
rèn ɡǔ rén
  • subscriber
  1. 创立大会由认股人组成。

    The founding meeting is made up of the subscribers .

  2. 认股人按照所认股数缴纳股款。

    Subscribers make payment for shares according to the number of shares they have subscribed .

  3. 在公司设立失败时,发起人的民事责任主要体现为发起人对认股人和第三人的债权性责任、侵权赔偿责任。

    When the company establishment is failed , the sponsor civil liability mainly includes credit liability and tort liability .

  4. 创立大会应有代表股份总数二分之一以上的认股人出席,方可举行。

    The founding meeting shall be held only if subscribers representing half or more of the total shares are present .

  5. 对认股人或应募人交付有价证券,并应于交付前公告之。

    The securities shall be delivered to subscribers or offerees and a public announcement shall be made prior to the delivery ;

  6. 前项情形,如有损害,仍得向认股人请求赔偿。

    Under the aforesaid circumstances , compensation for loss or damage , if any , may still be claimed against such defaulting subscribers .

  7. 第二个问题是在对公司发起人本质作全面科学认识的基础上,对发起人和股东、认股人作比较以巩固和加深理解。

    The second is comparing sponsor with shareholder and the people who buying stock , based on the scientific understanding toward the nature of sponsor .

  8. 发起人应当在创立大会召开十五日前将会议日期通知各认股人或者予以公告。

    The promoters shall give notice to all subscribers or make an announcement of the date of the founding meeting fifteen days before the meeting .

  9. 以超过票面金额发行股票者,认股人应于认股书注明认缴之金额。

    In case the share certificates are issued at a premium , the subscribers shall indicate in the share subscription form the amount of share price they agree to pay .

  10. 本次募股的起止期限及逾期未募足时认股人可以撤回所认股份的说明。

    The beginning and ending dates for the public offer and a statement that the subscribers may revoke their subscriptions if the offer is under-subscribed at the close of the offer .

  11. 发起人已为前项之催告,认股人不照缴者,即失其权利,所认股份另行募集。

    After the promoters have made the aforesaid call , the subscribers who fail to pay accordingly shall forfeit their rights and the shares subscribed to by them shall be otherwise sold .

  12. 创立大会对前款所列事项作出决议,必须经出席会议的认股人所持表决权的半数以上通过。

    A resolution at the founding meeting on any of the matters set out above requires the approval of subscribers with half or more of the voting rights present at the meeting .

  13. 公司不能成立时,对认股人已缴纳的股款,负返还股款并加算银行同期存款利息的连带责任;

    In the case of failure to establish the company , bearing joint liabilities for refunding the paid-in capital as well as the interests thereof computed at the bank interest rate for the same period ;

  14. 代收股款的银行应当按照协议代收和保存股款,向缴纳股款的认股人出具收款单据,并负有向有关部门出具收款证明的义务。

    The receiving bankers shall receive and hold as agents the payments for shares , issue receipts to subscribers making payments , and shall be obliged to issue evidence of receipt of payments to the relevant departments .

  15. 发起人民事责任的形式是:对设立行为所产生的债务和费用负连带责任、对认股人已缴纳的股款负返还并加算同期银行存款利息的连带责任、对公司承担赔偿责任。

    The forms of civil liability includes : joint liability for debts caused by establishment and expense , joint liability for returning share capital in addition to interest in the corresponding period to shareholders , liability to pay compensation to company .

  16. 这一原则要求公司在通过决议时,以占股份多数的股东的意思为公司最终的决议,只认股,不认人。

    This principle requires companies to pass a resolution , to account for the majority of shares to shareholders to final resolution , only subscribers , not people .