
  • 网络Recognition rights;right of recognition
  1. 而且商标权与专利法不同,商标权从来和认可专利权没什么关系,伊夫圣罗兰的代理律师DavidBernstein如是说道。

    Moreover , unlike patent law , trademarks are never about granting monopolies , argues David Bernstein , a lawyer for YSL at Debevoise and Plimpton .

  2. 一是新法许多规定难以具体操作;二是生态管理依然弱化,重污染防治轻生态保护格局没有改变;三是没有认可环境权;四是机构设置存在不合理。

    First is the many rules to specific operations ,; second is still weak , heavy pollution prevention and ecological protection light pattern has not changed ; third is the environmental right is not recognized ; the forth is the institution is not reasonable .

  3. 并不是所有的行政行为都是合法的,行政相对人在面对违法的行政行为特别是无效的行政行为时,有没有一种法律所支持和认可的抵抗权?

    Not all the administrative acts are valid , do the private party have the right to resistance which is supported by law , when they face to the invalid administrative acts ?

  4. 按生产要素分配的理论依据是生产要素价值论,即承认各种生产要素对增进社会财富或其价值都做出了贡献,因而也就认可它们有权按照各自贡献的大小取得相应的分配份额;

    The theoretical basis of distribution according to productive factors is the productive factor theory of value , the substance of the theory is admitting that social wealth is created by all productive factors , which have the right to take corresponding share according to their respective contributions .

  5. 美国摩托车公司“哈利&戴维森”星期六在北京第一次发放了官方认可的代理经销权。

    The U.S.motorcycle company Harley-Davidson opened its first authorized Chinese dealership Saturday in Beijing .