
  • 网络DataBase;Database Technology;data base;SQL Server
  1. 远程教育软件中Web数据库技术研究与实现

    The Study and Realization of Web Database Technologies in Remote Courseware

  2. 基于Web平台访问数据库技术的探讨与研究

    The Discussion and Research of Access Database Technology of Based WEB

  3. 数据挖掘(DATAMINING)是人们长期对数据库技术进行研究和开发的结果。

    Data Mining is the result of the extended studying of the database techniques .

  4. 采用Access数据库技术,简单易学。

    Uses the Access database technology , easy to learn .

  5. 基于Web数据库技术的海船船员网上考试系统的开发

    Development of Seafarers ' Examination System on Computer Network Applying with Web DB Technology

  6. Web数据库技术和实例分析

    Web Database Techniques and Case Studies

  7. 文章概要地介绍了当前图书馆系统中常用的几种WEB数据库技术,并对这几种技术做了系统的比较分析。

    The paper discusses several WEB database technologies and makes a system comparison among these technologies .

  8. 并介绍了Web数据库技术及动态联盟物流管理信息平台的工作原理。

    The working principles of web database technology and dynamic alliance logistics management information platforms are introduced .

  9. 随着internet技术的不断发展,将Web数据库技术引入电力船舶是当前船舶自动化发展的方向。

    With the development of the Internet , it is the trend to introduce web database to ship automation .

  10. 综合运用Web技术、数据库技术、可视化方法,建立了基于网络的虚拟模型库。

    By using the technology of web , database and visualization , we established a network based virtual model base .

  11. NET技术以及SqlServer数据库技术进行系统的开发与实现。

    NET technology and SQL Server database technology to proceed the system development and realizing .

  12. NET以及SQLsever2000数据库技术。

    NET and SQL Sever 2000 database technology .

  13. Web技术和数据库技术的发展,为大地测量数据管理与信息共享提供了新的思路和解决方法。

    The progress of web and database technique provided a new idea and solution for the geodetic data management and information sharing .

  14. 用ASP与数据库技术实现卫生统计工作的网上调查

    Realization of online health statistic surveys with ASP and database technology

  15. 分布式Web技术是网络技术和数据库技术的一种结合,也是一种多层分布式应用。

    The distributed Web technology is a combination of network and database technologies and it is also an application of multilayer distributed application .

  16. DB2与Oracle数据库技术的对比研究

    Comparison Research of DB2 And Oracle Data Warehouse Technicality

  17. Oracle客户/服务器结构及分布式数据库技术

    Oracle client / server architecture and distributed database technology

  18. 通过论述Web技术和数据库技术的集成方法和通用开发模型,分析了当前流行的Web数据库应用开发技术和典型公司的主要产品特性。

    This paper summarizes generic models for developing web-database applications . It also analyzes the application development techniques of web-database and the characteristics of the main products .

  19. 最后,通过结合ASP技术与数据库技术完成了整个信息系统平台的开发。

    Finally , development of whole information system was introduced by using technique of ASP and database .

  20. 同时,这种新的数据库技术还对Web复杂交易处理进行了优化,并且能在网络环境中提供高速而可靠的性能。

    Meanwhile , the whole new database technology optimizes complicated business processing based on Web , and the high-speed , reliable performance can be provided in the network environment .

  21. 90年代以来,计算机技术,尤其是数据库技术的发展为决策支持系统(DSS)提供了技术支持。

    Computer technology , especially database technology supports Decision Support System ( DSS ) .

  22. 将XML与数据库技术结合,研究XML数据库的理论和技术,是当前XML的研究热点。

    Combined with database techniques , there comes forth the concept of XML database . Researches on XML database theory and techniques are becoming more hot .

  23. 采用分布式数据库技术来实现WEB数据库存储,使交易数据的稳定可靠性、可扩展性、透明性以及安全性大大提高,这样也满足了在线交易的快速,甚至是实时性的要求。

    Using DDB to implement access to the WEB database , and significantly improve the stability , reliability , augmentability , security , and transparency of the Managed Price trading System .

  24. 针对虚拟数据库技术在实际应用中所出现的一些问题,论文提出了一种改进方案&基于移动Agent和XML的虚拟数据库框架。

    In view of some problems existed in the application of virtual database , this paper proposes an improvement scheme-virtual database framework based on mobile agent and XML .

  25. 在本文中采用数据库技术来存储和管理这些试验数据,并采用目前流行的跨平台的基于Axis引擎的WEBService方案,来满足各试验单位对于共享数据的要求。

    This paper adopts MySQL database system to save and manage the data , and adopts web-service technology based on Axis , in order to share the data to related unites .

  26. 对于涉及到的USB通信技术、ADO数据库技术、Excel自动化技术等进行了研究和分析。

    Detailed analysis the USB communication technology , ADO database technology , Excel automation technology which related to the system .

  27. 地理信息系统(GeographicInformationsystem,GIS)是地球科学和信息科学等学科交叉的产物,涉及了地理学、制图学、遥感、CAD技术、数据库技术等技术。

    Geographic Information System ( GIS ) is a combination of the space science and information science , and is involved many technologies such as geography , graphics , CAD , database technology .

  28. 运用ADO数据库技术,在Visualc++6.0环境下开发塑机图库查询系统的主要过程。

    In this paper , the main procedures of developing the query system using Visual C ++ 6.0 and ADO database technique are discussed .

  29. 本论文以大庆采油一厂为研究对象,详细讨论了系统开发中所使用的技术:GPRS、面向对象技术、数据库技术;

    The paper discussed technology used in developing system : GPRS , object-oriented programming technology , database technology and so on .

  30. 因为CIMS大多数是运行在网络环境之下,所以分布式数据库技术是实现CIMS集成的关键。

    As most CIMS is running in network environment , distributed database is the main database technology in CIMS integration .