
  • 网络Certification Program;qualification program;Authentication Procedure;Certification process
  1. 美国无损检测学会的雇主认证程序和中心认证程序

    On the employer-based certification program and the central certification program developed by ASNT

  2. 经过红帽硬件认证程序,根据红帽,公司核准。

    Approved by Red Hat , Inc. , through the Red Hat Hardware Certification Program .

  3. 但当SFDA试着要将其药品认证程序标准化时,一些人却担心以些小一点的公司将无法生存。

    But as the SFDA tries to raise standards for its drug-approval processes , some are worried that smaller companies will not be able to survive .

  4. 介绍了新JIS标志表示制度的变更及新旧JIS标志表示制度的区别,简要描述了新JIS标志制度的结构及新JIS标志认证程序,同时对JIS标志认证的其它事项进行了解释。

    The modify of new JIS Mark Scheme and difference between new and old JIS Mark Scheme are introduced . While expatiating on the New JIS Mark Scheme and certification procedure , the other matter of New JIS Mark Scheme is commentated .

  5. 本文在国内首次探讨了林业组织实施ISO环境管理体系标准的问题,并结合ISO14000系列标准,提出了森林经营企业建立和实施环境管理体系的原则要求、认证程序。

    For the first time at home , the thesis probes the issues of the implementation of Environmental Management System ( EMS ) in forest organizations . The author puts forward the principal requirements and certification procedures for the establishment and implementation of EMS in the forest management enterprises .

  6. 具有供应商资格认证程序和供应商业绩指标方面的深厚知识。

    In depth knowledge of supplier qualification processes and supplier performance metrics .

  7. 认证程序的结构应当贯彻公开、直接和集中原则;

    That the process of authentication be open and direct ;

  8. 请记住手续将与联合国资格认证程序相同。

    Please be reminded that the same UN accreditation procedures will apply .

  9. 罗克韦尔自动化在2006年冬季就展开了其安全产品的认证程序。

    Rockwell Automation began its certification process for safety components in the winter of2006 .

  10. 现在,所有美国五十个州都简化了职业执照的认证程序。

    Today , all fifty states have acted to streamline many of these licensing issues .

  11. 熟悉设备认证程序;

    Familiar with machine qualification procedure ;

  12. 20世纪80年代被摒弃的世卫组织无疟疾国家认证程序于2004年得以恢复。

    WHO procedures for certifying a country as malaria-free , abandoned in the1980s , were reinstated in2004 .

  13. 传统的认证程序中,学校教师花绝大部分的时间来参加教育课程和研讨会。

    In traditional credentialing programs , student teachers spend most of their time taking education courses and seminars .

  14. 采用这种名为Dynahand的新型认证程序,用户只需能够识别他们自己的笔迹就可以了。

    With the new authentication program Dynahand , users just need to be able to recognise their own writing .

  15. 此要求的承诺保证将并入纽西兰陆地运输局现有的认证程序。

    Certification of compliance with this requirement will be incorporated into land transport new zealand 's existing entry certification processes .

  16. 因为许多亚洲商学院建成时间不长,所以多数需要花更长的时间才能通过认证程序。

    Because many Asian schools were founded more recently , it took longer for most to go through the accreditation process .

  17. 目前,市场已开始根据美国农业部项目认证程序或保险数据对潜在播种面积预测的调整传出各种说法。

    And , markets have focused on rumors of potential acreage estimate adjustments based on USDA 's program certification process or insurance data .

  18. 填写申请书我们可以通过讨论和现场了解,说明认证程序并协助申请人填写调查表,提出评审认证申请。

    Quotation Through investigation and communications , we 'll offer applicants formal quotation form according to international convention and the state 's relevant stipulations .

  19. 金伯利进程是一个国际认证程序,旨在规范毛坯钻石贸易。

    As a result of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme , diamonds are among the most monitored and audited of any natural resource in the world .

  20. 通过各种认证程序的质量控制加之危险点分析和关键点控制可以提高产品质量。

    Within various QM activities through the certification procedure adopting additionally a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point ( HACCP ) approach can improve a product quality .

  21. 新浪微博向中国红十字会和新浪微博用户道歉,表示没有仔细审核郭美美的个人信息,并保证今后会严格认证程序。

    Weibo apologized to the Red Cross and its users for failing to carefully review Guo Meimei 's information and pledged to tighten up the verification process .

  22. 为了确保数据库的安全性和使用性,我们开发了数据库的接口和检索工具,以及系统管理员和用户资格认证程序。通过前者,使用者可以进行数据的上传、下载、管理和检索等操作。

    To ensure the safety and utility of professional databases , the interface and searching engine of databases , plus the registration program for system managers and users , were developed .

  23. 最后,在认证程序中,由法官在遵循科学审查方法的基础上对电子证据的生成、传送、存储及收集等过程进行严格的程序审查。

    Finally , in the authentication procedure , the judge shall execute a strict procedural review over the production , transmission , storage and collection of evidence in a scientific way of examination .

  24. 其它外国公司抱怨的内容包括:许多行业中对外国投资者的持股比例设限、环保标准的选择性执法、限制外企进入的歧视性技术规定和认证程序等。

    Other foreign companies complain about ownership caps for foreign investors in many sectors , selective enforcement of environmental standards , discriminatory technical regulations and certification procedures that limit market access for foreign companies .

  25. 该项目的投资者也包括俄罗斯能源巨头——俄罗斯天然气股份工业有限公司,该公司认为该项目有利可图,已经提前支付了一些碳信用额,并且它已经通过了艰难认证程序中的大部分。

    The project 's investors , including Gazprom , a Russian energy giant that has paid in advance for some carbon credits , think it will be lucrative . And it has passed most of a tough certification process .

  26. 其一通过公共利益认证程序认定公共利益,作者详细讨论了公共利益认证机构、认证程序参加人、认证内容、认证程序等事项。

    The first public interests through the certification process that the public interests , the author discussed in detail in the public interest certification agencies , the participate in the accreditation process , certification , certification procedures and so on .

  27. 日本的绿色壁垒表现形式多种多样,包括繁多的法令,严格的标签和包装要求,苛刻的检验制度及质量认证程序等,其中2006年出台的肯定列表制度则是日本绿色壁垒的代表。

    The types of Japanese green barrier are diversified , which include various rules , rigid packing and label requirement , harsh inspection system and quality certification program . The Positive list system is the representative of Japanese green barriers .

  28. 与传统的关税、配额等贸易壁垒直接以价格、数量限制国外进口不同,技术贸易壁垒表现为一系列的技术标准、法规和认证程序。

    Different from traditional tariffs , quotas and other trade barriers which directly to the price and quantity restrictions on foreign imports , the technical barriers to trade reflected in a series of technical standards , regulations and certification procedures .

  29. 第三方面是完善约定财产制度,应包括明确约定的条件,约定的时间规定,约定的认证程序,同时允许变更和撤销约定。

    The third aspect , consummates the agreement property system , should include is clear about the agreement the condition , the agreement time stipulated that the agreement authentication procedure , simultaneously allows to change and to abolish the agreement .

  30. 但用户要访问这些独立的系统需要对每个系统的认证程序进行身份认证,此种方式给管理人员和用户带来了很大的不便,工作效率很低。

    However , if the user wants to access to these independent systems , he or she needs to make identity authentication in each system . It brings great inconvenience to the administrators and users , and it is also inefficient .