
  • 网络Product defects;Bug;product failure;HALT
  1. 如果您发现错误或问题,可能是遇到了产品缺陷。请告知我们。

    If you find an error or a problem , you have stumbled on a bug . Tell us about it .

  2. 这种情况不应该出现,这是产品缺陷,我们计划马上修正(参见接下来的软件更新章节)。

    It shouldn ' t. this is a bug , which we plan to fix shortly ( see software update section below ) .

  3. 如果您在当前级别的DB2中遇到不正确的或意料之外的行为,那么可能是由于某项产品缺陷。

    If you were experiencing incorrect or unexpected behavior in your current level of DB2 , it might have been due to a product defect .

  4. 在分析方面,当产品缺陷生成时,通知单会添加到当前sprint,并根据严重性而分配。

    On the analysis side , when a production defect was created , the ticket was added to the current sprint and assigned based on severity .

  5. 您可以查看APAR文件,看看该修复包是否包含对这个产品缺陷的修复。

    You can view the APAR file to see if the FixPak contains a fix for it .

  6. 目前限制CIM技术发展的主要因素是对产品缺陷的控制,而样品的缺陷在每个工艺阶段都有可能出现。

    CIM in Avionics Equipments Manufacturing The main limitation of CIM is the control of defects , however , these can arise in any of the processing stages .

  7. 美国运输部长雷拉胡德(raylahood)对此表示满意,称丰田“已接受责任,承认违反了迅速报告任何产品缺陷的法律义务”。

    Ray LaHood , US Transportation Secretary , expressed satisfaction that Toyota " has accepted responsibility for violating its legal obligations to report any defects promptly " .

  8. iFix可能包含一个或多个APAR;IBM技术支持确定PMR中报告的问题属于IBM软件产品缺陷时将创建APAR。

    An iFix might contain one or more APARs ; an APAR is created when IBM technical support determines that a problem reported in a PMR is a defect in an IBM software product .

  9. 本文针对GJB367A-2001《军用通信设备通用规范》B组检验中的第二条判决标准进行了分析,对采用样本缺陷数替代每百单位产品缺陷数进行了探讨。

    The article analysed the second adjudging criterion of B group checkout according to GJB 367A-2001 general specifications for military communication equipment , and discussed the question that adopted disadvantage counts in products instead of every percent of which .

  10. 因此预制体的渗透率性能研究对解决LCM工艺中因浸润不良而产生的产品缺陷有指导意义,同时对复合材料制备技术的发展有积极的促进作用。

    Therefore , the pre-penetration properties to solve the LCM process as a result of infiltration and have a bad product defects guidance at the same time on the preparation of composite materials technology has a positive role in promoting .

  11. Φ159MPM连轧管机组产品缺陷包括由于外部原因造成的钢质缺陷和工具、操作、调整等原因造成的操作缺陷。

    Defects in Φ 159MPM continuous rolling pipe mills products include steel quality defect and operation defect , the former caused by outer reasons and the latter caused by tool , operation , adjustment , etc. .

  12. 过滤方式对铝合金压力铸造产品缺陷的影响

    Influence of Filtrating Forms on Defects of Die-casting Aluminium Alloy Castings

  13. 火燃复合产品缺陷分析及其设备改进

    Analysis of Defects in Burn-combined Products and Improvement of Their Equipment

  14. 第四部分是针对产品缺陷的抗辩;

    The fourth part is on the defenses of product defect ;

  15. 表面的修复和产品缺陷部位的替换。

    Covers repair and replacement of defective parts of the products .

  16. 关于产品缺陷及其法律规定的思考

    My viewpoint on product defect and its definition in law

  17. 论我国产品缺陷认定标准法律制度的完善

    The Perfection of the Standards of Product Defects Legal System

  18. 第二部分是产品缺陷的分类;

    The second part is the classification of product defect ;

  19. 铆钉型触头生产中常见产品缺陷原因分析

    The Reason Analysis of Common Product Defects Formed in Rivet Contact Production

  20. 电镦成形中产品缺陷原因分析与质量控制策略

    Product Defect Reasons Analysis and Quality Control Strategy in Electric Upsetting Deformation

  21. 产品缺陷与质量不合格是两个具有不同法律意蕴的概念。

    Product defect and unqualified product are two different concepts in law .

  22. 对产品缺陷的产生原因进行了初步分析;

    The causes of product defects have been analyzed .

  23. 湿型铸造小件产品缺陷产生的原因与防止措施

    Reasons of Defects in Light Green Sand Mold Casting and its Preventive Measures

  24. 电缆连续挤压包覆产品缺陷的分析

    Analysis of product defect made by continuous metal extrusion

  25. 产品缺陷及认定标准比较研究

    Comparative Research of Product Defects and Its Distinguishing Standard

  26. 产品缺陷的矫正及其经济分析

    On Rectification of Commodity Defects and its Economic Analysis

  27. 连轧管机组的主要产品缺陷分析

    Defect Analysis of Main Products of Continuous Rolled Mills

  28. 该模型的建立为分析产品缺陷、指导工艺设计提供了依据。

    The model can be used to analyse product flaws and instruct technological design .

  29. 警示缺陷是美国法中产品缺陷的主要类型之一。

    Warning defects in American law is one of the main types of defects .

  30. 陶瓷产品缺陷分析专家咨询系统

    The expert analysing system on ceramic firing defects