
  1. 应当由软件著作权人享有的其他权利。

    Other rights that shall be enjoyed by software copyright owners .

  2. (一)未经软件著作权人同意发表其软件作品;

    Publishing software works without the consent of the software copyright ow ner ;

  3. 软件著作权人还应当按规定交纳登记费。

    Software copyright holders must pay a registration fee according to the rules .

  4. 第三,拆封许可和技术措施的结合扩张软件著作权人的合法权益。

    Third , shrinkwrap and technology combine to expand the copyright owners ' rights .

  5. 未经软件著作权人许可,发表或者登记其软件的;

    Without the licensing by the software copyright owner , to publish or register his software ;

  6. (七)未经软件著作权人或者其合法受让者的同意向公众发行、展示其软件的复制品;

    Disseminating or revealing software . to the public without the permission of the software copyright owner or his legal transferee ;

  7. 软件著作权人可以许可他人行使其软件著作权,并有权获得报酬。

    Software copyright owners may license other persons to exercise their software copyright and shall have the right to accept compensations .

  8. 许可使用合同中软件著作权人未明确许可的权利,被许可人不得行使。

    The licensee may not exercise the right that has not been licensed by the software copyright owner in the contract for licensing .

  9. (八)未经软件著作权人或者其合法受让者的同意向任何第三方办理其软件的许可使用或者转让事宜。

    Effecting the licensing or transfer of software to a third party without the permission of the software copyright owner or his legal transferee .

  10. (四)软件著作权人:指按本条例的规定,对软件享有著作权的单位和公民。

    Software copyright owners : refers to those units and citizens who , in accordance with these regulations , enjoy the copyright of a computer software .

  11. 软件著作权人,是指依照本条例的规定,对软件享有著作权的自然人、法人或者其他组织。

    Software copyright owner shall mean the natural person , legal person or other organization that shall enjoy copyright in the software under the provisions of this regulation .

  12. 但是,除合同另有约定外,未经该软件著作权人许可,不得向任何第三方提供修改后的软件。

    The software so modified may not , however , be provided to the third party without the license of the software copyright owner , unless otherwise stipulated in the contract .

  13. 但除另有协议外,未经该软件著作权人或者其合法受让者的同意,不得向任何第三方提供修改后的文本。

    However , except in cases where there is additional agreement , ( the owner ) may not provide to any third party the revised document , without the agreement of the software copyright holder or his legal transferee .

  14. 保护期满前,软件著作权人可以向软件登记管理机构申请续展二十五年,但保护期最长不超过五十年。

    Prior to the fulfillment of the term of protection , the software copyright holder may apply to the software registration administration organization to extend the protection by 25 years , although the period of protection may not exceed 50 years at the longest .

  15. 但若所持有的侵权软件不销毁不足以保护软件著作权人的权益时,持有者有义务销毁所持有的侵权软件,为此遭受的损失可以向侵权软件的提供者追偿。

    However , when failure to destroy the infringed software will not adequately protect the rights and interests of the software copyright owner , the owner has a duty to destroy the infringing software , so that losses may be forced back onto the provider of the infringing software .

  16. 第十八条在软件著作权的保护期内,软件的著作权人或者其受让者有权许可他人行使本条例第九条第(三)项规定的使用权。

    During the software copyright 's term of protection , the software copyright holder or his transferee may authorize others to implement the right of use Article 9 , Item 3 , of these regulations .

  17. 第十五条提供给用户的软件产品应在其外包装上标明该软件的名称、版本号、软件著作权人、软件登记号、软件生产单位(或进口单位)及单位地址、生产日期。

    Article Fifteen Software for the users shall be marked on the outer package with the name , version number , copyright owner , registration number of the software , as well as the name and address of the producers ( or the importer ) and the date of production .