
  1. 论违法手机短信广告的法律规制

    On Advertising Regulation of Illegal Mobile-Phone Messages

  2. 本文通过对违法手机短信广告的概念、特征、种类进行分析,找出了我国部分地区违法手机短信广告泛滥的一些原因,并就如何从法律的角度治理违法手机短信广告提出了合理的建议。

    This essay , by analyzing the concept , character and category of illegal mobile-phone messages , finds out the reasons for their existence , and furthermore gives reasonable advices on how to regulate illegal mobile-phone messages .

  3. 手机短信广告是以短信平台为依托,以手机短信为广告媒介,向消费者发布有关企业产品、服务、概念等信息内容的广告形式。

    Message advertisement of the mobile-phone is the form of advertisement that issues the production 、 service 、 concept and so on to the customers based on the platform of the message and mobile-phone message as the medium .

  4. 在对采集到的数据进行分析之后发现,当前手机用户对短信广告总体呈现出一种消极态度,大部分被试认为短信广告不仅没有必要,而且弊大于利。

    After data analysis , the result shows that the consumer present negative attitude towards SMS advertising now . Most people think SMS advertising is no use and do more harm than good .

  5. 但是有些人则看到了一个崭新的可能世界,因为更多的人使用手机上网,消费者对于这种手机短信广告也变得习惯起来。

    But others see a whole new world of possibilities , as more people use their phones to access the internet and consumers grow used to the intrusion .