
  • 网络Actual control;de facto control;real control
  1. 不过,通过内容制作和编排协议,各省台已获得了对竞争对手内容的实际控制权。

    However , provincial broadcasters have gained de facto control of rivals through content production and programming agreements .

  2. 创业投资中名义与实际控制权的转移

    Transfer of formal control and real control in venture capital

  3. 国内MBO应该表述为以管理层为主的、与股权激励相联系的通过融资对目标公司部分股权进行收购并意在获取公司实际控制权的收购行为。

    The MBO in China can be defined as the buyout process carried out by managers . It is related with the shareholding inspiration and aims at obtaining the control of the target enterprise by means of financing .

  4. 通过设立禁飞区削弱伊政府的实际控制权;

    To cut the actual control power of Iraq government by setting up no-fly-zone ;

  5. 控股股东、实际控制权与小股东权益保护

    Controlling Shareholder , Actual Control Rights and the Protection of Separate Shareholders ' Interests

  6. 公司经营者掌握了公司的实际控制权,拥有其他人无法完全拥有的内幕信息。

    Executives actually control the company and they have the inside information which others haven 't.

  7. 我国上市公司的实际控制权基本上掌握在第一大股东手中。

    The actual control rights of China 's listed companies are in the hand of biggest shareholder .

  8. 近些年来,沿岸各国乃至圈外国对北极主权或实际控制权的争夺日趋激烈。

    Therefore , the rim states have been drastically contending to seek sovereignty or seizing actual masterdom over this place in recent years .

  9. 按照权利来源不同,控制权可以分为最终控制权和实际控制权。

    According to the different source , controlling rights could be divided into two kinds , and they are formal control and real control .

  10. 正因为如此,现在越来越多的国内外学者开始关注公司实际控制权问题。

    Just because of this , more and more scholars that come from domestic and overseas start to focus on the topic of real control .

  11. 知情人士表示,随着嘉士伯获得实际控制权,重庆啤酒如今的目标将是成为第四大生产商。

    People familiar with the matter said that , with Carlsberg in effective control , Chongqing Brewery would now aim to become a top-four producer .

  12. 本文论述的基本逻辑在于:融资结构实际控制权结构利益相关者控制、利益关系公司治理模式。

    The logic of the research is : financing structure structure of real control the control and relationship of stakeholders the models of corporate governance .

  13. 上市公司收购,是指收购人通过各种方式取得对一家上市公司的实际控制权的行为。

    Broadly speaking , a " takeover " takes place when one corporation acquires the actual control of another corporation , which is limited to listed corporation in this dissertation .

  14. 由于企业所有权与实际控制权的分离,控制着企业主要权力并且不受监督的经理可能会以损害股东权益的方式追求他们自身的利益。

    Because of the separation enterprise 's ownership and actual control , manager control enterprise who may pursue interests by way of damaging stockholder 's equity is not been supervised .

  15. 国有控股在国有上市公司的主体地位,又往往会导致所有者缺位从而使国有企业的实际控制权转移至管理层。

    And State-owned holding the dominant position of state-owned listed companies often lead to the absence of owners , so that state-owned enterprises whose control is transferred to the management .

  16. 这位73岁的亿万富翁被控侵占公款和失职。由于检方怀疑他通过由他儿子控制的控股公司掌握清海镇海运的实际控制权,他还被控逃税。

    The 73-year-old billionaire has been accused of embezzlement , negligence and tax evasion as prosecutors suspect Mr Yoo wielded effective control over Chonghaejin through holding companies controlled by his sons .

  17. 本文认为,根据现代企业理论,应该采用实际控制权的概念来研究和分析公司治理的问题,而不是前人普遍所采用的股权结构。

    According to the recent modem corporate theory , the adaptation of the concept of substantial control in analyzing the problems in corporate governance is more suitable than the common used method of stock-structure .

