
  • 网络Product packaging cost;Cost of Goods Package
  1. 通过对包装设计的附加价值的探讨,阐述了实现其附加价值的方法,及在包装设计中如何有效的利用自然资源,降低产品包装的成本。

    This paper aims to illustrate how to realize the additional value of pack design and how to make the best use of natural resources to reduce the cost of packaging through surveys of the additional value of package design .

  2. 一般企业的包装管理,是企业管理的重要组成部分,企业包装管理工作的好坏,对保证产品质量、降低包装成本和促进产品销售都有很大的影响。

    The management of packaging in common enterprises contributes the most important part to the management of enterprises .