
  • 网络industry resources
  1. 新疆体育产业资源开发及利用

    The Exploration and Utilization of Sports Industry Resources in Xinjiang

  2. 在网络时代的今天,随着电子商务模式向传统的营销体系的渗透,网络经济将对传统汽车产业资源、流通环节的改造和重新组合发挥重要作用。

    It is in network today , with penetrating the electronic business to traditional sales system , network economy shall play an important role in modifying and restructuring traditional automotive industry resources and circulation links .

  3. 水保产业资源推行资产化管理研究

    Study on Industrialization Management for Soil and Water Conservation Industrial Resources

  4. 中美柑橘产业资源配置的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Production Factor Allocation of Citrus between China and America

  5. 提高产业资源配置的有效性和投资效益;

    Improve the validity of industry 's resource distribution and investment benefit ;

  6. 大连市光电子产业资源集聚的对策研究

    Research on assembling resources of opto-electronic industry in Dalian

  7. 我国内容产业资源整合及发展趋势

    Integrating the Resources of the Content Industry in China & Its Development Trend

  8. 如何实现我国体育产业资源的优化配置和低成本高效益的扩张?

    And how to optimize and expend enterprises at low costs and high benefits for our sports industry ?

  9. 文化、旅游管理体制创新方面。安徽是文化产业资源大省,但安徽文化产业发展首先需要突破体制障碍。

    In terms of cultural and tourism management system , Anhui still need to solve institutional obstacles although it owns plenty of cultural resources .

  10. 从产业资源、产业布局和产业组织三个方面总结与分析了嘉善木材产业的发展沿革;

    This paper summarizes and analyzes historical development of Jiashan ' timber industry from aspects of industrial resource , industrial layout and industrial organization .

  11. 通过分析国内木材资源与国际木材资源供给,得出了中国木材产业资源基础薄弱的结论;

    Through the analysis of domestic and international timber supply , this paper gets the conclusion of weak resource base of China 's timber industry .

  12. 通过文献资料和调查访问法,对河北省高等院校体育产业资源开发现状进行了调查分析。

    By the methods of investigation and documentation , this paper investigates and analyses the situation of sport industry resource development of universities in Hebei Province .

  13. 地方政府干预导致的产业资源转移成本过高和转移机制的缺失可能是造成跨区并购比例偏低的重要原因。

    The high transferring cost resulted by government intervention and shortage of transferring mechanism are likely to be important causes of the above mentioned low rate .

  14. 武汉同济明治医药有限公司应充分利用集团公司在华中地区强大的医院和学校、产业资源优势,调整内部结构、引进战略投资机构和组建医药产业集团。

    The company use the advantage in hospital 、 university and industry resource , making inside structure adjusting , introducing stratagem investment institution and construct pharmaceutical group .

  15. 创建大连服装工业孵化园可以产生整合大连市服装产业资源,实现内在经济和外在经济的双重改善等一系列积极效应。

    By doing that , the resources of the apparel industry of Dalian will be integrated , and a double effective economic improving effect will be achieved .

  16. 中国是世界体育大国,体育产业资源十分丰富,体育产业已成为我国第三产业的重要组成部分。

    China is the great sports power with the abundant resources of sports industry . Sports industry has already become the important part of the third industry in our country .

  17. 我国物流产业资源配置效率、规模结构效率,技术水平均尚处于较低下的水平。

    There is obviously enterprise merge and alliance strategy . Resource distribution efficiency , structure efficiency and the engineering level of logistics industry of our country , are still in lower levels .

  18. 第二部分是对上杭县休闲农业资源状况进行调查分析,包括自然资源、景观资源、产业资源、文化资源。

    The Second Part is the statistics research and analysis of the leisure agriculture in Shang Hang Xian , which include natural resource , scenery resource , business resource and cultural resource .

  19. 从间接角度看,江苏省原油消费量和地区生产总值存在着长期稳定的协整关系;江苏石化产业资源配置总体上较为有效、配置良好。

    From the indirect angle , there is a long-term relation between the amount of petroleum consumed and local GDP . Generally speaking , the resources distribution of the petrochemical industry is sound and effective .

  20. 我国旅游电子商务将依托传统行业实体和专业产业资源后盾发展电子商务,在信息化基础上提高对使用关系的管理水平,实现价值增值。

    China 's tour E-commerce will rely on the traditional profession entity and the professional industry resources by the development electronic commerce , raising the management level that uses a relation on the information-based foundation .

  21. 因此,应归纳总结西方文化资源配置的新特点,挖掘我国文化资源配置中存在的不足,同时借鉴西方文化资源配置的经验来整合我国文化产业资源,提高我国文化资源的配置效率。

    Therefore , we should summarize the new characteristics in the western allocation of cultural resources , find out the weaknesses in that of China , and use the western experience to integrate China 's resources and increase its allocation efficiency .

  22. 动漫营销将关注点集中在动漫产品的作品策划、市场策划、媒介营销以及对衍生品的开发与营销上,整合整个动漫产业资源,调动各个环节的积极性。

    Comics and animation marketing focuses on planning , marketing , media marketing of comics and animation works , the development and marketing of derivative products , the integration of the entire comics and animation industry resources , and mobilizing the enthusiasm of all aspects .

  23. 湖北是体育大省,奥运强省,拥有独特的地理环境和良好的体育市场基础,体育产业资源丰富,消费市场潜力巨大,但是湖北缺少体育品牌特别是体育名牌。

    Hubei is the large province of sports , Olympic Games strong province , has unique geographical environment and good sports market foundation , sports industry resources are abundant , the consumption market potential is enormous , but Hubei lacks the sports brand especially sports famous brand .

  24. 跨国并购不仅使企业有效地整合产业资源,也可以使其绕过东道国的投资限制和贸易壁垒,从而迅速打入子公司所属国的市场。

    The cross-border Merger and Acquisitions not only makes the enterprises effectively integrate the global industry resource and the structure , but also steer clear of the investing restriction and trade barrier coming from the host country , with a result of breaking into the market quickly .

  25. 本论文的总体研究目标是探讨影响柑橘单产的各种因素,并结合资源优化配置原则,分析中美两国各种生产要素投入的合理性,为中国柑橘产业资源配置结构调整提供依据。

    That research has not been made yet in China . The overall goal of this research is to explore the various factors that have impacts on the citrus production and provide basis for optimizing Chinese citrus resource allocation by combining with the principle of optimal production factor allocation .

  26. 基于GEM模型的武汉汽车产业集群资源因素分析

    Analysis of Wuhan automobile industry gathering resources factor basing on GEM mode

  27. 基于R&D存量的高技术产业科技资源配置效率DEA度量模型

    DEA Model for Measuring the Efficiency of S T Resource Allocation of High-tech Industry Based on R D Knowledge Stock

  28. 电解二氧化锰(EMD)产业以资源和能源消耗高、废水和废渣排放量大等为特征。

    Electrolytic manganese dioxide ( EMD ) industry had the characteristics of high consuming of ores and energy sources as well as large amount of waste water and residue .

  29. 福建省优势产业人力资源配置研究

    Study on the Human Resources Allocation of Advantageous Industries in Fujian Province

  30. 金川镍产业及资源信息系统构建设计

    Information System Design of Nickel Industry and Resources in Jinchuan