
  • 网络listed bank
  1. 最后,论文提出了以EVA为导向,提高国内上市银行经营绩效的对策,希望能为改善国内上市银行的经营绩效提供有益的思路。

    Finally , based on the EVA-oriented method , the paper proposes countermeasure to improve operating performance of domestic listed bank , hoping to provide useful ideas for improving the performance of domestic listed banks .

  2. 但法国最大上市银行巴黎银行(BNPParibas)则说,它希望在欧洲建立一个更强大的监管机构,让该机构为所有银行确立行为准则。

    But executives at BNP Paribas , France 's largest publicly listed bank , said they favor setting up a stronger regulatory body in Europe that could ' benchmark all banks . '

  3. 自渣打银行(StandardCharteredbank)今年成为首批在华成立本地法人银行的外资银行以来,这家英国上市银行就在准备着大举进军中国市场。

    Standard Chartered Bank is readying itself for a major push into the China market this year since becoming one of the first locally-incorporated foreign banks in the country .

  4. 基于KMV模型的中国上市银行信用风险评价

    Credit Risk Assessment for Listed Banks in China Based on KMV Model

  5. 新兴市场银行渣打银行(standardchartered)与英国上市银行汇丰银行(hsbc)也公布计划,要把结构性投资工具的资产计入自己的账面。

    Standard Chartered , the emerging markets bank , and HSBC , the UK-listed bank , have also unveiled plans to take the assets of SIVs on to their books .

  6. 这三家上市银行的最大控股股东是直属央行的中央汇金投资(centralhuijininvestment),该公司也在尝试创建一个更主动的董事会,将其提名的董事送去海外进修。

    The largest controlling shareholder of the three listed banks , Central Huijin Investment , a company under the central bank , has also tried to create a more activist board , sending the directors it has nominated overseas for study .

  7. 基于CCA-DEA模型的我国上市银行效率实证研究

    Research on Efficiency of Chinese Listed Banks Based on CCA-DEA Model

  8. 中国银监会(cbrc)银行监管一部负责人汤小青(tangxiaoqing)表示,大型上市银行在减少坏账和提高资本充足率方面“做得不错”。

    Tang Xiaoqing , a director - General at the China Banking Regulatory Commission , says that the large listed banks have done " a good job " in cutting bad loans and lifting their capital adequacy ratios .

  9. 论文的基本思路就是引入DEA方法测度以四家上市银行为主的我国银行综合效率,将综合效率分解为规模效率、纯技术效率和配置效率三部分。

    The basic thinking of the thesis is to introduce DEA method and estimate the comprehensive efficiency of banks of our nation relying mainly on listing banks of four , divide comprehensive efficiency into scale efficiency , pure technology efficiency and allocation efficiency three parts .

  10. 上海复星国际公司则以1.85亿欧元购买了葡萄牙最大上市银行MillenniumBCP16.7%的股份,成为资本稀释后的Millennium最大股东。

    Shanghai 's Fosun International paid $ 185 million for a stake in Banco Comercial Portugues , Portugal 's biggest publicly traded lender by assets.After the dilution of BCP 's existing capital Fosun became the largest shareholder with its 16.7 percent stake .

  11. 竞争优势持续期预期模型(MCAP)的实证分析表明,我国上市银行竞争优势普遍较弱,而这与它们各自的实际经营绩效基本相符。

    Based on the Model of Competitive Advantage Period ( MCAP ), the paper analyzes the competitiveness of listed banks and draws a conclusion that their competitiveness is low , that accords with the banks'performance .

  12. 虽然我国上市银行已经根据COSO委员会及巴塞尔委员会的相关框架,建立起了内部风险控制体系,但是对于内部控制的执行及特定环节的内部风险控制程序仍然存在一定的问题。

    Although the listed banks in China have been established the internal risk control system under the relevant framework of the COSO Committee and the Basel Committee . But for the execution of internal control and specific aspects of the implementation of internal risk control procedures are still some problems .

  13. 我国上市银行经营绩效的经济动态分析

    A Dynamic Analysis of the Performance of Listed Banks in China

  14. 中国上市银行竞争力实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of the Competitiveness of Listed Banks in China

  15. 上市银行股权结构与绩效研究

    The Research on Equity Ownership Structure and Performance of Listed Banks

  16. 中国上市银行特许权价值与风险行为

    The Charter Value and Risk-taking Behavior of Listed Companies in China

  17. 境内上市银行现实竞争力的因子分析

    Factor Analysis on the Realistic Competitiveness of the Domestic Listed Commercial Banks

  18. 中国上市银行公司治理与综合绩效的实证研究

    Empirical Analysis on Corporate Governance and Comprehensive Performance of Chinese Listed Banks

  19. 上市银行公司治理的要素、监管环境和制度安排

    Essential Governance Factors , Supervisory Environment and System Arrangement of Listed Bank

  20. 近年来,国内上市银行纷纷引进境外战略投资者。

    In recent years , domestic banks have introduced foreign strategic investors .

  21. 因此,研究上市银行的风险信息披露具有重要的意义。

    Therefore , the risk information which studies listing bank is of importance .

  22. 我国上市银行风险抵补能力解析及其启示

    Analysis of the Risk Compensation Capability of Our Listed Banks and Some Observations

  23. 我国上市银行净利润间的协整分析

    The Co-integrated Analysis of the Net Profits of Listed Banks in Our Country

  24. 上市银行信息披露:国内外文献综述

    Information Disclosure of Listed Banks : A Literature Review at Home and Abroad

  25. 这一消息使香港上市银行股走势发生逆转。

    The news sent Hong Kong-listed banks into reverse .

  26. 新金融工具准则在国内上市银行实施现状的规范研究

    New finance tool principle 's regulative research on China listed bank realization Position

  27. 我国上市银行特许权价值自律效应的实证研究

    The Empirical Study on Self-discipline Effect of Listed Banks ' Franchise Value in China

  28. 沪、深、港上市银行财务评价研究

    The Financial Appraisal Study of the Listed Bank in Shanghai , Shenzhen and Hongkong

  29. 竞争优势持续期对上市银行的评价

    Evaluation of Listed Banks by Competitive Advantage Period

  30. 以专业眼光剖析上市银行&访中央财经大学中国企业研究中心主任刘姝威教授

    Analysis of Listed Banks from the Expertise View : Interview of Professor Liu Shuwei