
shén jīnɡ kē xué
  • neuroscience
  1. 这个系特别偏重神经科学。

    The Department has a strong bias towards neuroscience .

  2. 恐怖诉求:传播效果的ERP实验研究&一种基于神经科学的传播学研究

    Fear Appeal Effects : an ERP Experimental Research Based on Neuroscience

  3. 毋庸多言,神经科学专家对维瑟这样的人抱有极大的兴趣,因为他们想了解大脑是如何记录人类生活的。

    Needless to say , people like Veiseh are of great interest to neuroscientists hoping to understand the way the brain records our lives .

  4. 一天,一位名吉尔·普莱斯的年轻女士给神经科学专家兼记忆研究员吉姆·麦高夫发邮件,声称她能记起12岁以来每一天的生活。

    Emailing the neuroscientist and memory researcher Jim McGaugh one day , she claimed that she could recall every day of her life since the age of 12 .

  5. 有少数人几乎能回忆起他们生活中每天的大量细节——经过多年研究之后,神经科学专家终于开始了解他们是怎么做到的。

    A handful of people can recall almost every day of their lives in enormous detail — and after years of research , neuroscientists are finally beginning to understand how they do it .

  6. 该研究发表在《精神医学与临床神经科学杂志》上,研究发现那些从事编织和钩织等手艺的人患轻度认知障碍和记忆力丧失可能性会降低。

    The study , published in the Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences , found that those who engaged in crafts like knitting and crocheting had a diminished chance of developing mild cognitive disorder and memory loss .

  7. 目的训练恒河猴学习视觉分辨的go/nogo任务(反应抑制任务的一种),以便进行认知神经科学、心理药理学、精神病学等领域的研究。

    Objective To train monkey to perform response inhibition task ( visual discrimination task with go / no go performances ) .

  8. 作者认为RAT是适合创造性科学研究,尤其是神经科学研究的重要工具。

    The authors proposed that RAT is a suitable tool for creativity research especially for creativity research in neuroscience field .

  9. 脊髓损伤(spinalCordInjury,SCI)后的再生问题一直是困扰神经科学工作者的大难题。

    The recovery of spinal cord after injury is all along a difficult problem that puzzles the neuroscientists .

  10. 决策神经科学(DecisionNeuroscience)是一门非常新兴的前沿学科,是管理科学新的学科生长点。

    Decision neuroscience is an emerging frontier discipline and a new growing point in the field of management science .

  11. fMRI与DTI在神经科学研究中的联合应用

    Combination of fMRI and Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Research of Neuroscience

  12. 加里温克是美国俄亥俄州州立大学心理学、神经科学、分子病毒学、免疫学和医学遗传学教授,是《大脑与饮食(YourBrainonFood)》一书作者。

    Professor of psychology , neuroscience , and molecular virology , immunology , and medical genetics at The Ohio State University , Wenk is author of the book Your Brain on Food .

  13. 视觉神经科学研究已经证明,人类视觉系统(humanvisualsystem,HVS)对视频场景的感知是有选择性的,不同的区域或者对象具有不同的视觉重要性。

    The perception of HVS ( Human Visual System , HVS ) for the video scene is selective , and different regions or objects in the video scene have diverse levels of visual importance .

  14. 多巴胺D3受体(D3R)的神经科学新进展

    Advances of dopamine D3 receptor in neurobiology

  15. 据发表于《自然神经科学》上的报告所载,研究者们发现当受试者看到自己种族的人脸时,MRI显示其大脑中的一个特殊区域“亮”了起来。

    The investigators found that when the study participants looked at faces matching their own race , a specific area of the brain " lit up " on the MRI .

  16. 来自CollegeLondon大学感知神经科学学院的Paul博士同意这次研究为痒感如何减轻提供了生理学方面解释一个重要部分。

    Dr Paul Bays , based at UCL 's Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience , agreed that the study provided an important part of a physiological explanation for how the sensation of itch is reduced .

  17. 这些研究结果刊登在《行为神经科学》(BehavioralNeuroscience)期刊上,由此提出的见解可能会为肥胖症治疗项目带来启发,甚至可能为基因药物提供灵感。

    The findings , which appear in Behavioral Neuroscience , offer insights that could inspire treatment programmes for obesity , and maybe even genetically targeted drugs .

