
  • 网络JAccount
  1. 在常用功能的清单上还有日历应用,它可以提醒人们记住约会,亲友生日等特殊的日子,手机理财和新闻等应用也会使我们的日常生活变得更加便捷。

    Also on the list were the calendar to remember appointments and birthdays , mobile banking and the news are applications that make day-to-day life a little easier .

  2. 基于J2ME平台的手机个人理财软件的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Mobile Personal Finance Software Based on the J2ME Platform

  3. 移动支付业务是电信运营商与金融部门合作推出的通过手机进行理财、缴费或消费的电子交易服务。

    Mobile payment is the electronic trading services launched by telecom operators and financial institutions to finance and consume through the mobile phone .