
  • digital product;Electronics
  1. 近几年来数码产品的升级换代越来越快。

    The upgrading and updating of digital products have accelerated for the past several years .

  2. 家庭E时代:推荐国际最流行的家电以及数码产品,为你们的新居增添时尚的家居色彩。

    E-time family : Home appliances and digital products in fashion .

  3. 四分之一的学生承认在课上使用数码产品导致他们的成绩变差。

    A quarter of students report that their use of digital devices during class causes their grades to suffer .

  4. 老师们有时会实行一些策略来减少学生使用数码产品的现象,甚至有的老师会没收学生的平板电脑和手机。

    Professors sometimes implement policies designed to minimize students ' use of digital devices , and some instructors even confiscate tablets and phones .

  5. 2013年一项关于大学生的研究发现,有80%的学生在课上使用手机或笔记本电脑,在一堂平常的课上,平均每个学生查看数码产品的次数高达11次。

    One 2013 study of college students found that 80 % of students use their phones or laptops during class , with the average student checking their digital device 11 times in a typical class .

  6. Digitaldementia指由于长期使用数码产品导致的记忆和认知功能障碍,即“数码痴呆症”。

    Digital dementia refers to impaired functioning due to the extended use of digital devices .

  7. 本文是一篇关于柯达公司医疗系统在中国市场推出最新的数码产品CR、DR,进行分销渠道策划的案例。

    It is a case about Kodak health imaging department how to make the channel-design decisions for the new digital product-CR / DR in China .

  8. 基于CCD图像识别的位置控制系统已被广泛的应用于航空航天、数码产品、医学以及微生物学等领域。

    The position control system based on CCD image recognition has been widely used in the field of aerospace , digital products , medicine and microbiology .

  9. NANDFlash以其优越的特性和更高的性价比,在现代数码产品中得到了广泛的应用。

    Because of its outstanding merits and cheaper price , Nand Flash has been widely used in many kinds of digital equipments .

  10. 胡佛表示,他希望ProductHunt到最后能够实现站内推荐产品的交易环节,让人们能在站内直接购买他们在这里找到的数码产品。

    Eventually , Hoover says he 'd like to see Product Hunt own the transaction part of its recommendations , allowing people to directly buy the digital products they find on the site .

  11. 随着USB接口在消费类数码产品中的进一步推广,为实现数码设备直接连接,嵌入式系统中USB接口之间的通讯技术研究也就越来越迫切。

    It is urgent to develop a new communication technology for direct data transfer between embedded systems through the USB interfaces , which are widely employed in consuming digital products .

  12. 在数码产品领域,彩屏化正在成为不可阻挡的发展趋势,MP3产品亦是如此。

    " Color Display " is becoming to be a unpreventable tendency in digital products field , and so does the MP3 products .

  13. 比如,失败数码产品之王微软公司(Microsoft)2002年就曾经大张旗鼓地推出了它的所谓“SPOT”智能手表,但几年后这玩意儿就销声匿迹了。

    Microsoft ( MSFT ) , the king of failed digital products , rolled out its " spot " Smartwatch to much fanfare in 2002 only to see it crater a few years later .

  14. 目前USB接口已经成为计算机外围设备、移动存储设备、数码产品乃至移动通讯设备与计算机互连的首选标准接口。

    USB interface has become the most inclined standard interface for the interconnection between PC and peripheral devices , such as portable storage devices , digital products and portable communication devices .

  15. 是时候戒掉数码产品了,放下手机、平板和iPad,让你的脸颊和颈部肌肉放松一下吧。

    It 's time for a digital detox . Put down your smartphone , tablet and iPad and give your face and neck muscles a rest .

  16. 麦格劳•希尔高等教育集团(McGrawHillHigherEducation)的前任数码产品总经理杰伊•查克拉帕尼于2月跳槽至CK-12,担任这家非盈利开源教育技术公司的总裁。

    Former McGraw Hill higher education general manager of digital products Jay chakrapani jumped to ck-12 in February to serve as president at the nonprofit open-education tech venture .

  17. 她说,iPad是用来娱乐、看电视和玩游戏的,但我不喜欢花上千块钱买数码产品。

    The iPad is for playing , watching TV and playing video games , but I don 't like to spend more than a few hundred yuan on products .

  18. 这也在一方面证明了王院士反对高铁覆盖WiFi是有道理的,因为人们不应当活在高科技数码产品的虚拟世界里。

    That partly justifies Wang 's opposition to the offering of WiFi on high-speed trains , because they are not supposed to be dependent on high-tech gadgets .

  19. 公司的产品主要适应于便携式产品、ADSL、电源、路由器、交换机、视频、小家电、显示器、电脑主机板、数码产品等。

    The product is mainly used in potable , ADSL , router , switch , video , mini electric appliance , display , mainboard of computer , digital production , ect .

  20. 自2003年以来,电子商务在中国迅速发展,尤其是最近几年B2C模式增长迅速,越来越多的消费者选择在网上购买IT数码产品。

    Since 2003 , with the rapid development of e-commerce in China , especially the increasing of B2C model in recent years , more and more consumers choose to buy IT digital products online .

  21. 使您感受到必思特公司“BESTIR”系列数码产品无法拒绝的时尚科技魅力。

    Stewart will make your company feel " BESTIR " series of digital products can not be refused to the charm of fashion technology .

  22. 该公司目前正请求法院批准一项为时更久的排他性商品展销协议。根据该协议,Bravado将有权扩大产品销售种类,其中将包括数码产品。

    It is now seeking court approval for a longer-lasting exclusive merchandising agreement which could give Bravado rights over an expanded range of items including digital products .

  23. 其他一些所谓的“自我量化”产品专为成人设计,比如Jawbone和Fitbit两家公司开发了可以记录卡路里消耗量和睡眠习惯的数码产品。

    Other so-called quantified self products have been developed for adults , like products from Jawbone and FitBit that create digital records of calorie expenditure and sleep habits .

  24. 该报告还指出,超7成VR重度用户为男性,其中6成人的年龄在25-34岁之间,且大多属于科技、数码产品的高消费人群。

    The report also claimed that more than 70 percent of VR heavy users are male and that 60 percent of them are aged between 25 to 34 . Most of them are from the group that consumes a large amount of tech and digital products .

  25. 全兼容:2.4-8.4V的数码产品可全部兼容使用,可以给你所有的数码产品提供电力。

    Concurrence : 2.4-8.4V digital products can all use concurrently , can provide electricity power for all your digital products .

  26. F公司是专业的终端产品制造商,从事电脑、通讯、消费电子、数码产品、汽车零组件、通路等6C产业的产品代工。其经营理念是速度、品质、工程服务、弹性、交期和成本。

    Company F is professional equipment manufacturer and mainly engaged in 6C industries such as computer , communication , consumer electronics , car components and channel etc. Its management idea is of speed , quality , engineering services , elasticity , delivery and cost .

  27. 校园市场的电子数码产品分析;

    The analyse of the current digital products in college market ;

  28. 深化信息图形设计在数码产品设计中的现实意义

    Deepen Practical Significance of Information Graphic Design in Digital Product Design

  29. 本人在联想公司消费IT群组从事数码产品的市场营销工作。

    I engage in digital products marketing in Legend Consume IT Group .

  30. 中国主要数码产品市场也实现了高速增长。

    In China , the market of digital products also grows rapidly .