
shǒu tuī chē
  • wheelbarrow;handcart;pushcart;dolly;wheel barrow;hand barrow cart;go-cart
手推车 [shǒu tuī chē]
  • [wheel barrow;hand barrow cart] 装运小载荷的有手柄的独轮或多轮小型车辆

手推车[shǒu tuī chē]
  1. 手推车嘎拉嘎拉地过去了。毕奥-萨伐尔-拉普拉斯定律的理论推导


  2. 运送洗衣店的货物的手推车。

    A handcart for moving a load of laundry .

  3. 他推着手推车穿过房间。

    He rolled the trolley across the room .

  4. 一位推着手推车的侍者紧随着他过来。

    In his wake came a waiter wheeling a trolley .

  5. 那个老头提起手推车,慢慢推走了。

    The old man lifted the barrow and trundled it away

  6. 狭窄的码头被数百辆手推车堵得水泄不通。

    The narrow quay was encumbered by hundreds of carts .

  7. 搬运工帮她卸下了她一直用手推车推着的3个大箱子。

    A porter relieved her of the three large cases she had been pushing on a trolley .

  8. 在美国,孩子们经常推着玩具手推车。

    In america , children often pull around toy wagons .

  9. 他所说的手推车是指小型购物车,这是真正的威尼斯人的象征。

    The carts he refers to are small shopping carts — the symbol of a true Venetian .

  10. 不久,他买了一辆手推车,然后又买了一辆卡车。

    Soon , he bought a cart , then a truck .

  11. 事实上,超市的手推车变得越来越大,所以我们买的也越来更多。

    In fact , supermarket trolleys are actually getting bigger so that we buy more .

  12. 这项工作包括帮助顾客,把东西放在架子上,收集手推车等。

    The job includes helping customers , putting things on the shelves , collecting trolleys , etc.

  13. 但半个小时后,你推着一辆装满食物的手推车离开了超市。

    But half an hour later , you leave the supermarket with a trolley full of food .

  14. 现在你进去了,当然,一个小篮子就可以了,但他们只有手推车。

    Now you 're inside and , of course , a small basket would be fine , but all they have are trolleys .

  15. 印度新德里,贫民窟的孩子们在一辆手推车下玩耍。

    Children of slum dwellers play under a pushcart in New Delhi , India .

  16. 亚马逊(Amazon)从纽约地铁上的手推车看到了未来。

    Amazon has seen the future - and it is a pushcart on the New York subway .

  17. 14.我发现现在自己会说:shoppingcart(购物手推车)而不是shoppingtrolley,我非常讨厌这一点。

    14 . I caught myself saying shopping cart instead of shopping trolley today and was thoroughly disgusted with myself .

  18. 两年前,Sabina推着手推车在街上卖花。

    TWO years ago Sabina sold flowers on the street from a shopping trolley .

  19. 在纽约地铁上,两名用手推车递送大量亚马逊包裹的员工表示,多数PrimeNow货物都用地铁递送,原因是曼哈顿拥堵的路面交通让60分钟送达的可能性几乎为零。

    Two delivery workers pushing large trolleys of Amazon parcels on the subway said the company was using underground trains for most Prime Now deliveries because traffic on Manhattan 's gridlocked streets made it impossible to honour a 60-minute guarantee .

  20. 赞比亚政府正在调查发生在8月4日的最新一起冲突。当天赞比亚南部科蓝煤矿(CollumCoalMine)的矿工发生暴动,期间用手推车辗死了一名50岁的中国籍监工。

    The Zambian government is investigating the latest clash , on Aug. 4 , when rioting workers at a coal mine in southern Zambia killed a 50-year old Chinese supervisor , running him over with a mining cart .

  21. 每个月,埃曼都会带她的两个儿子&16岁的Gabriel和12岁的Brendin到超市进行一次大采购。几乎每次他们都要用上八个小时来买东西,要装满整整六辆超市手推车。

    Miss Eman visits the supermarket once a month with her sons Gabriel , 16 , and Brendin , 12 , and spends up to eight hours filling six trolleys .

  22. 我正想要拍一张在F1556中所提及的手推车,因为我还保有它。

    I was thinking of taking a photo of the dolly mentioned in F1556 because I still have it .

  23. .MichelLotito成为了吃东西最奇怪的人,这些年,他一共他吃下了128辆自行车、15辆超市手推车、6盏装饰灯、两张床和一对滑雪橇。

    Michel Lotito claimed the weirdest diet -- over the years he consumed 128 bicycles and 15 supermarket trolleys which he washed down with six chandeliers , two beds and a pair of skis

  24. 我初次涉足注塑成型塑料领域,发明了“球轮手推车”(ballbarrow)一种用大球代替车轮以提高稳定性的独轮车。

    My first foray into injection-moulded plastic was the " ballbarrow " a wheelbarrow with a large ball rather than a wheel for greater stability .

  25. 外婆要买医疗保险不报销的400美元的顶端步行器,跟我十年前花了将近1000美元购买Bugaboo婴儿手推车一样,只是为了表明自己属于都市母亲这个群体。

    Nanna 's quest for " the Cadillac of walkers , " a $ 400 number not covered by Medicare , mirrored my search a decade ago for the nearly thousand-dollar Bugaboo that would signal to my urban-mommy cohort that I belonged .

  26. Egan初中坐落于硅谷郊外郁郁葱葱的洛斯拉图斯,那里12岁的孩子们选了CourtneyCadwell老师的课程,他们每个人都从手推车里拿一部白色笔记本电脑,然后登陆到KhanAcademy.org网站去做数学题。

    THE 12-year-olds filing into Courtney Cadwell 's classroom at Egan Junior High in Los Altos , a leafy suburb of Silicon Valley , each take a white MacBook from a trolley , log on to a website called KhanAcademy.org and begin doing maths exercises .

  27. 他背叛了我,替他的美国新雇主仿制球轮手推车。

    He defected and copied it with his new American employer .

  28. 《红色手推车》是威廉。卡洛斯。威廉斯主要代表作之一。

    The Red Wheelbarrow is one of William Carlos Williams'main representatives .

  29. 手推车车轮可以随着纸箱的更换反复使用。

    The trolley wheels can use repeatedly with the cartons replacement .

  30. 搬动钢瓶要使用合适的手推车。

    Cylinders should be moved by using a suitable hand truck .