
  1. 花旗集团(Citigroup)刚刚聘请了一位名叫沃森(Watson)的天才顾问,帮助其增强数字银行业务。

    Citigroup just hired a brilliant consultant called Watson to build out its digital banking .

  2. 分析师认为,一个关键领域是转向数字银行业。银行和其它金融服务公司准备推出移动支付等新服务。

    One key area , according to analysts , is the move towards digital banking , with banks and other financial services firms preparing to launch new services , such as mobile payments .

  3. 这些数字与银行结单符合吗?

    Do these figures check with the bank statement ?

  4. 研究了相关数字的银行业专家说,欧洲的监管机构的工作还算比较称职。

    Poring over the numbers , banking specialists said that Europe 's regulators had done a relatively competent job .

  5. 但是在今年的前11个月,新的贷款数额已经逼近该数字。银行被告知减少贷款,将越来越多的存款作为准备金。

    But in the first 11 months of the year , total new loans nearly reached that figure . Banks have been told to hold more and more of their s as reserves to cut back on lending .

  6. 随后告诉你的数字102000是银行收回的房屋的具体数字。

    And that big number you showed behind you , 102000 , those were actual bank repossessions .

  7. 监管方面说,这些数字显示了银行截至3月31日持有的这类债券总量。

    Regulators said the figures showed banks ' total holdings of that debt as of March 31 .

  8. 如果通过手机转移金钱可以大大地降低这一数字,手机银行前途将非常光明。

    If cellular transfers could slash that figure , mobile banking would prove to be a good call .

  9. 他曾参与了许多行业解决方案,这些行业包括数字媒体、银行、医疗保健,等等。

    He has participated in many industry solutions , which include digital media , banking , healthcare , and so on .

  10. 论述了一种利用无线寻呼网广播数字信息的银行IC卡收费系统的设计,并对截取BP机信息的几种方法进行了深入的分析。

    This paper discusses the design of a bank IC card charging system using wireless broadcasting network , analyses several ways to intercept the information of BP paging .

  11. 尽管这些数字没有区分银行的类别,但涉及的金额翻了多倍,2004年不足500万英镑,2006年上升到了9300万英镑。

    Although the figures do not distinguish between types of bank , sums at stake have multiplied , too , to 93m in 2006 from less than 5m in 2004 .

  12. 提出了新的JPEG2000实时量化水印算法,并将其用于改进的基于指纹识别和数字水印的银行养老金发放系统。

    The proposed JPEG 2000 real-time quantization watermarking algorithm was used in an improved online bank pension distribution system . The system was based on fingerprint recognition and digital watermarking technologies .

  13. 根据新的统计数字,世界银行本周早些时候说,中国和印度的经济规模没有以前估计的那么大,它们在全球经济产出中所占的比例可能也要相应下调。

    Based on the new statistics , the World Bank earlier this week said China 's and India 's economies were smaller than previously estimated , and their share of the world economic might diminished .

  14. 利用数字技术,银行能在客户尚未决定购买某款商品前,就向他们提供消费贷款;在客户走进一家网点时瞬间识别他们;不用买方掏出钱包就能处理支付。

    Technology will enable banks to offer loans on goods before the customer has decided to buy them ; identify customers the moment they walk into a branch ; and process payments without the buyer ever having to take out their wallet .

  15. 上述数字突显出,银行业危机和富国投资者的避险意识正如何对新兴市场经济体产生抑制作用这是一个重要问题,将在今日开幕的达沃斯世界经济论坛(worldeconomicforum)加以讨论。

    The figures emphasise the extent to which the banking crisis and risk-aversion among rich-country investors are constraining emerging market economies , one of the important concerns to be debated at the world economic forum in Davos which starts today .

  16. 这一数字相当于其它银行的3倍。

    This would be three times the level of other banks .

  17. 该数字出现在中央银行一份报告中。

    The figure appears in a report by the central bank .

  18. 但是,三名经济学家表示,这些数字证实中国各银行实施了巨大规模的滚转操作,以避免面对违约。

    But three economists said the numbers confirmed Chinese banks implemented rollovers on a huge scale to stave off defaults .

  19. 但是这一数字仅仅计算了银行发行的理财产品,这些理财产品通常为普罗大众提供平均4%的投资回报。

    But that figure counts only the products issued by banks , which typically offer pedestrian returns of about 4 % on average .

  20. 数字钱包及移动银行为电信运营商及软件开发者打开了一扇门,而对于零售商及货币发行团体来说,相互之间的信任是最基本的要素。

    Digital wallets and mobile banking are opening the door for telcos and software players , while trust is the entry point for retailers and crowdfunding communities .

  21. 超高级风险快速膨胀,增长到惊人的数字,因为当银行为客户安排这些信用衍生品交易时,它实际上将交易的超高级风险放到了自己的资产负债表上。

    The super-senior risk was ballooning to a staggering figure , because when the bank arranged these credit derivatives transactions for clients , it typically put the super-senior risk in the deal on its own balance sheet .

  22. 数字经济与政府规制数字经济时代:银行追求的是利润还是速度&本刊记者赵小兵采访EDS大中华及韩国总经理伍壮明

    Banks Pursue the Profit or Speed in Digital Times FIGURE