
  1. 中国网通无限伴旅(MobileOffice)产品分销渠道设计

    Paper Digest of the Designing for China Netcom MOBILE OFFICE Service Distribution Channel

  2. 直销包括单层次直销和多层次直销(multi-leveldirectselling),多层次直销就是俗称的传销,都属于产品分销渠道。

    Direct selling includes one-level direct selling and multi-level direct selling commonly called spreading selling , both of which belong to the retail channels of commodity .

  3. 本文以探索中国PC和家电产品分销渠道的发展方向为目的,从生产者的角度重点研究了PC和家电分销渠道的发展历程、现状和异同点。

    The article focuses on exploring the trends of PC and home appliance distribution channels through researching these products channels ' history and present , as well as studying the advanced experience of some excellent PC producers .

  4. 汉高粘合剂产品分销渠道管理优化研究

    Study on Optimization of Distribution Channel Management in Henkel Adhesive Products

  5. 高科技产品分销渠道的选择与管理

    Selection and Management of the Distribution Channels of High-tech Products

  6. 在市场竞争中,企业应获得和保持产品分销渠道的竞争优势。

    Therefore related manufacturers have to try to maintain their competitive edges .

  7. 我国彩电产品分销渠道研究

    Study on Marketing Channel of TV Products of China

  8. 网络安全产品分销渠道研究

    Research on the Distribution Channel of Network Safety Products

  9. 国内市场无缝钢管产品分销渠道的发展趋势及对策

    Trend of Distribution Channel Development in Domestic Seamless Steel Tubular Product Market and Related Countermeasures

  10. 家电产品分销渠道结构分析与发展对策

    Study on the Structures Analysis and Development Countermeasures of Distribution Channels by Household Electrical Appliance Manufactures

  11. 手机产品分销渠道有别于传统的通信服务渠道和IT产品分销渠道,并有其自身的特点和发展模式。

    Mobile terminal marketing channel is different from traditional communication service channel and IT products marketing channel , it has its own features and developing modes .

  12. 掌握粘合剂产品分销渠道已经成为粘合剂企业在市场中获得更强的市场竞争力和持久的竞争优势的关键因素。

    Holding the adhesive products distribution channel management has already become the key factor to enhance the competitive capability and obtain the persistent competition advantage in the market competition .

  13. 笔者把握住产品分销渠道的形成机制的规律,从分销渠道的组合要素着手,较为细致全面地分析了康拜恩冰箱分销网络的规模设计、组织设计以及渠道的管理。

    According to the system of the product distribution channel mechanism , it starts at the compose factor of the distribution , then , it detailed analysis marketing positioning and organization designing of the distribution channel system for Combine Refrigerator , and channel management .

  14. 通过对PC和家电产品的分销渠道的历史、现状的描述,分析了二者的异同点以及产生这些不同渠道形式的根本原因。

    By depicting the channels ' history and present of PC and home appliance , this article analyzes the similarities and differences of these two channels and the reasons why these occurs .

  15. 从产品、分销渠道、品牌等方面展开找出长江旅行社在营销管理中存在的问题。

    From product , the distribution channel , brand and so on , we expand to find out the problems in marketing and management of the Changjiang Travel Agency .

  16. 近年来,国内各大家电企业在技术、产品和分销渠道上竞争激烈,同质化现象严重,竞争焦点相应地转移到网络和分销。

    In recent years , The leading enterprises of home-appliance enterprises in China have been intensely competing in technology , products and marketing channels , which shows severe homogeneity .

  17. 本文拟从产品、分销渠道和客户关系管理以及竞争主体的多元化和经营国际化等方面,对当代国际零售银行业的发展动向进行全面的考察分析,以资中国零售银行业发展参考借鉴。

    For the case of Chinese retail banking development , this paper attempts to make a comprehensive analysis of the current development of international retail banking . The analysis covers retail banking products , distribution channels , customer relationship management , non-bank competition and the business internationalization .

  18. 区域支行管理产品适合的分销渠道是什么?

    What is the suitable distribution channels for the WM products ?

  19. 博士伦手术产品公司整合分销渠道问题的研究

    The Research of Bausch & Lomb for Integrating Distribution Channel

  20. 产品分销成本与渠道模式

    Product Distribution Cost and Channel Mode

  21. 本文从企业财务的角度对产品分销成本与渠道模式之间关系进行了研究。

    The paper studies the relationship between product distribution cost and channel model from the view of corporation finance .

  22. 海辰航线网络分销渠道的构建博士伦手术产品公司整合分销渠道问题的研究

    Construction of Online Distribution Channel of " HaiChenHangXian Garment Co. , Ltd " The Research of Bausch & Lomb for Integrating Distribution Channel

  23. 针对这些问题,提出了该公司在诸如国际市场的进入、产品策略、分销渠道、促销策略和服务策略等方面的国际营销策略以及实施建议。

    And it intend to find the problems of international marketing at product orientation , product brand , distribution channel , advertising and personnel diathesis .

  24. 文章将从全局出发,以产品策略、分销渠道策略为重点,辅以促销策略、价格策略等,对以上问题较为系统全面的阐述。

    This article , from the overall situation , focusing on product strategy and marketing channel strategy and considering marketing and price strategy , has analyzed the above mentioned problems systematically .

  25. 本文介绍了绿色市场营销概念并从产品策略、分销渠道策略、价格策略、促销策略四个方面阐述了中国服装企业经营绿色服装产品的策略。

    This paper introduced the concept of green marketing and illustrated the tactics for clothing enterprises to manage green clothing from four aspects such as product tactics , price tactics , etc.

  26. 产品替代度与分销渠道的价格竞争

    Product Substitutability and Price Competition In A Distribution Channel

  27. 接着,笔者提出对工业品分销网络建立与管理论点:1.针对不同行业,不同类型产品,企业对分销渠道的选择应有差异。

    Different business , different type of product , the selection for the distribution channel is different .

  28. 产品的研发,分销渠道,和交易的控制权,已经从原来的生产者这一边转换成顾客的这一边。

    Product distribution , research , and transactions have all moved from the control of the producer to the consumer .

  29. 现在他正在芬兰运营一家大型的体育用品企业,这与他从前销售的产品完全不同,分销渠道也截然不同。

    He 's now running a sporting goods conglomerate in Finland & with totally different products and different distribution challenges .

  30. 本文研究了我国信息数码产品行业主要的分销渠道,主要从分销渠道的结构和渠道成员的行为两个方面进行阐述和分析。

    This text research of our country information number produce product trade main distribution channel , explain and analyse from the structure of the distribution channel and two respects of the behavior of channel members mainly .