  18. 刊载于《神经科学杂志》(journalofneuroscience)的这篇研究,突出表明从事重要工作的人防范睡眠缺乏的重要性,例如夜间驾驶。

    The study , published in the Journal of neuroscience , highlights the importance of preventing sleep deprivation in people doing critical tasks , such as night driving .

  19. fMRI脑功能信息提取技术是将fMRI与大脑认知、神经科学和临床应用相结合的关键。

    The fMRI method of acquiring brain function information is pivotal in integrating fMRI with brain cognition , neuro-science , and clinical application .

  20. 【背景】脊髓损伤(spinalCordInjury,SCI)是一种严重影响人类生命和生活质量的常见疾病,有关SCI相关的神经科学的临床、康复、基础研究一直是医学研究的热点。

    【 Background 】 Spinal Cord Injury ( SCI ) is a disease of serious influence human life quality , relevant clinical and basic neuroscience research of SCI is now medical research hot spot .

  21. Cruz用了她的大部分时间研究芋螺毒素,这种毒素被用于神经科学。

    Cruz has spent most of her life studying cone snail toxins , or conotoxins , which are used in neuroscience .

  22. 概念隐喻(conceptualmetaphor)的提出引起认知科学界和认知哲学界的广泛关注,脑神经科学的发展也证明概念隐喻的预设,即思维的来源是大脑。

    Conceptual metaphor has caused a considerable concern of cognitive science and philosophy of cognition , and the development of brain science has proved the presumption of conceptual metaphor & the brain is the source of thinking .

  23. 最近,该实验室在一份对外公开的《bmc神经科学杂志》上发表了一篇名为“多样化都市人口的嗅觉人口统计”的普查结果。

    The lab recently published their extensive survey titled " an olfactory demography of a diverse metropolitan population " in the open-access journal BMC neuroscience .

  24. rTMS的这种特性吸引了众多学者的兴趣,包括了公共医学,神经科学,精神科学等不同的学术领域。

    RTMS attract many scholars from different academic fields because of its speciality , including public medicine , neuroscience and psychiatry .

  25. 而建立稳定、可靠的NSCs体外培养模型,是探索其增殖、分化机理和进行NSCs体内移植等研究的必要前提,也是当前神经科学领域研究的热点课题之一。

    Establishing a stable and reliable culture model of NSCs in vitro is a prerequisite to explore the mechanism of its proliferation or differentiation and the transplantation in vivo .

  26. 实验结果表明,海马硬件神经元满足计算神经科学的要求。最后,基于自适应同步原理和FPGA技术,本文研究了正常神经元参数的辨识和非正常神经元的控制。

    The results show that the hippocampal FPGA neuron meets the requirements of computational neuroscience . Finally , based on FPGA technology and adaptive synchronization theory , the parameter identification of normal neuron and the control of non-normal neuron are realized .

  27. 今年早些时候发表在《神经科学前沿》(FrontiersinNeuroscience)上的一项研究综述称,越来越多的研究人员认为,打哈欠这种人们对其还知之甚少的行为,其目的在于为大脑降温。

    A growing number of researchers believe the purpose of this little-understood behavior is to cool the brain , says a research review published earlier this year in Frontiers in Neuroscience .

  28. 德国格丁根市欧洲神经科学研究院神经科学家AndréFischer和他的同事发现了组蛋白与学习和记忆间更深层次的联系。

    Neuroscientist Andr é Fischer of the European Neuroscience Institute in G ö ttingen , Germany , and colleagues wanted to probe the histone connection further .

  29. 本文对PTSD中创伤记忆的特点、创伤记忆重建以及认知神经科学的临床、动物实验研究现状进行综述。

    In the review , the characteristics of traumatic memory , the traumatic memory reconstruction and the research progress of neural cognition in clinical practice and animal will be summarized .

  30. 目前,ICA已经成为盲源分离的主流方法。BSS与ICA都属于一类无监督学习算法,他们的算法理论与实际应用涉及到优化数学和神经科学等多个领域。

    The methods of BSS and ICA are belong to a class of unsupervised learning algorithm , its algorithm theory and practical application are related the optimization of a number of areas of mathematics and neuroscience .