
  • 网络Field research;Field Survey
  1. 本文选取了B市一个正在转制中的社区&S社区为个案,试图通过实地调研,了解该转制社区在转制过程中社区文化重构的状况。

    This study attempts through field research , to understand the status of the restructuring of the community in community cultural reconstruction in the conversion process .

  2. 接着,根据实地调研获得原始数据,运用SPSS统计软件,通过假设检验和实证分析,对研究假设进行论证。

    Thirdly , based on field research to obtain the original data , it uses SPSS statistical software to demonstrate the research hypothesis through hypothesis testing and empirical analysis .

  3. 论宗族势力对村民自治的影响及对策&重庆市C县G镇宗族势力实地调研分析

    Influences of Clan Power on Villager Autonomy and Countermeasures

  4. 本文是在对LED(发光二极管,LightEmittingdiode)行业进行详尽的实地调研基础上形成的。

    This thesis is based on the detailed research of LED ( Light Emitting Diode ) industry .

  5. 经过实地调研及访谈宗族势力比较突出的重庆市C县G镇的部分镇、村干部及村民,发现宗族势力已经成为影响制约村民自治进程的一大消极因素。

    The investigation and interview to some cadres and villagers in C County and G Town in Chongqing show that the clan power has been a main negative factor affecting the progress of village autonomy .

  6. 第四部分,对云南省X乡进行实地调研,并进行原因分析,探讨农村留守儿童问题解决的的必要性和迫切性。

    The fourth part analyzes the raised problems and explores the necessity and urgency to solve the problems of rural unattended children based on the filed research in X Village of XingPing County Yunnan province .

  7. 第五部分为案例研究,实地调研某民营企业G公司,针对该公司目前薪酬管理的现状进行梳理、分析和总结,并对其进行重新改进设计。

    The fifth part is case study , field survey some private enterprises G company , according to current situation of compensation management of the company for carding , analysis and summary , and to improve the design .

  8. 本文采用了文献分析、实地调研、高层访谈、SWOT分析、数理分析等方法开展研究,体现了此研究不仅具有实践指导意义,同样具有理论深度。

    This study is conducted by literature analysis , field research , interviews , SWOT analysis and other methods , reflects not only the practice-oriented , but also theoretical depth .

  9. 通过文献查阅、实地调研等多种渠道获取了充足的资料和数据。以逻辑分析为主,运用了PEST、SPSS统计分析等多种方法和工具。

    Through literature consult and survey to get enough material and data , it also mainly uses logic analysis and uses all kinds of methods and implements such as PEST , SPSS .

  10. 方法:采用实地调研的方法分析陕西省药品经营企业在GSP认证过程中存在的实际问题。

    METHODS : Practical problems existed in the GSP authentication of drug supply enterprises in Shannxi province were analyzed by the on the spot research method .

  11. 笔者多次进入该建筑中进行实地调研,并进入GMP北京建筑事务所进行了为期四个月的实习。

    Through the days , she interned in GMP Beijing office , it gives me deeper understanding of the design philosophy which hid behind the architectural design 's graceful looking .

  12. 在此基础上,运用反映消费者行为的实地调研数据资料,运用因子分析和Probit排序选择模型,研究了影响消费者果汁饮料需求偏好的主要因素。

    Then , it researches on the main factors which effect consumer preference by factor analysis and Probit order choice model with the survey data .

  13. 方法以陕西省通过GSP认证的部分药品经营企业为对象,采用个别访谈、实地调研以及问卷调查等方法进行研究。

    METHODS : Targeted at part of GSP authentication-passed drug handling enterprises in Shanxi province , research methods like interview , direct observation , questionnaires etc. were adopted in the study .

  14. 通过实地调研、问卷调查的方法,采用spss软件进行分析,从四川省人才市场机制发展的历史出发,通过分析四川省人才市场机制建设过程中存在的问题,提出了解决问题的对策与建议。

    Through fieldwork , questionnaire research , and analysis via software SPSS , this paper , starting from the developing history of the personnel-recruiting market in Sichuan , makes an analysis of the problems arising from the mechanism building process and brings forth solutions and proposals .

  15. 从成本管理理论出发,结合对云南省两家制造企业产品成本管理方面的实地调研,阐述了基于BOM的产品成本计算系统的理论依据和现实依据。

    2 , Proceeds from management theory of the cost , combining the investigation and research on the spot of the cost management of two manufacturing companies of Yunnan Province , explains the theoretical foundation and practical basis of products cost computing system based on BOM .

  16. 本文采用实地调研、实测和TRNSYS软件模拟分析相结合的方法,对西安立丰购物广场建筑空调系统运行及能耗情况进行了研究。

    This method of actual investigation , measurement and simulation by using TRNSYS were used to analyze the operational conditions and energy consumption of the air conditioning system of Xi ' an Li Feng Shopping Plaza .

  17. 本文运用仿真软件ED-PLATO软件,在对北京站乘客实地调研和对调研数据分析的基础上建立仿真模型。

    In this paper , we use simulation software ED-PLATO , on the basis of field research Beijing station passenger and analysis of survey data , building a simulation model .

  18. 此外,本文基于作业成本法理论,以ETOM增强电信运营图为参考,通过对某省电信运营企业的实地调研,梳理出一整套的能耗作业体系。

    In addition , on the basis of the ABC theory and the reference of enhanced telecom operations map ( ETOM ), the paper proposes a whole operating system of energy consumption by field researches on telecom operating enterprise in certain province .

  19. 其后通过调查问卷进行实地调研,运用统计软件对116份有效样本进行数据分析,剔除了一些无效指标,并用AHP-IMP模型对各项目赋予权重,使整个评价体系更具科学性和可操作性。

    Thereafter the author wrote questionnaire and conducted surveys . Based on the analysis of the market research data , the author deleted some invalid indicators and each indicator was given weight through the model of AHP-IMP , which made the whole evaluation system to a more scientific and feasible .

  20. 多元化未来项目小组将在该地进行现场实地调研。

    The team of " Multi-future " will do site-specific investigations there .

  21. 通过实地调研,提出了一系列转型思路和政策建议。

    The author brings forth some related ideas and suggestions .

  22. 方法巴塘民用机场实地调研;

    Methods Field research was conducted at Batang civil airport ;

  23. 负责调研项目的实地调研工作及质量控制;

    Responsible for research project fieldwork and quality control ;

  24. 在对河北省红色旅游的研究时,采用了实地调研法,增强了研究的真实性和可靠性。

    That study on the spot in Hebei Province builds up the facticity .

  25. 主要工作内容如下:1、通过实地调研,获得了目前国内燃油品质特性数据。

    Sampling data of domestic fuel quality is completed .

  26. 文章的实例研究,建立在笔者为期半年的实地调研基础上。

    The part of case study is based on half a year field investigation .

  27. 本文的研究通过文案调查和实地调研的方式进行。

    This study copy survey and field research .

  28. 本部分着重实证分析研究,主要以实地调研数据为基础。

    This part focuses on positive analysis , mainly bases on the survey data .

  29. 然后对研究内容、目的和意义进行阐述,确立以文献研究、实地调研、比较分析、系统方法作为主要的研究方法;

    Then expatiates on studying contents , intention , meaning , methods and technical line .

  30. 在进行理论分析的同时,本文还采取了实地调研的方法,由于地点原因,笔者选取了山东信托公司进行了实地考察、调研。

    The author chooses to carry on the on-the-spot investigation and research at Shandong Trust Corporation .