
shén jīnɡ fēn mì
  • neurosecretion
  1. 钙离子信号通路在许多细胞活动,包括神经分泌,骨骼肌肉收缩,细胞生长和分化中起着重要的作用。

    Ca2 + signaling pathway plays an important role in many cellular activities , including neurosecretion , skeletal muscle contraction , cell growth and differentiation .

  2. 根据其轴突内分泌颗粒的大小和形状,鲇神经分泌纤维可区分为A1、A2、和B三种类型,不同类型的神经分泌纤维分别与特定激素分泌细胞形成突触联系或其他间接联系形式。

    The nerve secretory fibre can be divided into types of A1 , A2 and B. The nerve fibre forms synaptic or indirect links with special harmone secretory cells .

  3. 鲫鱼尾部神经分泌系统支配的HRP研究

    HRP study of the innervation of the caudal neurosecretory system in Carassius auratus

  4. 方法:用5例头部标本行垂体MR成像及垂体标本电镜观察,测量垂体后叶信号强度比与电镜下垂体后叶单位面积内神经分泌颗粒、脂滴的量,并进行相关与回归分析。

    Then observed by electron microscopic . The signal intensity ratio of posterior pituitary gland and the amount of neurosecretory gland were measured ; analysed with correlation and regression .

  5. 在特定的环境条件信息下,神经分泌细胞产生和分泌滞育激素(DH)。

    Under specific enviromental information , neuroendocrine cells produce and secrete diapause hormone ( DH ) .

  6. 肿瘤的组织学特点酷似燕麦细胞癌,但NSE染色阴性,电镜下瘤细胞内亦未见神经分泌颗粒。

    The tumor cells were negative for NSE and devoid of neurosecretory granules at the ultrastructural level .

  7. 结果如下:1.在尾部脊髓中可以观察到一些HRP标记的神经分泌细胞和HRP标记末梢。

    The results were as follows : 1 The HRP-labelled caudal neurosecretory cells and labelled fibers were distributed within the caudal spinal cord .

  8. 桑天牛(Aprionagermari(Hope))成虫内分泌器官主要由脑神经分泌细胞、心侧体、咽侧体组成。

    The endocrine organs of adult Apriona germari ( Hope ) mainly consisted of brain neurosecretory cells , corpora cardiaca and corpora allata .

  9. 而在禁水24h后,神经元胞体内的神经分泌颗粒有减少,轴突中的神经分泌颗粒却增多并聚集成膨大区域。

    After 24h deprivation of water , the Nsgs and other organelles were reduced in the neurosecretory neuronal bodies , but it increased in the axons and accumulated in Herring bodies .

  10. 人工催产时泥鳅(Misgurnusanguillicaudatus)尾部神经分泌系统单胺荧光和乙酰胆碱酯酶活性的变化

    The monoaminergic innervation and acetylcholinesterase activity of the caudal neurosecretory system of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus in relation to artificially induced spawning

  11. 本文选用青年(3个月)、成年(1012个月)和老年(2830个月)雄性Wistar大鼠,对其下丘脑视上核神经分泌细胞分别作了光镜和电镜观察与测定。

    The neurosecretory cells of the supraoptic nucleus SON of young ( 3 month ), adult ( 10-12 months ) and old ( 28-30 months ) male Wistar rats were studied with light and electron microscope .

  12. 发现免疫反应阳性Vp物质主要出现在高尔基体扁平膜囊内、粗面内质网核糖体上、神经分泌粒、树突、轴突以及非对称性突触后膜内。

    It was found that Vp-like immunoreactive substance appeared mainly in the flat sacs of Golgi complex , on the ribosomes of rough endoplasmic reticulum , and in the neurosecretory granules , dendrites , axons , and in the postsynaptic membranes of the asymmetric synapses .

  13. 给泥鳅注射LRH-A(0.05微克/克)12小时后,尾部神经分泌系统中单胺荧光强度明显比催产前增强,但神经分泌细胞的AChE活性却明显降低;

    Twelve hours alter LRH-A ( 0.05ug / g ) was injected , the fluorescence of beaded fibers and varicosities contiguous to the caudal neurosecretory cells were increased markedly compared to the control group , but AChE activity of the neurosecretory cells was reduced significantly .

  14. 本文用光镜和彩色图像分析系统,研究了雌性鲫鱼尾部神经分泌系统Dahlgren细胞的定量细胞学的季节性变化特点。

    The seasonal changes of the quantity of the Dahlgren cell ( a kind of fish caudal neurosecretory cell ) in the caudal neurosecretory system of the female Caras-sius auratus have been investigated by use of microscopy and the color image analyzing system .

  15. 柞蚕脑中央神经分泌细胞的超微结构

    Ultrastructure of the Median Neurosecretory Cells in Brain of Antheraea pernyi

  16. 锯缘青蟹前脑神经分泌细胞的超微结构

    Ultrastructure of neurosecretory cells in the protocerebrum of Scylla serrata

  17. 脑神经分泌细胞位于前脑的脑间部。

    Brain neurosecretory cells located in the pairs of intercerebralis .

  18. 醋酸可的松对神经分泌影响的超微结构研究

    Ultrastructural observation of the effect of cortisone on the neurosecretion of neurohypophysis

  19. 可见膜包神经分泌颗粒。

    Neuronal secretion granules surrounded by membranes could be observed .

  20. 穹隆下器和终板血管器可能含神经分泌细胞;

    SFO and OVLT might contain some neurosecretory cells .

  21. 柞蚕神经分泌细胞研究Ⅱ.咽下神经节神经分泌细胞

    Studies on Neurosecretory Cells of Oak Silkworm ⅱ Neurosecretory Cells of Suboesophageal Ganglion

  22. 大鼠视上核神经分泌细胞的衰老形态变化

    The aging changes of the neurosecretory cells in the supraoptic nucleus of the rat

  23. 大鼠下丘脑大细胞神经分泌系统传入控制的研究

    Studies on the Afferent Control of the Hypothalamic Magnocellular Neurosecretory System in the Rat

  24. 疼痛对神经分泌纤维终末影响的电镜观察

    Effect of pain on the nerve endings of neurosecretory fibers & an electron microscopic study

  25. 柞蚕神经分泌细胞的研究Ⅰ脑神经分泌细胞

    Studies on Neurosecretory Cells of Oak Silkworm ⅰ . On Neurosecretory Cells of the Brain

  26. 神经分泌颗粒、溶酶体、核仁样体和微管数量增多。

    The amounts of neurosecretory granules , lysosomes , nucleolus-like bodies , and microtubules were increased .

  27. 蓖麻蚕休眠和非休眠蛹期中央神经分泌细胞的超微结构变化

    Ultrastructural changes of the median neurosecretory cells during hibernating and non-hibernating pupal development in Philosamia cynthia ricini

  28. 而在加工,储存和转运相,神经分泌颗粒呈免疫阳性反应。

    In phases of processing , storage and transport , the immunoreactive materials were associated with neurosecretory granules .

  29. 大细胞神经分泌性癌是一种分化不良、高度的神经内分泌癌且癌性相当恶性。

    Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma ( LCNEC ) is a poorly differentiated high-grade neuroendocrine tumor with very aggressive behavior .

  30. 泌乳素主要由垂体前叶细胞分泌,属经典的神经分泌激素,其能以内分泌的形式作用于远端的靶器官,并发挥生物学效应。

    The hormone prolactin is mainly secreted by the cells of anterior pituitary . It belongs to classic nervous endocrinous hormone .