
shǒu ɡōnɡ yè zhě
  • handicraftsman
  1. 唐代手工业者家庭生活探微

    On the Family Life of the Tang Dynasty 's Handicraftsman

  2. 宗子的权力也遭到削弱,出现了士、农民、手工业者的流动。

    The powers of son also in now encounter to weaken , have arisen scholar , peasant and handicraftsman flow .

  3. Shapeways公司拥有大约10000个店主或个体手工业者,他们自行设计了从鞋子到手机壳等各种产品,然后用3D打印技术制造出来,再通过Shapeways的网站销售。

    The company has some 10,000 shop owners , or individuals who have designed products , from shoes to cellphone cases , that they print out and sell through Shapeways ' website .

  4. Shapeways公司拥有大约10000个“店主”或个体手工业者,他们自行设计了从鞋子到手机壳等各种产品,然后用3D打印技术制造出来,再通过Shapeways的网站销售。

    The company has some 10000 " shop owners , " or individuals who have designed products , from shoes to cellphone cases , that they print out and sell through Shapeways ' website .

  5. 他们的地位类似手工业者。

    Their position is similar to that of the handicraftsmen .

  6. 80%手工业者的年龄在30~50岁。

    Majority of the entrepreneurs ( 80 % ) was between the age class 30 and 50 years .

  7. 工业(或者商业)硫酸。当今美国人中,小商人、手工业者和专门职业者的后裔占很大一部分。

    A very significant proportion of contemporary Americans are descendants of small merchants , craftsmen , and professional people .

  8. 不管是士、还是农民、手工业者,他们到处流动,寻找着更好的发展。

    No matter being scholar , is still peasant and handicraftsman , they flow to everywhere , seek for better development .

  9. 手工业者的社会地位极低,不得不居住在城市之隅,并且这种地位还要世代继承。

    Craftsmen had a quite low social status and had to dwell in quarters within the capital and their status was inherited .

  10. 明清时期进入壮族地区的汉族移民包括官员、农民、手工业者和工商业者。

    In the Ming and Qing Dynasty , the Han migrants entering the Zhuang-inhabited area included officials , farmers , handicraftsmen and businessmen .

  11. 工业革命时期,科技使低技能工人发挥了积极作用,替代了编制工人和钟表匠等高技能手工业者。

    During the industrial revolution , technology brought low-skilled workers to the fore and displaced higher-skilled craftspeople such as weavers and lock makers .

  12. 当地手工业者的传统手工艺品已经成为了香格里拉手工艺商店的特色,并且,由于其对工艺品以及工匠信息的独特收集而变得众所周知。

    The Shangrila Handicraft Shop features traditional work of local artisans and is known for its unique collection of crafts and information about artisans .

  13. 土家族地区的木匠,作为民族地区历史非常久远、基础比较深厚的传统手工业者,曾经在土家族地区社会生活中扮演了一个非常重要的角色,发挥了不可替代的作用。

    The carpenters in Tujia area , as centuries-old , well-based traditional handicraftsmen in minority area , play an irreplaceable role in that region .

  14. 农民以外的小资产阶级,包括广大的知识分子、小商人、手工业者和自由职业者。

    The petty bourgeoisie , other than the peasantry , consists of the vast numbers of intellectuals , small tradesmen , handicraftsmen and professional people .

  15. 论周原遗址西周时期手工业者的居与葬&兼谈特殊器物在聚落结构研究中的作用

    On Western Zhou Handicraftsmen 's Dwellings and Tombs on the Zhouyuan Site : Also on the Role of Particular Objects in the Study of Settlement Structure

  16. 一个人也许曾经是个体手工业者,而且还是本行业的能工巧匠,而现在却可能在工厂里干着单调乏味的工作。

    A man who may once have been a self-employed craftsman , master of his own trade , might now have a boring job in a factory .

  17. 美国减少了对技术手工业者的职业教育,面对高质量技术手工劳动只能外包或进口的局面却表示惊讶。

    The US has cut down on the vocational education of skilled craftsmen and reacts with surprise that good-quality skilled manual labour has to be outsourced or imported .

  18. 第四张皮,是民族资本主义所有制。第五张皮,是小生产所有制,就是农民和手工业者的个体所有制。

    National capitalist ownership was the fourth skin , and the fifth was ownership by small producers , that is , individual ownership by the peasants and handicraftsmen .

  19. 在外国资本和本国封建的打击之下,中国的农民和手工业者日益贫困化,农业商品化的进程加快,为近代工业在中国的产生创造了社会条件。

    Under the strike of foreign capital and feudal , Chinese peasant and handicraftsman turn poor little by little . The process that agriculture commercialize accelerate create social condition for modern industry production in China .

  20. 山西传统民间家具是指明末至民国初期,使用以核桃木、榆木为主的杂木,供商人和小官宦甚至普通手工业者和农民使用的具有浓郁乡土气息的家具。

    Shanxi Traditional folk Furniture , made of Satin Walnut and Elm , was popular with businessman , officer , common handicraftsman and farmer during the late Ming dynasty to early days of the Republic of China .

  21. 但是,在印度这样的农民社会里,农民(包括农村手工业者)一直是主导的社会群体,他们的政治态度不能不影响整个印度政治社会的发展。

    However , in the peasant society of India , the peasantry ( including rural craftsmen herein ) has been the dominant social group , whose political attitude is influential in the development of Indian political society .

  22. 制订了恢复和发展经济的各项措施,一定程度上改变了土地高度集中的现象,改善了农民和手工业者的身份地位。

    Diverse measures to restore and develop the economy had been designed , which had changed the highly-centralized phenomenon of the land to a certain degree and improved the identity and social status of the peasants and the craftsmen .

  23. 商品经济仍然是建立在个体农民和手工业者小私有制的简单商品生产基础之上,所以不可能在整个社会经济中占统治地位,无法从根本上动摇传统的经济制度。

    Commodity economy set up on individual peasant and handicraftsman little simple commodity production foundation of private ownership still , so it could not dominate among the whole social economy , and was unable to waver the traditional economic system fundamentally .

  24. 灭洋口号的提出表现了被侵略者对于侵略者郁积已久的愤怒,同时又包含着一种文化对另一种文化的抵抗,包含着旧式小农和手工业者因自然经济分解而蒙受的痛苦。

    It embodied the long pent-up indignation of the invaded to the aggressors , the resistance of one culture to another , and the hardships suffered by old type small farmers and handicraftsmen as a result of the disintegration of the natural economy .

  25. 码头工人的来源主要有四大类:本省及外省的农民、无固定职业的城市贫民、破产手工业者、外省的竹木工人和拉船工人,其中本省的农民是武汉码头工人的主体。

    There were four kinds of people forming the group : Peasants from Hubei or other provinces who were the main part of the dockers , the urban poor people without fixed occupations , bankrupt handicraftsmen , the bamboo and wood porters and pulling ship workers .

  26. 道德经济是寓于英国下层民众悠久传统习惯中的一种社会反抗文化,一直存在于民众心态观念中,这里的下层民众指的是以农民和手工业者为代表的普通劳动阶层。

    Moral economy is a social revolt culture contained in the long tradition of the England lower classes , it has existed in the public consciousness for a long time , and the lower people here refer to the ordinary working classes as the representative of peasant and handicraftsman .