
  • 网络Understanding Conflict
  1. 其一为接纳冲突:认识冲突的重大价值是应对课堂价值观冲突的认识前提;

    The first , admitting the conflict : understanding significant value of conflict is premise should to the classroom values conflict .

  2. 冲突与妥协是现代社会运行的常态,以一种不带偏见的平常心来认识冲突与妥协,是现代社会的客观要求。

    Conflicts and compromises are normal conditions in modern society . It 's the objective requirement of society to understand them without prejudice .

  3. 社会冲突存在于每一个社会中,辩证地认识社会冲突的功能具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。

    Social conflict exists in every society . A dialectic recognition of its functions is of great theoretical and practical significance .

  4. 认识到冲突具有两面性的员工比例和认为企业内部冲突需要进行管理的员工比例都较以往有显著上升。

    The ratio of employee realizing that the conflict has two-sided effects and should be managed has risen notably than before .

  5. 通过具体实例,认识价值冲突的不可避免性及重大工程项目中决策主体价值取向的多元化。

    Through concrete examples , recognizing the inevitability of value conflict and the diversity of engineering decision in lager scale engineering project .

  6. 没有公共政策领域的积极变迁和变革,规范和化解社会冲突就将日益变得困难;同时,如果不能正确认识社会冲突的意义,要实现公共政策变迁的可能性就非常小。

    If there is no positive change and transformation in the field of public policy , resolving social conflict will become increasingly difficult .

  7. 其次,通过对语料的分析可以帮助人们更好认识夫妻冲突话语的会话结构模式。

    Secondly , detailed analysis of the data colleted may help people better understand the conversational structure of conflict talk between the couple .

  8. 正是在这些所有者的神殿中,创造者们最清晰地辨识出他们自己的阶级身份,从而认识到冲突即发端于此。

    It is in the courts of the owners that the creators find their class identity most clearly , and it is there , accordingly , that the conflict begins .

  9. 另外,研究认知冲突在页面协同编辑过程中的作用,有利于认识认知冲突在协同知识创新过程中起到的作用,并完善协同知识创新模型。

    The laws of cognitive conflict on page quality help us understanding the role of cognitive conflict played in the process of collaborative knowledge innovation to perfect collaborative knowledge innovation model .

  10. 深刻认识价值冲突产生的原因及表现形式并对其进行合理调适,对于社会转型和社会主义市场经济体制的建立都具有重要意义。

    It is of vital important for society transformation and construction of our socialist market economy system to deeply understand the reason , modality of value confliction and adjust it reasonably .

  11. 客观揭示不同范式之争的思想、社会历史以及理论渊源,旨在提高人类认识国际冲突的科学性,促使人类更理性的避免冲突,维护和平。

    The efforts made to objectively reveal the ideas of controversy over different patterns , the social history and the origins of theories aims at making people better understand the international conflicts , avoid the conflicts more rationally and maintain global peace and security .

  12. 要科学正确地认识价值冲突,它带来的并非仅仅是人们看到的消极作用,在冲突和矛盾的背后,总是孕育着新的价值观念和社会文明,以适应和促进社会的发展。

    To correctly and scientifically understand the conflict of value , it brings not just the negative role as the people see , behind the conflicts and contradictions , always pregnant with new values and social civilization in order to adapt to and promote social development .

  13. 进而得出的结论是,中国决策者已认识到身份冲突或困境之于其参与维和的影响,积极主动地作出调整,部分有效地克服不同身份冲突或困境的负面影响。

    Thus we conclude that the Chinese top policy makers have recognized the existence of the identity conflicts or plight in participation in peacekeeping and actively adjusted to , partially effectively overcome the negative impact of the identity conflicts or plight .

  14. 整合阶层文化需要正确认识阶层文化冲突的性质;需要借鉴西方发达国家的有益经验;需要遵循合作原则、共享原则、协调原则和公正原则。

    To integrate stratum cultures , we should understand correctly the nature of the conflicts of the stratum culture , and draw lessons from western developed countries , and abide by the principles of cooperation , sharing , coordination , and justice .

  15. 大方地做:认识到自己在冲突中也有做错的地方。

    Do it generously : Acknowledge your own failings to maintain balance .

  16. 中国人的自我认识以及它对于冲突解决过程中使用的交际策略的影响

    Chinese Perception of the Self and Its Impact on Conflict Management in Communication Strategies

  17. 运用正统读法,能了解故事梗概,同时也能认识姐妹间的冲突和矛盾。

    A traditional reading of the story reveals the binary opposition between two sisters , that is , conflicts and contradictions caused by differences in cultures and values .

  18. 我们要认识到课堂师生冲突只是师生内部互动交往的一种状态,通过采取一定的措施和策略,师生冲突是可以化解的,师生可以构建和谐、融洽的人际关系。

    We must realize that conflicts of teachers and students in the classroom is one condition of the teachers and students contact , Through taking some measures and the strategies , The teachers and students ' conflict is may melt , The teachers and students may construct harmonious interpersonal relationship .

  19. 从两个不同文化背景下的人对青香蕉的不同认识,探讨了形成不同认识即产生文化冲突的原因。

    This paper makes an inquiry into the reasons for culture shock in relation to people 's different understandings of green banana under two different cultural backgrounds .