技术分析与对策

    The technical analysis of cost control and the relative strategies

  16. IT服务管理将向组织管理、时效管理、风险管理、成本控制管理、技术管理等方向发展。

    IT Service Management need develop in terms of organization , just-in-time , risk control , cost control and information technology areas .

  17. 因此,研究选矿生产过程动态成本控制方法与技术对于选矿企业控制生产成本意义重大。

    Thus the research on dynamic control approaches and technique of cost in ore-dressing production process is important for ore-dressing enterprises to control production cost .

  18. 降低成本,是微机控制技术的最简单的应用。

    Reduce costs , computer control technology is the most simple application .

  19. 面对员工独有的个性发展需求,公司管理成本控制的刚性,技术快速发展的竞争压力,移动公司面临着内部人力资源管理的机制创新。

    Facing the personnel development needs of staff , the rigid cost control of management , the competitive pressure of rapid technological development , China Mobile is confronting with mechanism innovation of internal human resource management .

  20. 基于自适应通信策略与传输成本中和策略,提出并设计了三项成本控制新技术:优化调整带宽牺牲程度的变结构纠错码;

    The current status of cost control technology in Optical Wireless Communication is summarized . Based on strategies of adaptive communication and cost neutralization , three new cost control technologies are put forward and designed : Variable Structure Coding technology to optimally adjust bandwidth waste degree ;