  18. 在基金制度体系中,基金管理公司拥有对基金资产的实际控制权、经营管理权,有权决定基金在何时进行何种证券的买卖,在投资基金的运作中处于核心地位。

    In current system , the fund management companies are in the core of the system . They control the assets and are authorized to decide when and what securities to buy and sell .

  19. 本文在接受相关利益者理论基本思想的基础上,从公司实际控制权结构的角度对上市公司治理模式的选择问题进行研究。

    The purpose of this paper is to study the choice of corporate governance models for listed firms from the perspective of the structure of real control of the firms based on the theory of stakeholders .

  20. 本文的提出是因为我国正在建设市场经济,建立健全现代企业制度,但我国公司立法对作为现代公司实际控制权人的董事权利行使的限制制度确极为有限。

    The reason that this thesis was proposed is that we are constructing market oriented economy and modern enterprise system , but the corporation legislation has limitedly restrain on the director who is the actual controller of modern corporation .

  21. 这些无投票权股份可以在不放弃任何实际控制权的条件下卖出,这对于扎克伯格来说是极好的,他已经承诺把自己有生之年脸书股票的99%捐给给慈善机构。

    Those non-voting shares can be sold without relinquishing any actual control , which is perfect for Zuckerberg , who has committed to giving away 99 % of his Facebook shares to charity over the course of his lifetime .

  22. 第六、七、八章重点阐述了中国上市公司的实际控制权结构与治理模式,并在此基础之上,提出了对中国上市公司治理模式进行改进的政策建议。

    Section 6,7 & 8 describes the real control structure and corporate governance models of listed firms in China , And proposes some policy suggestions to improve the corporate governance practices in China based on the research results of the paper .

  23. 若收购涉及“可能影响国家经济安全因素或者导致拥有驰名商标或中华老字号的境内企业实际控制权转移的”,潜在投资者需事先申报。

    Prospective investors will be required to report in advance any acquisition " where there is a possibility that it would affect national economic security , or lead to a change in control over a famous trademark or old Chinese brand " .

  24. 这一持续的实际控制权是一组排他性使用和处置企业稀缺资源的权利束,可分为资本控制权、人事控制权、市场控制权、核心技术控制权、文化控制权。

    The sustained effective controls are a bundle of rights of exclusive over the use and disposal of scarce resources , which can be divided into capital control , human resources control , market control , core technology control and cultural control .

  25. 第三章是本文的核心理论,主要介绍了公司实际控制权结构的概念、影响公司实际控制权结构的因素、公司实际控制权与公司治理模式的关系等。

    This section describes in detail about the concept of structure of the real control of the firm , the factors that affect the real control of the firms , and the relationship between the corporate governance models and the real control of firms .

  26. 实际公司控制权通常由大股东或网络行使,而不是把权力委托给管理者。

    Effective corporate control is usually exercised by block holders or networks and not delegated to managers .

  27. 政府对这种安排的反对意见,似乎迫使安石公司降低了野心,不过,安石仍然可以得到对这家公司的实际管理控制权。

    Government opposition to that arrangement appears to have forced the firm to lower its ambitions , although Ashmore could still be given effective management control of the company .

  28. 最后,本文将公司治理机制分为内部控制机制和外部控制机制两大类,并从(实际)控制权的角度分别对它们进行了剖析。

    Finally the article divides the corporate governance mechanism into two classifications-internal control mechanism and external control mechanism , and also respectively analyzes them from the aspect of the real control right .

  29. 在JavaWeb开发的早些时候,Sun和Microsoft曾经争夺过有关构建动态Web页面的实际标准的控制权。

    In the early years of Java Web development , Sun and Microsoft battled for control of the de facto standards for building dynamic Web pages .

  30. 因此,本文提出应充分考虑企业实际控制人的控制权收益,以优化企业债务结构,进而促进企业良性发展的结论。

    Accordingly , the paper put forward that we should regard optimization of debt structure as maturing the control rights , to speed the benign development of the enterprises .