
shén jīng shuāi ruò
  • neurasthenia;nervous breakdown;neurosism;panasthenia;neuradynamia;with weak nerves
神经衰弱 [shén jīng shuāi ruò]
  • [neurasthenia;nervous breakdown;with weak nerves] 神经系统机能失调的病,多由高级神经活动过度紧张引起,症状是头疼、耳鸣、健忘、失眠、容易激动或疲劳等

神经衰弱[shén jīng shuāi ruò]
  1. 安神泻心汤治疗神经衰弱临床研究

    Clinical Studies on Anshen Xiexin Decoction in Treating Neurosism

  2. 针刺兴奋疗法治疗神经衰弱120例

    Observation on the Excitation Therapy of Acupuncture in Treating 120 Cases of Neurosism

  3. 几年前她得了神经衰弱,自那以后就变得十分腼腆。

    She had a sort of breakdown some years ago , and since then she has been very shy

  4. 我个人的生活一团糟。母亲去世了,几年后我又患上了神经衰弱。

    My personal life was terrible . My mother had died , and a couple of years later I had a breakdown

  5. 蜂皇精治神经衰弱很有效。

    Royal jelly is effective in treating nervous exhaustion .

  6. 她母亲患神经衰弱。

    Her mother suffered a nervous breakdown .

  7. 她患神经衰弱。

    She suffered a nervous breakdown .

  8. .Ithinkl'mabouttohaveanervousbreakdown.我好像得了神经衰弱。我好像得了神经衰弱。

    A : I think l 'm about to have a nervous breakdown .

  9. 工作5年以上的人呼吸道疾病的发病率较高,关节痛、视力减退和神经衰弱的也较多。与500名地面对照组比较,在统计学上有显著意义(P<0.05)。

    Morbidity of respiratory discase , arthralgia , vision decreasing and neurasthenia was higher in the underground group worked more than 5 years .

  10. 目的研究神经衰弱患者的事件相关电位(ERP)P300的变化特点及认知功能。

    Objective To study cognitive function and event-related potential ( ERP ) in patients with neurasthenia .

  11. 神经衰弱与患者个性、生活事件及EB病毒相关性的配对研究

    A study on personality , life events and Epstein-Barr virus in patients with neurasthenia

  12. 众所周知,DeSalyo法官自从她十二岁的女儿被一个醉酒驾驶的司机撞死之后就神经衰弱了

    CAMPBELL : Judge De Salyo had a very public nervous breakdown ... after her 1 2-year-old daughter was killed by a drunk driver .

  13. 鼻炎、咽炎、砂眼、关节酸痛、神经衰弱征候群等发病率升高,均具有统计学差异(P<0.05,P<0.01),说明作业环境对交警人群健康具有一定的危害。

    They all showed statistical differences ( P < 0 . 05 , P < 0 . 01 ) . It indicates that the working environment of the traffic police is harmful to their health .

  14. 神经衰弱和抑郁症的TRH兴奋试验

    Comparative analysis of TRH stimulant test on neurasthenia and depression

  15. 目的:探讨神经衰弱发病与患者个性、生活事件及血清埃伯斯坦-巴尔(EB)病毒阳性率的相关性。

    OBJECTIVE : To probe the correlation of neurasthenia with personality , life events and the positive rate of serum Epstein-Barr ( EB ) virus .

  16. 抗囊治疗后,头痛、头晕、癫痫发作、恶心呕吐、神经衰弱症候群、视乳头水肿、抑郁症状、肌体运动障碍等神经精神症状均较抗囊治疗前明显减少(P0.05~0.01);

    After praziquantel treatment psychiatric symptoms including headache , dizziness , epileptic attack , nausea , vomiting , neurasthenia , papilledema . depression and dyskinesia were significantly decreased compared with pretreatment ( P0.05 ~ 0.01 ) .

  17. 结果:本组36例CPB术后精神障碍表现为抑郁状态16的,谵妄状态8例、精神分裂样状态2例、神经衰弱综合征10例。

    Results : There were 16 patients with depression state , 8 patients with delirium state , 2 patients with schizotypal state and 10 patients with neurasthenia 's syndrome in 36 patients .

  18. 近期医学专家研究认为,葵花子含有维生素B8,能治疗忧郁症和神经衰弱。

    Recent studies suggest that medical experts , sunflower seeds contain vitamin B8 , to treat depression and neurasthenia .

  19. 体弱组患有心理障碍、神经衰弱严重,脑血流图(HS)异常率占70%以上,通过综合治疗.体育锻炼显示出重要的作用。

    Students with psychic hindrance , heavy neurasthenia and abnormal rheoencephalography accounted for more than 70 % in the weak group . Physical training played an important role in the comprehensive treatment of the mental diseases .

  20. 结果表明:较高浓度NG对接触工人可产生晕厥、低血压、脑及眼底血管扩张、眼底动脉硬化、心电图异常、MHb血症及暂时性头痛等神经衰弱综合症。

    Results showed that workers exposed to higher concentrations might appear syncope , hypotension , blood vessel dilatation of brain and retinae , arteriosclerosis of retinae , abnormal ECG , methemoglobinemia and neurasthenic syndrome such as temporary headache etc.

  21. 结果本组CPB术后精神障碍的发生率为3.17%(38/1200),38例精神障碍表现为抑郁状态16例,谵妄状态10例,神经衰弱综合征9例,精神分裂样状态3例。

    Results After operation , the occurrence of mental disorder was 3.17 % ( 38 / 1200 ) . There were 16 patients with depressed state , 10 patients with delirium state , 9 patients with neurasthenia 's syndrome and 3 patients with schizotypal state .

  22. 结果Sheehan综合征长期误诊率为58%,常见误诊疾病有神经衰弱(71%)、慢性胃炎(57%)、慢性肠炎(43%)、精神障碍(21%)等。

    Results Long term misdiagnosis rate of the aged Sheehan ′ s syndrome was 58 % . Common misdiagnosed diseases were neurasthenia ( 71 % ), chronic gastritis ( 57 % ), chronic enteritis ( 43 % ), dysphrenia ( 21 % ) and so on .

  23. 小资都有轻微的神经衰弱症。

    The small property all has slight of nervous prostration disease .

  24. 飞行人员神经衰弱病因学的对照研究

    A case-control study of the pathogenesis of neurasthenia diseases in pilots

  25. 80例神经衰弱大学生综合治疗效果分析

    Efficacy Analysis of 80 Undergraduate Students of Neurasthenia With Combination Therapy

  26. 长期的焦虑导致她的神经衰弱。

    A long period of worrying led to her nervous prostration .

  27. 神经衰弱患者的重心平衡功能障碍与氟桂利嗪的治疗作用

    Balance disturbance of patients with neurasthenia and therapeutic effect of flunarizine

  28. 音乐色光疗法治疗神经衰弱疗效观察

    The clinical contrast observation of the neurasthenia treated by tone-colour therapy

  29. 难道你真的患有神经衰弱?

    I mean , have you had a frigging nervous breakdown ?

  30. 矿泉浴治疗神经衰弱86例临床观察

    Clinical observation of 86 cases with neurasthenia by mineral spring bath therapy