
  • 网络the cost function
  1. 该算法首先用小波包变换对纹理丰富的图像进行完全分解,并用一种与后续编码器相关联的成本函数(Costfunction)进行最佳小波包基搜索;

    Firstly , wavelet packet transform is applied to texture-rich image for a full decomposition , and a cost function related with the sequential coding scheme is utilized for best basis selection .

  2. Pooling方法在成本函数中的应用

    Application of Pooling Method for Cost Function

  3. 文中应用偏最小二乘(PLS)回归方法建立了配电商的基于生产函数理论的成本函数模型。

    Partial least-squares regression ( PLS ) method is applied in the construction of the production function based cost function model of electricity distribution utilities .

  4. 为了解决此问题,首先,在(S-1,S)订货策略的基础上,建立基于BOM的(R,Q)订货策略的成本函数;

    To solve this problem , based on ( S-1 , S ) ordering policy , yield the cost function for BOM based ( R , Q ) ordering policy first ;

  5. 由于软件开发中的过程成本函数一般具有比较复杂的数学形式,采用统计理论中常用的Gamma函数形式可以使得这种模型在数学上更为容易处理。

    Because the mathematical expressions of the software development process cost function are so complicated and Gamma function is usually applied in statistic theory , so we can deal with this kind of model easily .

  6. 控制器的参数可由LMI的可行解给出,其中使二次成本函数最小化的最优保成本控制器可通过求解具有LMI约束的凸优化问题得到。

    The controller parameters can be given by the feasible solution of LMIs . The optimal guaranteed cost controller which minimizes the quadratic cost index is obtained by solving a convex optimization problem with LMI constraints .

  7. 并通过工程特性目标值的规范化,定义产品开发总成本函数、工程特性改进成本函数及改进成本系数等概念,建立了一个QFD规划模型。

    By normalizing values of engineering characteristics , introducing new concepts of total development cost function , and improving cost function and cost coefficient of engineering characteristic , a program model for QFD is proposed .

  8. 采中介法设立成本函数与利润函数,并分别引用资料包络分析法(DEA)及随机边界分析法(SFA)估计经营效率。

    Under consideration of intermediation approach , a cost function and a profit function are used and data envelope analysis ( DEA ) and stochastic frontier approach ( SFA ) respectively are adopted to measure operating efficiency .

  9. 通过求解一个具待定成本函数的随机微分对策问题确定系统的最坏情况扰动及相应的最优控制的形式,然后以最坏扰动下最优控制系统的最大Lyapunov指数最小为准则确定成本函数。

    The form of the worst-case disturbances and the optimal controls are firstly obtained by solving a stochastic differential game problem with undetermined cost function . The cost function is then determined by the requirement of minimizing the maximal Lyapunov exponent of the controlled system in worst case .

  10. 利用范数相容性原理和三角不等式,将最小化跳变向量Frobenius范数和二次型成本函数上界问题转化为一个具有线性矩阵不等式约束的凸优化问题。

    By norm consistency principle and triangle inequality , the problems of minimizing the Frobenius norm of jump vector and the upper bound of quadratic cost function are turned into a convex optimization problem containing linear matrix inequalities constraints .

  11. 生产函数与成本函数的关系研究

    A Study on the Relationship Between Production Function and Cost Function

  12. 具一般生育成本函数的人口增长模型

    Model for Population Growth with Usual Child-rearing Cost and Utility Function

  13. 引入非凹非凸的典型交易成本函数形式,考虑分红收益提出含有典型交易成本的组合投资问题的目标规划模型。

    A typical transaction cost model with no-convex-no-concave function is introduced ;

  14. 高校教育成本函数的实证估计及其应用

    Empirical Estimate of Educational Cost Function for Universities and Its Applications

  15. 基于鲁棒成本函数的随机模糊神经网络参数学习算法

    Robust Cost Function Based Parameter Learning Algorithm for Stochastic Fuzzy Neural Network

  16. 由模型的最优解分析知,库存系统的总成本函数是服务水平的凸函数。

    The total cost function is convex with respect to service level .

  17. 本文采用线性边际成本函数假设,研究了成本曲线拟合问题。

    Curve fitting problems are also discussed assumed linear marginal cost function .

  18. 本文给出成本函数的概念及定义。

    In this article an overview and definition of cost function are given .

  19. 基于投入产出成本函数的产品组合决策研究

    Study on Input-output Cost Function Based Product Mix Decision-making

  20. 非线性成本函数条件下委托代理模式研究

    A Study on Principal-agent Pattern with Nonlinear Cost Function

  21. 在阶跃式定购成本函数和运输能力限制下的运输船只排序问题

    Scheduling Ships with Multiple Setup Cost and Capacity Constraints

  22. 所有权、成本函数与市场竞争结构

    Ownership , Cost Functions and Market Competitive Structures

  23. 对1951&1982年期间邮电成本函数的分析

    An Analysis of Cost Functions in Posts and Telecommunications for the Period of 1951-1982

  24. 对蚁群算法的转移概率表达式、成本函数及信息素更新表达式进行了相应的改进,建立了装配序列规划问题一种改进蚁群算法。

    The improved ant colony algorithm for assembly sequence planning was tested by illustrative cases .

  25. 短期成本函数在企业管理决策中的应用

    The Study of Short-Run Cost Function and its Application in The Decision of Enterprise Management

  26. 随机前沿成本函数方法在医院经济效率评价中的应用

    Application of the random front cost function method in assessing the commercial efficiency of hospitals

  27. 基于机组能耗特性的变动成本函数在市场竞争中起主要的作用。

    Dynamic cost function based on resources consumption characteristics play an important role for bidding .

  28. 研究了成本函数指标约束下的可靠控制问题。

    Thirdly , the reliable control problem with cost function index constraint is also discussed .

  29. 最新定义的自然垄断的特点是代表性企业成本函数的弱增性。

    The characteristic of the natural monopoly of the latest definition is the cost subadditivity .

  30. 生产规模报酬参数及与成本函数弹性的关系

    The Index of Economics of Scale and Its Relation to the Elasticity of Cost Function