• 网络real gdp
  1. 鹰派可能给出的一种解释是,实际gdp增速被低估了。

    One possible , hawkish , interpretation could be that real GDP growth has been underestimated .

  2. 核心论据必然是美国疲弱的实际gdp增长将持续一段时期。

    A central case has to be a sustained period of sluggish us real GDP growth .

  3. 在对原始数据进行处理,以便去除估计数据中的通胀或通缩,得出实际gdp的过程中,人们很容易忽视其中的人为操纵。

    It is easy to overlook the manipulation that raw data go through to take inflation or deflation out of the estimate to get real GDP .

  4. 而这种稳定在去年被打破,相对于官方公布的实际gdp增速而言,失业率的下滑程度大大超过了它“应该”下滑的程度。

    This stability broke down last year , with unemployment falling much more than it " should " have done , given the reported growth of real GDP .

  5. 他研究了1976年至2005年间新兴市场的股市表现和实际gdp的情况,结果发现,经济增长与股市总体回报率之间不存在任何关联。

    He studied stock market performance and real GDP in emerging markets between 1976 and 2005 , and found absolutely no correlation between economic growth and equity total returns .

  6. 在欧盟地区,由于以前失业率就比较高,前后对比不是那么显眼,但眼下的失业率仍比2003年时高出了0.6个百分点(当时实际gdp与目前相近)。

    In the EU , previous high joblessness makes the comparison less dramatic but the unemployment rate is still 0.6 percentage points higher now than in 2003 , when real GDP was similar .

  7. 相比之下,多数新兴经济体的特点是国内储蓄率高企、预算状况稳健(受到收入增长的支持)、官方储备较高、实际gdp增幅处于高趋势水平(尽管最近景气指标有所下降)。

    In contrast , most emerging economies are characterised by high domestic savings , strong budget positions supported by revenue growth , high levels of official reserves and , despite a recent moderation in sentiment indicators , high trend levels of real GDP growth .