
shén diàn
  • temple
神殿 [shén diàn]
  • [temple]供神的大建筑物;被认为是神所居住的大建筑物

神殿[shén diàn]
  1. 携带武器者不得进入神殿的界域。

    No one carrying arms is allowed within the precincts of a temple .

  2. 我们去了亚特兰蒂斯神殿,在月光下游览了一番。

    We went to the temple of Atlantis and saw it by moonlight .

  3. 现在所有神殿外都已安排警察站岗。

    Police have now been posted outside all temples

  4. 神殿里供奉着牺牲、鬯酒和贡香。

    At the shrine of the god there were offerings , libations and incense .

  5. 许多朝圣者心虔意诚地在神殿跪拜。

    Many pilgrims knelt piously at the shrine .

  6. 一听这话,我当然性急地冲到这个神殿来表示敬意。

    So of course I dashed impetuously to the shrine to pay homage .

  7. 狄安娜神殿和巴比伦空中花园名列古代世界七大奇观之中。

    The temple of Diana and the hanging gardens of Babylon were two of the seven wonders of the world in ancient times .

  8. 异教徒的神殿被一群宗教狂热分子拆除了。

    The heathen temple was torn down by a crowd of religions fanatics .

  9. n.圣所;圣堂;神殿教堂通常被认为是神圣的地方。

    sanctuary The church is generally considered as a sanctuary .

  10. 詹姆斯.乔伊斯(JamesJoyce):在上个世纪的作家神殿中,乔伊斯显得非常突出。

    In the pantheon of great writers of the last century , Joyce looms large .

  11. 不远处就是Vishnu和Surya的丛林世界(junglerealms),坐落着许多石制神殿。

    Not far away are the jungle realms of Vishnu and Surya , which are filled with stone temples .

  12. 图中是清晨时分的婆罗浮屠神殿,使用了HDR(高动态光照渲染)来拍摄。

    It is an HDR ( high dynamic range ) image capture during the early blue hour at the Temple of Borobudur .

  13. 希腊神殿及其它公众建筑使用的圆柱分别为多利斯(Doric)、爱奥尼亚(Ionic)、哥林斯(Corinthian)这三种。

    The three main types of columns used in Greek temples and other public buildings are Doric , Ionic , and Corinthian .

  14. 设计师是成长在德国的韩裔建筑师YiEun-young,立方体的造型设计受到了罗马古万神殿的影响。

    Designed by Korean-born , Germany-based architect Yi Eun-young , the design of the cubic facility was influenced by the ancient Pantheon in Rome .

  15. 卜塔和神牛(Apis)神殿的遗迹与其他一些雕像一起,包括2座4米高的拉美西斯二世(RamessesII)的雪花石膏雕像都被掩埋于地下。

    The remains of the temple of Ptah and of Apis have been uncovered at the site as well as a few statues , including two four-metre ones in alabaster of Ramesses II .

  16. 意想你的梦想自我在今晚及以后每个晚上拜访疗愈神殿,来接受Terra正提供给每一位提升人类的支持和滋养。

    Intend that your dreamtime self visit the healing temples for ascension tonight and every night to receive the support and nurturing that Terra is offering to each ascending human .

  17. 在万神殿(Pantheon)附近的Sant’Eustachio咖啡店,每杯浓缩咖啡顶部都浮着一层厚到不可思议的栗色泡沫;

    At the Sant'Eustachio caff è , near the Pantheon , every espresso is topped with an improbably thick layer of chestnut-hued foam ;

  18. 你得带Sayid去神殿那是他唯一的机会

    You need to take sayid to the temple . That 's the only chance he 's got .

  19. 埃及政府为菲永一家提供了住宿,并安排了游览尼罗河和前往阿布辛贝神殿(abusimbel)的飞机。

    The Fillon family had been housed by the Egyptian government , which also offered a Nile Cruise and a flight to the temple of Abu Simbel .

  20. (挪威神话)奥丁神的少女负责选出战争中被杀的英雄,并引导他们去valhalla神殿。

    ( Norse mythology ) one of the maidens of Odin who chose heroes to be slain in battle and conducted them to Valhalla .

  21. 在我这个年龄的人中,信仰爱国主义这类价值观是另类,22岁的卡梅洛·拉亚(CarmeloRaia)说。拉亚是法律系学生,上个月从西西里岛的阿格里真托来到罗马守卫万神殿。

    Believing in values like patriotism is fairly atypical among people my age , acknowledged Carmelo Raia , 22 , a law student who last month traveled to Rome from Agrigento , Sicily , to stand guard in the Pantheon .

  22. 这场悲剧发生时,奈纳德维女神殿内面挤满了人,当时正是为期9天的那婆罗怛罗节的第二天。

    The temple was packed at the time of the tragedy .

  23. 从我们的旅馆可以眺望卢克索神殿和尼罗河。

    Our hotel overlooked the temple of Luxor and the river .

  24. 白色雅致的神殿在日光中闪烁。

    The white and graceful fane gleamed brightly in the sun .

  25. 从那个入口你就能进入神殿

    Through that opening , you can get into the temple .

  26. 他们要带我们去见议会,在神殿里。

    We 're to be taken before the Council at the temple .

  27. 他在他的整个帝国中到处兴建神殿和庙宇。

    Across his empire , he built temples and monuments .

  28. 这座神殿是供奉印度教的神毗瑟拏的。

    This shrine is sacred to the Hindu god Vishnu .

  29. 伊不爱人间的女子,他深深爱着的是宙斯神殿里一位倒水的侍女。

    The only woman he deeply loved was the cup-bearer for Zeus .

  30. 在海港后面便建有一座祭祀她的神殿。

    A temple honouring her was built just behind it .