
  • 网络Mystery Customer;Mystery Shopper;MMP;Secret Shopper
  1. 神秘顾客方法:改善服务质量管理的新工具

    Mystery Customer : New Tool for Management of Service Quality Improvement

  2. 其次,该文介绍了神秘顾客方法的特点、内容以及与传统方法的区别。

    Second , the paper introduces the characteristics and content of Mystery Customer as well as the differences between survey method and Mystery Customer .

  3. 被评估的机构一般不知晓神秘顾客的特定身份和目的。

    The mystery consumer 's specific identity and purpose is generally not known by the establishment being evaluated .

  4. 比如,Damon有神秘顾客-扮成顾客的调查者-打电话给他们。

    For example , Damon has mystery customers researchers acting as customers make phone calls to his help desk team .

  5. 研究者准备了四个虚构的投资组合,让每一位神秘顾客各自带去一个。

    Each mystery shopper was equipped with one of four imaginary portfolios .

  6. 另外,有趣的是:如果神秘顾客是女性,发生这种情况的几率会大为提高。

    And a curiosity : this behaviour was substantially more common when the mystery shopper was a woman .

  7. 研究者让分到这个投资组合的神秘顾客请理财顾问推荐更多热门股票。

    Mystery shoppers with this portfolio were instructed to ask the financial adviser to recommend further hot stocks .

  8. 神秘顾客访查标准制定必须面向业界实际,与时俱进;

    This paper believes that the standards of mysterious customer investigation must face reality , and advance with the times .

  9. 研究者招募了一些专业的神秘顾客,让他们去马萨诸塞州许多金融顾问那里寻求建议。

    The researchers recruited professional mystery shoppers and asked them to seek advice from a variety of financial advisers in Massachusetts .

  10. 文章最后总结了神秘顾客方法应用在图书馆服务质量管理中的重要意义。

    Finally , This paper summarizes the important meaning of the mysterious customer 's method applied on library 's service quality management .

  11. 几名研究者也不知道哪些神秘顾客去拜访了哪些理财顾问这些都被外包给了一个审计事务所。

    Nor did the researchers know which advisers had been visited by which mystery shoppers the logistics were outsourced to an audit firm .

  12. 人们不会因此赚到很多的钱,不过他们或许会从小组讨论或者作为一名神秘顾客去评价产品和服务中得到乐趣。

    People won 't make much but they might have fun working in a focus group or evaluating products or services as a mystery shopper .

  13. 我们透过市场调查,焦点小组讨论和神秘顾客调查收集及分析市场资讯,帮商家对于顾客需求做出明智的反应。

    Through customer surveys , focus group meetings and mystery shopper surveys , we gather market information to enable our clients to react promptly to customers'needs and outmaneuver competition .

  14. 其中通过应用神秘顾客方法(MysteryCustomer),检查和评估现场服务质量,解决公司提供的服务与其制订的服务标准不一致的差距问题。

    Mystery Customer can help us to examine and evaluate the on-spot service quality so as to shorten the gap between actual service provided to customer and service standards set up by company .

  15. 本文根据神秘顾客方法的定义,分析了这种调查方法在图书馆服务质量管理中应用的可行性,并详细阐述了这种方法在图书馆的具体实施方案。

    According to the concept of mysterious customer 's method , this paper analyzes the feasibility that the method is applied on library 's service quality management , and explains the concrete implementing scheme of the method on library in detail .

  16. 可以从真是的顾客或神秘的顾客那里收集数据。

    Data can be collected from actual customers or mystery customers .