
  • 网络Handmade products;HAND MADE PRODUCT
  1. “Applauser”同时也是一件工艺品,它将工业产品与手工产品两种视觉感受结合在一起。

    " Applauser " is also a craft , it will combine the two visual experience : the industrial products and handcrafted products .

  2. 50年前商店里有很多手工产品。

    Fifty years ago there were a lot more handmade products in the shops .

  3. 作为近代历史上闻名的手工业之乡,纳古自元代就开始手工产品制作的历史,它为纳古经济社会发展做出了重要贡献。

    People began manual production since Yuan Dynasty , which made an important contribution for Nagu economic and social development .

  4. 这种纤维由于在印度喀什米尔用来制造美丽的披巾和其它手工产品而闻名于世。

    The fibre became known for its use in beautiful shawls and other handmade items produced in Kashmir , India .

  5. 维吾尔地毯是维吾尔族具有悠久历史的手工产品,是以绘画、纺织、雕刻、针织、挑染等融为一体的综合艺术产物。

    Uyghur carpets are a hand-making product with a long history , and they are also a product integrating the arts of drawing , spinning and weaving , carving , and knitting .

  6. 从某些意义上来说,在未来,交通开销,我们将会有些不错的讨论,在未来的三天里,关于掌控手工产品领域的劳资问题。

    At some point in the future , transportation costs , we 'll have some good discuss over the next three days I think , will dominate labor costs for manufacturing products .

  7. 同时,手工产品在社区内部、跨社区回族之间的流动建构了具有纳古回族特色的文化模式,镶嵌在手工业之中的包括亲属关系在内的社会关系也得到了调整和重组。

    At the same time , the handicrafts move among the community and cross-community , which reconstructed characteristic cultural patterns in Nagu community , to adjust and restructure the social relation including kinship relations in the handicrafts .

  8. 像毛衣或竹篮这种手工产品已不及上一代那般流行。如今也很少有20出头的年轻人懂得如何修理一部坏掉的电风扇。

    Manual staff such as a sweater or a bamboo basket is not so common as it in the last generation any more , and it 's believable that few20-year-old men would know how to fix a broken fan nowadays .

  9. 我测试了两台Protect,但我的iPhone只扫出了其中一台的二维码,好在另一台也可以通过手工输入产品验证码来验证。

    Of the two I tested , only one worked with my iPhone , but thankfully the app allows for manual entry of the unit 's unique key .

  10. 采用这种新方法无须再用手工检验产品。

    This new process has eliminated the need for checking the products by hand .

  11. 这些手工制作产品经过严格质量检查,在巴西70多个商店里也有出售。

    The hand-made pieces , which are strictly quality-checked , are also sold in 70 stores in Brazil .

  12. 然而,目前一些传统手工钩编产品中还存在创意不足、耗时费工、价格昂贵等缺憾。

    At present , however , some traditional hand crochet products exist lack of creativity , very expensive and time-consuming .

  13. 专营手链、项链等手工类的产品,质量第一,服务至上。

    Exclusive bracelets , necklaces and other hand-class products , quality and service first .

  14. 这个147岁的家族企业仍然通过手工来做产品,包括在足球赛和冰球赛中使用的运动口哨。

    The 147-year-old , family-owned business still makes its products by hand , including sports whistles used in football and ice hockey .

  15. 经验的研发团队,娴熟的员工,上乘的材料,鲜美的味道,加上美观的产品外形是公司高标准纯手工包制产品的前提保障。

    Our experienced research team and skillful production workers guarantee the highest quality of ingredients , flavour and presentation for our hand-made products .

  16. 我们能保证每一双鞋都是纯手工制作,产品质量经过严格的质检部门检验合格才出厂的。

    We can guarantee each pair of shoes is pure handmade , product quality through the strict quality inspection department to the factory .

  17. 从古至今,甜米酒基本上是家庭手工制作,产品仅仅保留了甜米酒的天然、营养、保健等传统特性。

    Since ancient times , sweet rice wine is basically the family hand-made products only to retain the natural sweet rice wine , nutrition , health and other traditional characteristics .

  18. 光电子行业还是半手工半自动产品,需要较多技术工人,因此中国是全球最大的光电子产品基地。

    In optical component industry , products are still handmade and machined , and a large number of skilled workers are needed , so China is the largest optical component production base in the world .

  19. 在NORITAKE里几乎所有的工作仍是靠手工完成,其产品多走高级路线,造型及花色采传统及典雅的设计。

    NORITAKE almost all the work is still done by hand , and its products go a high line , shape and color of traditional and elegant design adopted .

  20. 你喜欢手工制品还是机器产品?

    Items made by hand or items made in a school you attended ?

  21. 红白条纹相间的木制摊位遍布戴利广场,吸引着游客购买纯手工制成的德国产品,比如黑森林布谷鸟钟、啤酒杯以及大量的装饰品。

    Red-and-white striped wooden stalls fill Daley Plaza enticing visitors to buy handcrafted German products like Black Forest cuckoo clocks , beer steins , and ornaments galore .

  22. 我认为手工艺品交易网站Etsy已经为手工产品制造者做到了这一点,对此我很欣赏。

    I think Etsy has done this for the crafts industry , and that is something I admire .