
  • 网络Cost Planning;Cost Plan
  1. 他说,该公司那时也开始计算碳价的影响,以便在对重大项目的成本规划中加以考虑。

    At that time , it also began calculating the affect of a price on carbon to include in its cost planning for major projects , he said .

  2. 近年来,随着我国农业的发展和在国际上农产品商贸方面竞争的加剧,农产品质量安全、水分控制、成本规划等问题越来越多的得到重视。

    In recent years , with the development of agriculture and agricultural products in international trade and business competition intensifies , the issues such as quality and safety of agricultural products , water control , cost planning are becoming more and more important .

  3. 医院护理人力资源成本规划决策研究

    Study on Planning and Decision-making in Cost of Hospital Nursing Manpower Resource

  4. 目标成本规划是精益生产方式下的成本管理模式。

    Target costing is a kind of cost management model in lean production .

  5. 成本规划及相关技术在产品设计中的作用分析

    Analysis of the Effect of Cost Programming and Related Techniques in Product Design

  6. 用目标成本规划对海工部的目标成本体系进行改进;

    Using the target costing planning to improve the company 's target costing system ;

  7. 可以把降低成本规划看作是引发改革的一个不断继续的运动。

    A cost reduction program can be regarded as a continuous campaign to solicit change .

  8. 在目标成本规划的分析中从市场驱动、产品层次和功能层次三个方面进行论述。

    In the analysis of cost plan , we expound it from the three aspects of the market-driven , product level and functional level .

  9. 本文从战略成本规划和经营活动这两个层面上来分析现代成本控制战略的选择和建立过程,分析成本产生的原因,提出了几种成本控制的方法策略。

    This article mainly analyses the selection and foundation process of modern cost control stratagem , analyses the cause of cost generation and puts forward several methods of cost control .

  10. 从外部驱动、基本概念、过程等方面对目标成本规划进行了论述,深入分析了目标成本规划法所体现的战略性成本管理思想。

    Target costing is a new kind of Costing Management pattern . The disquisition discoursed target costing from different aspects such as external drives , basic conception , aim and process and so on .

  11. 分析工程项目质量成本前期规划阶段的工作内容与方法,重点在研究BP神经网络方法原理的基础上,探讨采用改进的BP神经网络对工程项目质量成本进行预测。

    This paper analyses the contents and methods of tasks of the antecedent planning stage of project quality-cost management . The emphasis is to use BP neural network to forecast project quality-cost on the base of BP neural network research . 4 .

  12. 提出了异构蜂窝网络中最小成本网络规划问题。

    We formulated the minimum cost cell planning problem for heterogeneous cellular networks .

  13. 质量成本的规划与控制

    The Plan and Control of the Quality Cost

  14. 创建一个测试环境的各种方法的成本、规划和风险都不相同。

    Approaches for creating a test environment vary in cost , planning , and risk .

  15. 英国政府将出台白皮书对这条高铁的路线和架设成本做出规划。

    A Government White Paper will outline the route and cost of a high-speed rail ( HSR ) line running from London to Birmingham .

  16. 最后,根据前文的研究成果对一个供应链进行成本管理规划。

    At the last , we choose a supply chain , which has an enterprise as its core , to plan out cost management .

  17. 运用敏感性分析对项目的市场风险进行评估,运用蒙特卡罗模拟对项目的成本进行规划;

    Use the sensitive analysis to evaluate market risk of the project and use the simulation of Monte Carlo to plan the cost of the project ;

  18. 然后介绍了如何通过ERP系统结合企业自身特点进行成本管理体系规划,以及如何利用ERP系统进行事前规划、事中控制、事后分析的管理过程。

    Secondly , how to combine the features of enterprise with ERP system for cost management system planning , and how to make use of the ERP system to conduct prior planning , in-process control and post analysis management are introduced .

  19. 东北电网最小成本电源扩展规划研究

    The Study of Northeast Power Grid Least Cost Generation Expansion Plan

  20. 区域物流成本最低的规划设计。

    Planning and Design of Regional Logistics with Lowest Cost .

  21. 缺电成本与可靠性规划的研究

    Research on outage cost and reliability planning

  22. 用边际成本和线形规划理论研究了电力市场中实时电价的数学模型。

    In this paper , the spot price model in electricity is studied with the theory of marginal cost and linear programming .

  23. 据此对医疗劳务成本进行合理规划后,便可寻求努力降低医疗劳务成本的有效途径。

    In the light of these findings , medical service costs can be planned rationally , and ways of lowering the costs sought effectively .

  24. 管理会计主要为企业的管理部门提供信息,它主要涉及成本核算、规划、控制与业绩、评价等内部会计职能。

    Management accounting mainly provides information to management of a firm , and it is related to the internal accounting functions of cost determination , planning , control and performance evaluation .

  25. 它将使电力企业能够应用信息化的手段进行行政和技术管理,降低生产成本,合理规划电网建设,从而增强电力企业的竞争力。

    The system will be able to make enterprise apply information technology to engage in technology and administrative management , reduce the cost of production and plan the construction power networks appropriately .

  26. 调查公众参与城市规划最真实的态度和意愿,探讨如何在社区建立社区规划师制度减少公众参与成本、实现规划效益最大化。

    This article investigates the most real attitude and wish of public participation in the urban planning , and discusses how to establish the community planning teacher system which aims to reduce the cost of the community participation and realize the maximum planning benefit .

  27. 本文对政府的建议是应加大对交通基础设施的投入,降低社会运输成本。在规划时应充分考虑发挥各交通方式的优势,并兼顾能源、环保、土地等因素。

    Our suggestion to the government is to invest more to the transportation infrastructure construction , reduce social transportation cost , fully explore the advantages of each transport methods , and take all factors into consideration , such as energy , environment protection , and land resource .

  28. 简要介绍了传送网的演进方向,着重探讨了自动交换光网络(ASON)体制下传送网规划设计中涉及的网络模型、生存性模型、路由策略、可靠性模型、成本模型和成本规划算法等问题。

    It presents the evolution direction of transport network , deals with the network model , survivability model , route strategy , reliability model , cost model and cost planning algorithm of the planning and designing of transport network in ASON system .

  29. 考虑减排成本的综合资源规划模型与实证研究

    Integrated resource planning models considering emission-reduction costs and related empirical research

  30. 全寿命周期成本及其在电网规划中的应用

    Life Cycle Cost and Its Application in Power Grid Planning