
shén zhí rén yuán
  • clergy
神职人员[shén zhí rén yuán]
  1. 新的提案使神职人员和平信徒都会受到影响。

    The new proposals affect both clergy and laity .

  2. 神职人员和信众同样都观点各异。

    Clergy and laity alike are divided in their views .

  3. 一部分神职人员拒绝承认新国王的合法地位。

    Some of the clergy refused to acknowledge the new king 's legitimacy .

  4. 这些提案遭到神职人员的反对。

    These proposals met opposition from the clergy .

  5. 该虐童事件没有报告给警方,而娈童的神职人员也只是遭到教会的内部处理

    Their abuser , though inculpated by the church , was never reported to the police .

  6. 听到这名词,多数人就联想到牧师及专职神职人员;但神说他家里每个成员都是事奉他的人(minister)。

    When most people hear " ministry ," they think of pastors , priests , and professional clergy , but God says every member of his family is a minister .

  7. 现在教皇Benedict为澳大利亚受神职人员性虐待的儿童道歉。

    Now Pope Benedict said sorry for the sexual abuse suffered by children in Australia at the hands of Catholic clergy .

  8. 美国公会(EpiscopalChurch)作为一个主要的WASP机构,随着它的神职人员把主要精力转向左倾事业,其社会威望也逐渐丧失了。

    The social cachet of the Episcopal Church , a major WASP institution , drained away as its clergy turned its major energies to leftish causes .

  9. 英国一位激进的逊尼派(Sunni)神职人员则更进一步,称对先知穆罕默德形象的描绘是一种战争行为。

    A radical Sunni cleric in the UK went further , describing the depiction of the Prophet Mohammed an act of war .

  10. 伊朗宪法监护委员会由部分神职人员和法官组成,今天他们将重新统计选票,但是反对党首领MirHosseinMousavi要求重新选举。

    Iran 's Guardian Council made up of clerics and judges agree today to recount some votes but opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi wants a new election instead .

  11. 埃尔多安与那位名叫费特胡拉·居伦(FethullahGulen)的神职人员近年来一直是对手,土耳其以前曾表示,美国必须将居伦引渡回国。

    Mr. Erdogan and the cleric , Fethullah Gulen , have been adversaries in recent years , and Turkey has said before that Mr. Gulen must be extradited by the United States .

  12. 伊斯坦布尔——土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安(RecepTayyipErdogan)说,上周未遂政变的幕后操纵者,是一位举止温和的穆斯林神职人员,目前他因自我流放,居住在宾夕法尼亚州农村。政变几乎成功地接管了政府,差点杀死了埃尔多安。

    ISTANBUL - Turkey 's president , Recep Tayyip Erdogan , says that a mild-mannered Muslim cleric living in self-imposed exile in rural Pennsylvania was pulling the strings of a coup attempt last week that almost succeeded in taking over the state , and killing Mr. Erdogan himself .

  13. 土族民间信仰中的神职人员探析

    Studies into the Clergymen in the Folk Religion of the Tus

  14. 神职人员需要在需要的任何时候工作,无论深夜还是周末。

    Expect to work nights and weekends helping those in need .

  15. 崇拜半神的神职人员也是十分的稀有。

    Priesthoods based on the worship of a demigod are extremely rare .

  16. 全体神职人员(区别于俗人)。

    Clergymen collectively ( as distinguished from the laity ) .

  17. 许多神职人员支持叛乱者们提出的改革。

    Many in the clergy supported the reforms proposed by the rebels .

  18. 第一,这是神职人员的责任

    Firstly , that it is the duty of a clergyman

  19. 你会惊讶地发现,一些神职人员并没有你想象得那么穷。

    Surprisingly , some clergy members aren 't poor as church mice .

  20. 他知道我一直想当个神职人员。

    He knew I had my heart set on joining the church .

  21. 这个教区位于西蒙大拿州,有约200名神职人员。

    The diocese covers west Montana , employing about 200 .

  22. 那位神职人员治好了他们的疾病。

    The holy man healed them of their sickness .

  23. 国王之下分为三个阶级:神职人员

    Three estates under the king - the clergy ,

  24. 这本书介绍神职人员如何找到,折磨和杀死。

    It instructed the clergy on how to locate , torture and kill .

  25. 别低估神职人员的力量。

    Never underestimate the strength of the church militant .

  26. 站在神职人员或政府官员面前履行结婚仪式。

    In front of the religious leader or government official to be married .

  27. 一种特色鲜明的服饰(作为神职人员穿的服饰)。

    A distinctive attire ( as the costume of a religious order ) .

  28. 全体神职人员(尤指某一教会或国家的)

    Whole body of priests ( esp of a particular Church or country )

  29. 我认为这和神职人员的工作并没有冲突

    I do not think it incompatible with the office of a clergyman .

  30. 如Mezzsfanti生于1774年,曾是高级神职人员。

    Mezzofanti , for example , was a high-ranking clergyman born in 1774 .