
  • 网络ARTICLE;Advertorial;soft article;Soft paper
  1. 软文在中国已成为一种流行的营销传播方式,但是软文的发展却始终伴随着争议和批判。

    " Soft article " has become a popular marketing communication approach in China . However , there are always disputes and criticisms along with its development .

  2. 由于研究对象本身相当的模糊,本文并不急于在一开始作出概念界定,而是先对软文的呈现形式进行归类,从中抽绎出其本质特征,再尝试把握其本质然后作出界定。

    Because the study object is rather ambiguous , this paper is not rush to definite , but first to classify the patterns of " soft article ", then abstract the essence , definite after mastering the essence .

  3. 《华盛顿邮报》(theWashingtonPost)、《华尔街日报》(WallStreetJournal)、《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)等大牌报刊也会隔三岔五发几篇软文。

    Storied news organizations such as the Washington Post , Wall Street Journal and New York Times NYT have since taken the native plunge .

  4. 与位于右侧的广告软文(SponsoredStory)广告不同,新型广告将命名为“特色广告”(Featured),这可能会在一开始让一些用户感到迷惑。

    Unlike sponsored story ads on the right-hand side , these ads will be marked as " featured , " which could initially lead to confusion with some users .

  5. 至于软广告的“鼻祖”BuzzFeed,更是有数不清的案例能说明它的广告软文发挥了多么好的作用。

    And BuzzFeed , which popularized the native ad format , has numerous case studies showing how well its sponsored articles work .

  6. 而为了保证足够的赢利空间,校园SNS网站运营商可以采用以下几种盈利模式:精准化广告、网络游戏服务、软文营销与口碑推广、积极开发网络增值服务、与其他运营商合作。

    In order to ensure adequate profit space , the campus SNS website operators can use the following profit model : accuracy of advertising , online gaming services , software text marketing and word of mouth promotion , and actively develop value-added services network with other operators .

  7. 就在Contently的调查发布之前不久,网络分析公司Chartbeat也就这个问题进行了调查。调查显示,只有24%的读者有耐心看完一篇软文,而71%的读者会看完一篇正常编辑内容。

    The findings of Contently 's survey follow data released earlier this year by Chartbeat , a web analytics company , showing that only 24 % of readers scroll through sponsored content , versus 71 % for editorial content .

  8. 新闻软文的形成与发展及其阶段性本质

    News Soft Passage 's Generation 、 Development and Periodical Essence

  9. 软文就是软广告,吸引的就是眼球。

    Flexible language is soft advertisement , those who attract is eyeball .

  10. 是消费主义女人,还是母亲?&《新快报》2004年母亲节专题软文分析

    Consumerist Women or Mothers ? & A Soft Text Analysis of the 2004 Mother 's Day Monographs in the New Express

  11. 有75%的受访者表示,他们宁可自己喜欢的新闻网站打出横幅式广告,也不愿意看到广告软文。

    Fifty-seven percent of the study 's participants said they would prefer that their favorite news sites run banner ads over sponsored posts .

  12. 使用新闻稿,在区域性门户网站(适当选择一些全国性门户网站)发布新闻稿,传统纸媒发布软文。

    Using news release , releasing news release in local web portals ( some nationwide web portals are appropriately selected ), and releasing advertorials in traditional paper media .

  13. 有五分之一的读者认为,这篇软文的内容是由一支编辑团队打造的,但是“有了赞助商的钱才有了它。”18%的读者认为,赞助商只是花钱买下了文章旁边的冠名权。

    One-fifth of them think the content is produced by an editorial team but " a sponsor 's money allowed it to happen . " Eighteen percent think the sponsor merely paid for its name to be next to the article .

  14. 出现在一些报纸上,似新闻又似广告的一类文章较为普遍,业界称之为软文,反映的是一种模糊新闻与广告之间界限、具有极大模糊性的现象。

    On some newspapers , a kind of article that is similar with news as well as advertisement is popular , in China , someone called it " soft article ", it reflects the phenomenon that blurred news and advertisement and with great fuzziness .